• 合同有效期内修改编写协助编写教案且不要求报酬

    Revising, writing or assisting in writing teaching materials without demanding any financial request during the valid duration of this contract.


  • 女性男性集中不同职业时,同工同酬法就不起作用了,因为这样法律要求同样工作的女性和男性得到同样报酬

    Equal pay laws are ineffectual when women and men are concentrated in different occupations because such laws require only that women and men doing the same jobs be paid the same.


  • 现在仍然存在误解,就是志愿者要求支付报酬

    There also exists the misunderstanding volunteers should not ask for payment.


  • 的确传言上海航空公司飞行员很快收到更高的报酬——但是任何他们抗议有关要求都会毫无疑问地被拒绝

    Indeed, this week there were rumours that pilots at Shanghai Airlines will soon receive a pay rise-though any connection to their recent protest will no doubt be strenuously denied.


  • 要求多久支付报酬说明需要事先存款理由,你需要存款的数额。

    What paymentterms do you require? This is a good place to explain that you require adeposit up front, and how much of a deposit you require.


  • 它们使人们不再从事开始不该从事危险枯燥工作使他们能就业更高技能要求、更高报酬位置

    They remove people from dangerous and boring jobs they shouldn't have been doing in the first place, and put them in higher-skilled, higher-paying positions.


  • 对于图书馆员而言,其坚持自己职业主要原因那样的话他们有权要求图书馆机构中获得“ALA认可学位与之等同的”更高报酬职位

    The main motivation for librarians to assert their professional status is so that they can lay claim to higher-paidALA Accredited Degree or Equivalentpositions in library institutions.


  • 工人们司法部TsuyoshiHirabayashi通常雇主们要求工作更长时间所得报酬法定最低工资很多

    Workers, says Tsuyoshi Hirabayashi of the justice ministry, are often abused by employers demanding long hours and paying much less than the legal minimum wage.


  • 华纳兄弟谋求赖特亲自设计电影场景,不过因为赖特要求25万报酬基础上,再获得电影总收入10%,所以那个计划高吹

    Warner Brothers had sought to have Wright himselfdesign the film's sets, but that plan was scrapped when Wright demanded 10percent of the film's gross profits on top of his $250, 000 fee.


  • 史蒂文森试图印第安人做一些补偿,例如要求享受了印第安人服务的人支付给他们适当报酬

    Stuyvesant also tried to right some wrongs against the Indians. For instance, he insisted that Indians be paid properly for their services.


  • 报酬丰厚要求事情反正无论如何做。

    It pays well (as we've pointed out before) and requires you to do nothing more than what you'd be doing anyway.


  • 当然也不是所有人都信服所说的,但是至今没有证据表明美国电话电报公司公司曾经试图限制网络接入或是要求给于报酬

    Not everyone believes him, of course. But so far there is no evidence that AT&T or Verizon have tried to block sites or demand ransoms.


  • 并且,编剧要求直接按照收入的一定百分比计算报酬实际给予他们的确实固定金额制作单位相比他们收入将大大受到限制

    The writers asked for a straightforward percentage of gross receipts, but settled for fixed dollar amounts, which limits their earnings compared with the studios.


  • 正如我们职位描述中列出实际工资公司非常罕见除非一则警告(有效。“我们付给报酬不多所以如果要求最高工资就不要费事申请”)。

    As we all know, it's rare for a company to list an actual salary in a job description unless it's a warning (effectively, "we don't pay much, so don't bother applying if you demand top wages").


  • 默默无闻的树根使小树茁壮成长使树枝上丰硕果实并不要求任何报酬

    You like the more obscure roots, make small trees thrive, and branches hung with rich fruit, but does not require any reward.


  • 2002起,英国公司要求设有关于报酬的顾问式投票平息股东管理者之间敌对起到作用。

    British companies have been required to hold an advisory vote on pay since 2002, and this has helped defuse the hostility between shareholders and managers.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行一位经济学家[font=Verdana]Gareth Claase[font=宋体]说道通货膨胀超出人们预期时意大利的工资协议的制定程序承认人们有要求更多报酬的权利。

    The Italian wage-bargaining process allows workers to claim for extra pay if inflation turns out to be higher than expected, says Gareth Claase, an economist at the Royal Bank of Scotland.


  • 埋在地下的树根使树枝产生果实并不要求什么报酬。——泰戈尔。

    The roots below the earth claim no rewards making the branches fruitful, but does not require what compensation.


  • 注意国际计划(中国)要求申请人(无论是否支付报酬)对有无违法违纪历史进行声明

    Please note that all applicants for employment (either paid or unpaid) with Plan China are required to provide a declaration of their criminal history and employment disciplinary history.


  • 许多专家都撰文建议面试中的不问不提的策略如,“永远不要谈及薪水以及报酬”,Garver说:“不要提及任何要求有关的问题。”

    But many other experts advise a don 't-ask-don't tell policy prior to a job offer in writing. "Never ask about salary and benefits," says Garver.


  • 实验对象要完成八个不同任务以此来发现报酬级别表现影响,其中有的任务要求解决问题技巧有的需要高度注意力还有的需要发挥创造力

    Participants were given eight different tasks testing how the payment levels affected performance. Some tasks involved problem-solving skills, others concentration, and others required creativity.


  • 开发一个关键账户经理报酬系统旨在澄清工作要求

    The starting point for developing a system to reward key account managers is clarity on the requirements of the job.


  • 规模报酬变化要求投入必须比例变动,相比而言,规模经济要求比较规模扩大单位产品平均成本关系

    Returns to scale changes must change with proportion to input, however, the economies of scale only requires the relation among the enlargement of the comparative scale and unit cost.


  • 执行事务合伙人可以要求合伙协议中确定执行事务报酬报酬提取方式

    The managing partners may demand that payment for management of affairs and the way of drawing such payment be stipulated in the partnership agreement.


  • 执行事务合伙人可以要求合伙协议中确定执行事务报酬报酬提取方式

    The managing partners may demand that payment for management of affairs and the way of drawing such payment be stipulated in the partnership agreement.


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