• 瑞士人对待道路规则认真,仅仅因为道听途说而无需确凿证据,一个司机要求到庭被控超速,之后这名司机可能有罪。

    The Swiss take their rules of the road so seriously that a driver can be ordered to appear in court and charged for speeding on hearsay alone, and very likely found guilty.


  • 英美证据法上关于品格证据运用规则复杂

    The rules concerning the use of character evidence in Anglo - American evidence law are very complicated.


  • 对于这种数码排毒夏令营规则明了:工作,不喝酒,重要的是,没有手机电脑平板甚至连手表也没有。

    The rules of this "digital detox" camp are clear: no shop talk, no alcohol, and most importantly, no phones, computers, tablets or watches.


  • 高尔夫规则晦涩繁复。 如果比赛中途打断是因为个职业高尔夫协会人员正拿着一本规则国税局派头宣读规则一点都奇怪

    Golf’s rules have been called arcane and it is not unusual to see play stopped while a P.G.A. official arrives with rule book in hand and pronounces in the manner of an I.R.S. official.


  • 他们幽默地表达了对泊车规则的不满

    When they groused about the parking regulations, they did it with good humour.


  • 不过表示指南中的这些规则是非强制性的。对于那些拒绝更改标牌名称的公司没有规定相应惩罚措施

    However, he said the new rules, contained in a ten-volume guide, would not be mandatory and there would be no punishment for firms that refused to correct their signage.


  • 大约250年前西方社会一致认为语言中的语法句法拼写规则很重要的。人们也遵守

    For about 250 years, the consensus in Western societies has been that grammar, syntax and spelling matter, and that rules have to be observed.


  • 年以来,老虎年富力强我们挣脱桎梏,正如当年我们挣脱“英国规则枷锁”。

    For a decade or so, when the Tiger was at its fiercest, we threw off the mantle of oppression, as once we had thrown off what used to be called “the yoke of British rule.”


  • 听起来分有前途但是所知,人们对可应用规则已经进行了大量研究

    This sounds promising, but as far as we know, substantial investigation of the applicable rules has yet to be done.


  • 认为一个再简单不过而且重要营造家庭氛围的规则

    I think this is one of the easiest and most important ritual to have as a family.


  • 重要是,我们必须就能今后稳固我们经济关系规则原则达成一致

    And, above all, we must reach agreement on the rules and principles that will anchor our economic relationships in the coming decades.


  • 关联规则一种简单功能强大的、描述数据规则是因为关联规则表达了哪些实体同时发生

    Association rules are a very simple but powerful formalism for rules that describe datasets because they express which entities can occur simultaneously with each other.


  • 重要的是,旅行者应对食物(包括冰)谨慎记住一简单规则煮沸熟,忘掉

    Above all, travellers should be very careful with food and water, including ice, and remember this simple rule: boil it, cook it, peel it, or forget it.


  • 中旬的国际会计规则变更可能意味着更多银行将重新给其资产分类,不在紧盯调市价的会计方法。

    Changes to international accounting rules in mid-October now mean that many more Banks can reclassify assets so they are not subject to mark-to-market accounting.


  • 例如可以分成每个子表包括年中的一年的数据业务流程规则

    For example, you can divide a large table into ten smaller, children tables that contain data and business process rules for each of the ten years.


  • 即便规定已有规则澄清投资者企业决策者而言,仔细思考含义也是重要的。

    Even where new regulations are meant only to clarify existing rules, it will be crucial for investors and corporate decision makers to think through their implications with care.


  • 年来通过了反对不公平选举规则法律

    In recent decades, laws against unfair rules for voting have been passed.


  • 这套国际银行业规则银行未来利润率定下调子。

    This set of new regulations for the international banking industry will determine the profitability of Banks for the next decade.


  • 为了帮助购买经历赢得司机宝座,你首先学学游戏规则,这样你或许在大功告成之际甚至还能牛气足地侃一侃自己旗开得胜经历。

    To help you take the driver's seat in the buying experience, first learn to play the game, and you might even end up doing some smooth talking of your own.


  • 年来,计算机科学家们曾尝试采用规则为基础方法——即教导电脑两种语言使用规则电脑存储所需的翻译字典

    For decades, computer scientists tried using a rules-based approach - teaching the computer the linguistic rules of two languages and giving it the necessary dictionaries.


  • 这种病害已经有数未曾遇到,所以世界上大多数种类小麦已经生物圈中捕食捕食进化规则中落了下风。

    After decades in which they have not encountered the disease most of the world's wheat varieties have fallen behind in the endless battle of thrust and counter-thrust waged by predators and prey.


  • 但是,大卫·里指出,“不幸是,在过去年当中,数字造假似乎已经成为人道救援中的一项规则。”

    But, as David Rieff points out, "Sadly, over the course of the past few decades, exaggeration seems to have become the rule in the world of humanitarian relief."..


  • 业务规则通常形如果金卡客户,并且在本公司消费长达之久,那么可以给予他们百分之折扣

    A business rule is something like, if a customer is a gold customer and has been with us for ten years then give them a 10% discount.


  • RuleTeamServer存储库位于数据库顶部设计用于处理成千上万规则,并让同一项目协同工作用户可以访问该存储库。

    Seated on top of a database, the rule Team Server repository has been designed to handle hundreds of thousands of rules and be accessed by tens of users working collaboratively on the same project.


  • 一项具有特殊挑战性运动,它尼泊尔斯里兰卡泰国富人分盛行。象球采用马球规则只是场地比马球场

    Elephant polo, played in Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand by a wealthy few to the rules of horse polo but on a smaller field, is uniquely challenging.


  • 每个奖项提名影片不得超过部,否则大多数不住(刚开始几年里曾经限),这条规则常常导致很多优秀影片无法入选。

    The number of nominees in each category has been fixed at five for as long as most of us can remember (it was 10 in the early years), and good movies have always been overlooked.


  • 年前人们认为监督学习实现它方法语言学家造出字典语法规则然后,把它们教给计算机

    A decade ago, it was thought that supervised learning was the way to do this: a team of linguists created dictionaries and grammar rules and taught them to the computer.


  • 年前人们认为监督学习实现它方法语言学家造出字典语法规则然后,把它们教给计算机

    A decade ago, it was thought that supervised learning was the way to do this: a team of linguists created dictionaries and grammar rules and taught them to the computer.


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