• 啊,我们内心饶恕,这样我们才能做到无私地彼此

    Lord Jesus, we need Your love and forgiveness in our hearts, if we are to love unselfishly.


  • 残酷,对曾经对不善。他一个备受折磨灵魂,最的爱

    The person who is cruelest to you, who has been unkind to you... love him he is a tortured soul, and most in need of your love.


  • 伴侣实际上身边走开时候,其实非常你的爱同时也需要你通过身体来传达

    Your partner may actually withdraw from you at the time when, more than ever, he or she needs your love as well as the physical expression of that love.


  • 茉莉:能,手放在这里黏土滑过你的手指。 (歌声继续你的,需你的爱愿上帝你的爱

    Molly: Yeah put your hand there, and just let the clay slid between your fingers. ( The song goes on. ) I need your love, I need your love, God speed your love to me.


  • 全心全意服务的一个特点有效无论何时,只上帝赋予做的事,就会做得很好

    One characteristic of serving God from your heart is effectiveness: whenever you do what God wired you to love to do, you get good at it.


  • 变得像个家长。

    Your love requires you to be paternalistic.


  • 崇拜”某人物,就是崇敬——不仅敬畏一个神那样去做而且起码发自极端虔诚赞美

    To worship someone (or something) is to venerate him, her, or itnot necessarily as you would revere a deity, but at least with extreme devotion, love, or admiration.


  • 孩子并提供给他们基本的孩子成为最好的孩子。

    As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine.


  • 孩子并提供给他们基本的孩子成为最好的孩子。

    As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine. Really.


  • 孩子并提供给他们基本的孩子成为最好的孩子。

    As long as you love them and provide their basic needs, your kids will turn out fine.Really.


  • 晓得这话分量——告诉:我那个角色;不管怎么说,都是一个宣示——这还是叫我神经紧张

    I understood the momentousness of the sentiment - I want you to audition for that role, he was telling me; it was, more than anything, a declaration of love - yet it made me nervous.


  • 自己失去旧情不会杀了——就像俗话,失恋更坚强

    As long as you love yourself, losing the love of an ex is not going to kill you - and like the saying goes, it might even make you stronger.


  • 前行治愈伤痛不是忘记曾经的失去,享受生活也并不是说不再想念曾经

    Going forward and healing from grief doesn't mean forgetting about the person you lost.


  • 看穿人生奥秘CARVER说:“任何一种东西,到足够的程度,它便放弃秘密。”

    Love penetrates the mysteries of life, "Anything, " said George Washington Carver, "Will give up its secrets if you love it enough."


  • 课程一旦学会那么必须懂得地球母亲拥有完全意识的存有,全部的关心去好好对待她。

    Lessons have since been learnt, and it has to be understood that she is a fully conscious Being that needs your love and full consideration for her well being.


  • 正是因为有了这样机会我们才发现原来简单的事情,只勇气

    From this opportunity, we learned what love is. Love is actually very simple - all you need is bravely.


  • 同时也是非常乐于奉献为了取悦另一半而做出任何尝试,只要你觉得能给予所需

    You are a very giving person and will go out of your way to please a lover who gives you the kind of love you appreciate.


  • 坚定地行走旅程我们依赖你的光,服务随着我们共同创造地球

    Please be stalwart in your journey. We need you and rely upon your Light, Love and service as we co-create the New Earth together.


  • 一个办公室浪漫事业的风险? “所需只是一点明智的建议

    Risking your career over a workplace romance? To paraphrase John Lennon, "All you need is love" and a little wise advice.


  • 生活总是这样仔细聆听,总会发现一丝声音

    Life is always like that, as lonas you listen carefully, will find a voice of love.


  • 感觉应该我们共同解决问题不是“因为。”

    "We are able to solve our problems together" is the feeling of love, rather than "Please love me because I need you.


  • 愿意所有事情我们越来越单纯

    As long as you need. I am willing to do all things. Our love more and more not pure.


  • 正如风暴全力来冲击平静,却寻求终止平静,反抗冲击着呼声也还是——要你

    As the storm still seeks its end in peace when it strikes against peace with all its might, even thus my rebellion strikes against thy love and still its cry is — 'I want thee, only thee'.


  • 就是自己尊敬他人坚持自己所坚信的事情,避免自大全心全意自己,不会

    You are who you are, and as long as you treat people with respect, stand up for what you believe in, avoid arrogance and love yourself wholeheartedly, you can't go wrong.


  • 一种宿命感觉不管忘记对方多少遇上就会再次它!

    Love is a feeling of destiny, no matter how many times you forget each other, as long as you have it, will once again fall in love with it!


  • 不管何时,只身边就是表现方式

    Whenever you need, he is always by your side. This is the way he shows his love.


  • 不管何时,只身边就是表现方式

    Whenever you need, he is always by your side. This is the way he shows his love.


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