• 友善一定友好感觉快乐友善基础

    To be friendly you must feel friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. A cheerful person smiles.


  • 友善一定友好感觉快乐友善基础

    To be friendly you must feel friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. A cheerful people smiles.


  • 说话友善准备好一些耳熟能详引述传递信息他们下来有助于采访

    To sound good, prepare a collection of quotable quotes that convey your message, and write them out to take with you to the interview.


  • 人和沟通人和机械的沟通要友善同事们交流时,毫不关头他们看到人道的一面。

    People respond to humans much more favorably than machines. When you communicate with colleagues, never fear to let them see your humanity.


  • 新人可能该领域了解不够多,通常它们愿意学习,对待它们友善毕竟也是从新人走过来的。

    Newbies may not know all there is to know, but are often willing to learn. Be kind to them and remember you were once new yourself.


  • 为了结识新朋友维持段友谊去做错事友善原则坚定地对待所有人是表里如一。

    Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.


  • 友善一定友好感觉快乐友善基础一个快乐的人总会面带微笑。微笑好似有吸引力的。

    To be friendly you must feel friendly. Cheerfulness is the basis of friendliness. A cheerful person smiles. A.


  • 除非学会对付这些的方法否则你将只能任伤害,你学会选择友善朋友那些真正在乎你的人,那些当你他们在一起时你会感觉自己很棒的人。

    There’s not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself.


  • 如果时间刚好只能贡献你现在朋友重逢那些交情浅的朋友时小心,把这样的巧遇"扼杀摇篮里"--当然,是友善

    If you barely have enough time for the friends you have now, be wary of taking on someone you haven't missed that much and nip this encounter in the bud - nicely, of course.


  • 做出决定最终时刻来临时表现出乐于并且友善接受公司对你的聘用

    When it comes down to the final decision, this is a fun and friendly way to accept an offer.


  • 所以专注金钱不能东西上,这些你本来就有的:外表头脑待人友善、友好、才能等等

    Focus on the "it" that you have that no amount of money can buy. Looks, brains, nice to be around, kindness, talent to name a few.


  • 一直尝试表现尊重只是所有人生当中应当抱有基本态度。总之友善

    You should always try to show respect, and this is just basic stuff that all human beings should have in their life -just being nice to people.


  • 一直尝试表现尊重只是所有人生当中应当抱有基本态度。总之友善

    You should always try to show respect, and this is just basic stuff that all human beings should have in their life - just being nice to people.


  • 可以实言相告,根据我们校园八卦网上对数百删帖求进行归纳发现,友善理智真诚卑鄙、虚张声势咄咄逼人管用得多。

    I can tell you, based on the hundreds of take-down requests that we received at JuicyCampus, being kind, reasonable and sincere will be much more effective than being mean, threatening, or aggressive.


  • 这些面孔被从未来的伴侣父亲的角度来进行判断时,较为温和友善的面孔受欢迎多。

    Seen as a potential partner or parent, the softer or kinder-looking face was much more popular.


  • 如果的指明你的缺点,你不但欣然接受而且心怀感激之情

    If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thankfully.


  • 如果地指明出你的缺点,不但欣然接受而且心怀感激之情

    If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thankfully.


  • 记住轻柔字词赶走悲伤、带来欢乐自己的经历发觉友善言语经常你的一天光明。

    Remember, the soft word turns away wrath and it brings joy, the kind word as ye have found in thine own experience oft has made the day much brighter for thee.


  • 自己计划当作朋友看灵活耐心友善忠诚地对待它

    Treat your plan as you would be a friend—be flexible, and be patient, kind and loyal.


  • 可能搬家如果是真的,你会由一个美妙的、友善月食(85日)带领,计划进行

    You may be moving house, and if so, you've got the amazingly friendly lunar eclipse, August 5, to set your plans in motion.


  • 有时候,我会顾客们俯卧撑同时重复他们从别人那里获得的反馈例如:“20“我待人友善”。

    I sometimes make my clients do push-ups while repeating feedback they've been given, such as "I need to lose 20 pounds" or "I should be nicer.


  • 如果意地指明出你的缺点,你不但欣然接受而且心怀感激之情

    If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully.


  • 我们学校时候我们同学老师相处,工作的时候老板同事相处融洽关心我们家人友善地对待朋友。

    We should get along well with classmates and teachers when we are studying at school. We should have a good communication with colleagues and boss. We should take care of our families.


  • 夫妇二人驱车离开旅馆,他们一致认为那个乐于助人服务生的确出类拔萃因为找到友善乐于助人的并非易事。

    As they drove away, the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk was indeed exceptional, as finding people who are both friendly and helpful isn't easy.


  • 如果什么词语来形容王子我会说是友善强壮充满希望感恩慈悲

    When I think of the words that I might use to explain Price, I would say, Kind, Strong, Hopeful, Grateful, and Compassionate.


  • 最后一个留下送给那位友善女士。我最终锁定每天早上遇到房子,猜测就是的家。

    I saved the last for the friendly lady. I finally decided on a house where I met her each morning and guessed that it was hers.


  • 快乐幽默热情感恩友善呈现积极一面享受工作时间

    Choose Happiness, Humor, Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Kindness, and a Positive Outlook: Choose to enjoy your time at work.


  • 快乐幽默热情感恩友善呈现积极一面享受工作时间

    Choose Happiness, Humor, Enthusiasm, Gratitude, Kindness, and a Positive Outlook: Choose to enjoy your time at work.


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