• 警察事件属于意外身亡,今天晚些时候尸检圣路易斯验尸做出最后判定

    Police officials say the incident is being classified as an accidental death, but St. Louis Medical Examiners will make the final ruling after an autopsy scheduled for later today.


  • 警察警察战略一个重要组成部分快速出警反应警察官公众视为给人们提供了巨大利益

    An inportant part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits.


  • 洪都拉斯儿童家庭研究所连同警察和地方检察,在全国范围内展开行动解救儿童惩戒父母

    The Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carry out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents.


  • 米德维尔逮捕临时性的,直到嫌疑人带到警察值班指挥正式批准逮捕为止。

    An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest.


  • 执行接受了家庭警察双方贿赂最终还是释放女孩

    The bailiff accepted bribes from both the family and the police, but in the end he freed the girl.


  • 上周加州富有影响力警察群体奥兰治警方执政联盟站出来反对一举措认为损害法律秩序

    An influential group of Californian police officers, the Orange County Coalition of police and Sheriffs, also came out against the move last week, saying that it would hurt law and order.


  • 警察来了,他们不能逮捕任何人因为里是名国会议员名基地指挥

    The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station!


  • 欧洲艰苦考验已经来临英国一位军情五处MI5正接受警察调查意大利德国西班牙检察正在调查与CIA行动有关案件

    In Europe the ordeal has already begun: an officer in Britain's MI5 is under police investigation, and prosecutors in Italy, Germany and Spain are looking at cases linked to the CIA's actions.


  • 前任检察劝说检察警察的话更加怀疑态度。

    Former prosecutors also urge judges to be more sceptical about the word of prosecutors and the police.


  • 他们不是简单地解决一个案例罪犯刑,他们领导团队中包括检察辩护律师警察治疗职业培训顾问个案工作人员

    Rather than simply resolving a case and sentencing the offender, they preside over teams that include prosecutors and defence lawyers, police, treatment and job-training counsellors and case workers.


  • 萨科希望许多英语国家一样警察国家检察取代预审角色

    Mr Sarkozy wants the police and state prosecutors to take over the magistrates' role, as in many Anglophone countries.


  • 马尼拉警察指挥雷欧卡迪欧.圣地亚哥告诉当地广播:“我们确认绑架境况以及发生的事情”。

    "We are still trying to determine the circumstances of the hijacking and what happened," Manila police commander Leocadio Santiago, told local radio.


  • 马尼拉警察指挥雷欧卡迪欧.圣地亚哥告诉当地广播:“我们确认绑架境况以及发生的事情”。

    "We are still trying to determine the circumstances of the hijacking and what happened, " Manila police commander Leocadio Santiago, told local radio.


  • 女孩发现某个男孩手机自己照片之后,学校负责人警察检察就开始跟进这起事件。

    When one girl found her picture on a boy's cellphone, her school's principal, the police and prosecutors became involved.


  • 替换了警察指挥,他认为这些人其他退休太消极了。

    He replaced police commanders whom he considered passive with other retired Army officers.


  • 阿西家人听说警察局里法庭同意了他们释放阿西娅的申请派了一个执行办理。

    Assiya's family members heard that she was in the police station, and a court granted their petition for her release and sent a bailiff to get her out.


  • 最危险的次是被关押在当地秘密警察的总部,幸运是一位勇敢公诉人前来她,并发誓要以故意杀人罪对下命令逮捕她的指挥进行指控。

    Happily, an intrepid prosecutor came to the rescue, vowing to press charges of attempted murder against the general who had ordered her arrest.


  • 去年十月警察没收了一亿六千多美元现金检察表示这笔现金预定经由球会金库管道洗钱

    In October police seized $161m in cash that prosecutors say was destined to be channelled through the club’s coffers.


  • 2009年12月警察击毙名自由巴布亚运动高级指挥凯利•科瓦里克,警察指责操纵自由港营业的一系列袭击事件本人曾反复否认这则控告

    In December 2009 the police shot dead Kelly Kwalik, one of the OPM's senior commanders, whom the police blamed for a series of attacks on Freeport's operations, a charge he repeatedly denied.


  • (伦敦警察助理指挥全国奥运安全协调人克里斯·艾利森(Chris Allison):“我们的安保计划情报导向的。

    The assistant commissioner, Chris Allison, the national Olympic security co-ordinator, said: "Our planning for security is intelligence led.


  • 警察检察有时候会重建犯罪现场以便更好地了解复杂案情

    Police and prosecutors sometimes recreate crime scenes in an effort to better understand complex cases.


  • 警察都被来了,但是他们不能逮捕任何人因为篮子里有名议员和一位基地指挥! !

    Thee police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station!


  • 克朗一样,大多数人都没有得到赔偿,因为现在法律保护警察检察起诉,以此来鼓励他们大胆积极地执法

    Like krone most have not been compensated because of laws that encourage aggressive law enforcement by shielding cops and prosecutors from lawsuits.


  • 稽核员增加疑虑认为外交没有准备应对承包者也没有真正训练警察计划

    Auditors have raised fears that the diplomats are unprepared to handle the contractors and have no real plan for training the police.


  • 检察周一公布警察核实人名家庭住址其他随后公布。

    The prosecutors say those whose name, whose home addresses have been verified by police will be released on Monday, the others later.


  • 上周名保加利亚国境警察美国外交约翰·伯利的手机当场抓住

    LAST week, two Bulgarian border policemen were caught red-handed after stealing a mobile telephone belonging to US ambassador John Beyrle.


  • 清楚表明”他中国外交但是警察还是铐了

    Yu said he "made it clear" he was a Chinese diplomat, but the officer handcuffed him anyway.


  • 与此同时,安德烈注意到那第一宪兵已跟着警察执事上楼来,第二宪兵仍守楼梯,第三个宪兵仍守大门口

    Andrea had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police, and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door.


  • 与此同时,安德烈注意到那第一宪兵已跟着警察执事上楼来,第二宪兵仍守楼梯,第三个宪兵仍守大门口

    Andrea had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police, and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door.


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