• 喜欢摄影,我活着就是拍照摄影事业上我永远不想退休

    I like photography, I to live is to take pictures. I never want to retire in the photography business.


  • 布莱恩的确极限,让我印象深刻。再来一次拍照留念。

    Brian: Wow! Now that's extreme. I am impressed. Do it again, I'll get my camera.


  • 布莱恩的确极限,让我印象深刻。再来一次拍照留念。

    Brian: Wow! Now that's extreme. I'm impressed. Do it again, I'll get my camera.


  • 无法通过拍照这些景象永远保存剪贴本里……现在整个消失了拍照迟了

    Nor could I take pictures to keep them forever in a 7 scrapbook... Now it's all gone, and it's too late to take pictures.


  • 至少会用当地语言您好可以拍照吗”——仅仅是为了显示有诚意的。

    Learn at least how to say "hello" and "May I make a photograph" in the local language-just showing that you've made a little effort helps.


  • 飞行中的鸽子利用这种设备可以拍摄到数百以内目标图像用它拍出的照片细节远胜于其他拍照方式

    Photos taken from the bird in flight could be captured within hundreds of feet of the target, producing much more detailed pictures than other image-capturing methods.


  • 一步受损画作拍照获得完整影像记录

    The first step was to photograph the damaged painting, to get a complete visual record of it.


  • 由于内含一个存储量很大的记忆(建议起码256兆字节的),能够连续不断地拍照不必担心洗印成本直到获得一张值得保存的照片。

    With a goodsize memory card inside (I advise at least 256 megabytes), you can snap, snap, snap and never worry about cost of printing until you’ve got one worth keeping.


  • 拍照小技巧人像时候尝试不同透视效果,摄影师理查德·诺维茨如是说。

    Photo Tip: When shooting portraits, try different perspectives, says photographer Richard Nowitz.


  • 摄影师迈克尔·梅尔佛(MichaelMelford)给动物拍照时候喜欢它们的周围显示出栖息地环境——用长焦镜头拍摄近景照片更好。

    A favorite composition of photographer Michael Melford's is an environmental shot showing the animal surrounded by its habitat-rather than the usual tight shot taken with a long lens.


  • 通常我们回家照片的时候会产生疑惑:‘拍照那会儿在瞎琢磨啥呢’,就是因为当时就没有问问自己为什么张照片’。

    Forgetting to ask yourself "why am I taking this picture" is the leading cause getting our pictures back, and having to ask ourselves "what was I thinking?"


  • 最新研究显示,家庭拍照眉头紧锁的孩子相比笑容灿烂的孩子日后婚姻成功的机率大三

    Children with the brightest smiles in family photographs are more than three times likely to have a successful marriage than those who frown, according to research.


  • 如果选择看上去像是知道自己在做什么,而相机质量不错,且他们帮忙拍照设置,那么成功的几率大些。

    Boost those chances by choosing someone with a good camera who looks like they know what they're doing, and make sure the settings on your camera are right before you have them take the pic.


  • 第五维修人员必需护栏板进行维修拍照布置安全控制区全程摄像

    The fifth step: maintenance personnel must be repaired before and after the guardrail plate, the layout of the security control area to the whole camera.


  • 最近网络上动物们各式各样拍照空前火爆——选出最佳照片竞争也更为激烈

    Thee Internet craze, which sees snaps of animals pulling their best poses, is more popular than ever - with tough competition for the best photos.


  • 近在眼前,用手指指着晚餐马上拍照

    The nearest you get to cooking is pointing at the fish you want grilled for your dinner.


  • 夏天时候朋友帮忙给自己大丹犬和两女儿爱丽丝拍照他们公园碰面——就在那个时候,本书想法油然而生。

    When friends asked him in the summer to take photographs of their Great Dane with their two-year-old daughter Alice, he met them in a park - and the idea for the book was born.


  • 什么那么以至于那么的天气,尤其是晚上开窗拍照

    What was it that was so important that I braved the freezing night air to capture?


  • 他们旅游公司旅游者带到这个地方拍照或者来打猎,他们规定捕猎动物数量

    They asked the tour companies to bring tourists to the area to take photos or to hunt, and they set the number of animals to be hunted.


  • 现在一个专业摄影师被允许在博物馆拍照一般刊登目的,通常是博物馆出书或者发行明信片进行市场宣传

    Now, a pro photographer taking pictures would usually publish them, maybe taking a share of the market that the museum itself serves with (often inferior) books and photo-postcards.


  • 收到货物外包装明显破损的,收件人当场拍照取证,清点内部货物数量,并在运单上注明异常,请派送员带回。

    The receiver should have evidence to prove that parcel has been damaged during delivery, such as taking photos, counting the.


  • 如果某人一张商务名片递给某人相机拍照确保双手东西

    If you give someone a business card, or hand them your camera to take a photo, be sure to pass on the item with both hands.


  • 在付给一个欧元较少的钱可以拍照但是小心碰到雕像除非你想自己浑身都是油漆

    You may take photos after giving a Euro, or even less, but be careful not to touch the statues, unless you want yourself to be covered in paint.


  • 在付给一个欧元较少的钱可以拍照但是小心碰到雕像除非你想自己浑身都是油漆

    You may take photos after giving a Euro, or even less, but be careful not to touch the statues, unless you want yourself to be covered in paint.


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