• 角柱斗拱抄下屋梁深入屋顶内达昂。

    Four - prism dual - down brackets for Tsui Kum Ngong face, with Aung roof beam depth of three meters, all really Aung.


  • 入口空间一个匹配的三角柱沿着布置,可以容纳更多储藏

    A matching triangular column sits alongside it in the entrance space, which accommodates a dog bed and more storage cabinets.


  • 本文主要介绍双向楼板大型商场建造中的运用塔楼角柱处理方法

    This paper mainly introduces the use of double dense plastic formwork floor structure in large-size market and the treatment of tower building Angle pile.


  • 采用烟雾成像可视化方法,单、角柱旋涡脱落特性进行了实验研究

    We made the flow visualization experiment for flow over bluff body or dual bluff body to study the characteristics of vortex shedding.


  • 解释了实际结构难以实现主要原因,以及角柱震害普遍严重的主要原因。

    The main reasons are explained why actual structures are hard to bring about the strong column weak bea


  • 针对剪力滞后,设计尽量增大了外框筒裙截面高度,并适当调整角柱截面。

    For shearing force lag in outer tube, sections of beams in outer tube are augmented and sections of corner columns are adjusted.


  • 大底盘模型上部荷载不断传递主楼角柱上,其中主楼横向边柱增长速率最快

    The upper load continuously transfers to side columns and corner posts of the main building and annex. The axial force of the transverse-side columns grows fastest of all.


  • 高斯积分一个高精度数值积分方法,计算结果精度胜过角柱快速傅利叶法。

    The Gaussian quadrature is a highly accurate numerical integrator and yields results that outperform those from the prism method and the FFT method.


  • 棱柱(体),角柱(体)多固体,上下两底面大小形状相同彼此平行,其余诸面则平行四边形

    A solid figure whose bases or ends have the same size and shape and are parallel to one another and each of whose sides is a parallelogram.


  • 角柱破坏锥体近似1/4圆台体,冲切破坏锥体近似1/2圆台体,中柱冲切破坏锥体一个完整圆台体。

    The punching failure cone of comer column is approximately 1/4 round estrade, that of border column is approximately 1/2 round estrade and that of center column is completely one round estrade.


  • 实际地震作用钢筋混凝土结构反应常常呈现明显的空间效应:框架角柱变化双向弯曲存在复杂耦合作用

    The reinforced concrete has an obvious steric effect in real earthquakes. There is a complicated coupling between the axis force and compound bending which change in side columns and angle posts.


  • 空气介质,以三角柱旋涡发生内径为50mm水平管垂直上升管中分别进行实验分析雷诺数和体积含气率对气液两相涡街稳定性的影响。

    Experiments were performed in horizontal and vertical conduits with diameter of 50 mm respectively, adopting air and water as flow media and a triangular prism as the vortex-forming body.


  • 对于全景视觉系统采集的全景图像本文采用光线敏感HSI颜色模型进行颜色标定,利用游程编码进行图像分割在此基础上进行球门角柱线的特征提取。

    The HSI color model is not sensitive to light, so we can use it for color calibration, image segmentation by run-length code, and objection recognition to the ball, goal, and the white lines.


  • 对于全景视觉系统采集的全景图像本文采用光线敏感HSI颜色模型进行颜色标定,利用游程编码进行图像分割在此基础上进行球门角柱线的特征提取。

    The HSI color model is not sensitive to light, so we can use it for color calibration, image segmentation by run-length code, and objection recognition to the ball, goal, and the white lines.


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