• 可能就是另一个解释解释为什么公司似乎加强它们设备实用性讨论

    That could be another explanation for why companies seem to be strengthening their talk of the practicality of their devices.


  • 因为飞机失事只能打捞黑匣子解释--这种古老的设备早晚会过时。

    Because the only way to explain was by recovering the black boxan archaic device on its way to obsolescence but not there yet.


  • 这次大规模裁员能够很好地解释思科这家世界最大网络设备制造商为何可能成为诺基亚重要的例?

    The mass firing goes a long way towards explaining why Cisco, the world's biggest maker of networking equipment, is perhaps the best counter-example to Nokia.


  • 移动设备准备请求参数准备接受解释随后响应

    The mobile device prepares a bundle of request parameters, and prepares to accept and interpret the subsequent response.


  • 这些文本文件随后软件处理,而这些软件知道如何解释这些指令以及如何生成针对特定的输出设备格式化了的输出。

    These text files could then be processed by software that knew how to interpret these instructions and produce output that was formatted for a specific output device.


  • 没有任何现存模型可以解释窄带IBEX设备分别检测到了它。

    No existing model can explain the ribbon, he adds, which was found independently by two instruments on IBEX.


  • 中心的医疗工作者背着装有诊断设备的背包,走村串户,手机则捕捉解释这种诊断数据接着,用户只要付费,就能享受采用这些数据的远程医疗咨询

    Its health workers roam with backpacks carrying diagnostic equipment; a mobile phone captures and interprets the data, which can then be used for paid telemedicine consultations.


  • 人口转移部分程度上解释这一下降现象,因为曾经的用户都搬到了南方那些用电来供应热泵设备的地区。

    Population shifts explain part of that drop as consumers moved south to places where electricity runs heat pumps.


  • 汉德尔给出这样解释我们itunes购买产品时,我们付钱购买的我们iPhone或者其他苹果设备音乐或者电影许可

    Handel explained it this way: When we buy something from iTunes, we are paying for the license to listen to music or watch a movie on our iPhone or other Apple device.


  • 对于国际短信问题Google解释财务问题而不是技术建议移动设备使用IM

    As for the international SMS scaling issues, Google explains that the issues were more financial than technical and suggests using IM on "capable mobile devices."


  • 为了解释如何测试用于i -Mode设备portlet引入了i - Mode模拟器

    In order to explain how to test the portlet for i-Mode devices, an i-Mode emulator is introduced.


  • 只是我们大部分人都需要借助几百万美金脑部扫描设备告诉我们男人从来不女人从来看不来地图,这种设备无非解释了一些不言自明的证据。

    But most of us don't need millions of dollars worth of brain-scanning equipment to know that men don't listen and women can't read maps; the equipment just explains what is often self-evident.


  • 通常对于IBM SoftwareGroup而言,处理器一台计算设备用于解释执行指令的一个功能部件

    Generally, to the IBM Software Group, a processor is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions.


  • 富士康一位发言人解释,这位员工拍照或许为了检测设备忘了删除了。

    The spokeswoman explained that the workers may have taken the photos to test the device but neglected to delete them.


  • 后者更为安全我们以后解释然而如果用户要求他们WAP设备上进行多用途网络访问一个内部的wap网关不方便

    The latter scenario is the more secure choice, as we'll see later; however, if users want general-purpose network access on their WAP devices, an internal WAP gateway can be an inconvenience.


  • 第1部分设备各种定制功能进行了概述解释何时以及为何应当使用这些功能。

    Part 1 provided an overview of the different customization capabilities of the appliance, and explained when and why you would employ these capabilities.


  • 调查解释,根据数据显示现在移动设备只是获取本地新闻信息补充手段,而不是主要渠道

    "For now, the data indicate that mobile devices are mainly a supplemental platform for local news and information, not a primary source," the survey explains.


  • 云上将一个伴随每个一生数据主体解释这个主体不会现在这样绑定在单一设备上。

    Up in the cloud there will be a body of data for each individual that will accompany them through life, he explains, and it will not be tied to any particular device, as it is today.


  • 可以使大多数设备接入互联网需要专门的编程下载器,公司解释道。

    It can bring most devices online and you don’t need to be a programming or electronics whiz to hook it up, says the company.


  • 通过设备屏幕,城堡地点名称解释文字叠印目标上,而且屏幕中加配的动画显示出某些建筑怎样建造起来的,而又是如何被摧毁的。

    Place names and explanatory text are superimposed over objects seen through the viewer's screen, and animated graphics show how some structures were built or destroyed.


  • 我们有效利用所有类型电子设备需要知道他们的历史或者解释怎么工作

    We effectively use all types of electrical equipment without being able to tell their histories or to explain how they work.


  • 解释:“我们已经拥有大量设备无线网络下一步它们了解人类工作方式,从而适应人类的习惯。”

    We already have a critical mass of devices and wireless networks, ” he explains. “The next step is to make those devices aware of how humans work and to get them to adapt to their habits.”


  • 苹果公司的这份声明没有特意提到consolidated . db”文件解释苹果公司是如何以及为什么移动设备保留定位信息记录

    Apple doesn't specifically note the "consolidated.db" file in the letter, but the letter explains how and why Apple keeps such a detailed log of location data from mobile devices.


  • 对于那些正在加入devfs系列人来说,请阅读系列第4部分在那里面解释devfs是如何解决内核设备注册这一令人头疼的问题。

    For those who are just joining the series on devfs, read Part 4 of this series, where I explained how devfs solves device registration headaches at the kernel level.


  • Levoy博士解释主要应用于设备处理能力提升,配备了摄像头智能手机增长速度记录数据的传感器更快。

    This, Dr Levoy explains, is mainly down to processing capacity of devices, such as camera-equipped smartphones, growing faster than the quantity of sensors which record light data.


  • Sobel解释设备甚至可以在病人使用呼吸机时使用,因为功能不受气压的限制。

    Sobel explained the device works even if a patient has been given artificial respiration because it functions regardless of air pressure source.


  • 司机只需头戴一个装有16传感器接收脑部电磁信号特殊设备,当信号产生时,就会被能正确识别左或右两种特殊模式的电脑解释

    The driver then puts on the special cap with 16 sensors on it which pick up the brain’s electromagnetic signals.


  • 司机只需头戴一个装有16传感器接收脑部电磁信号特殊设备,当信号产生时,就会被能正确识别左或右两种特殊模式的电脑解释

    The driver then puts on the special cap with 16 sensors on it which pick up the brain’s electromagnetic signals.


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