• 英语不同,西班牙拼写与发音相近

    Spanish spelling is phonetic, unlike English spelling.


  • 英语的人现在他们西班牙邻居和睦相处。

    English speakers now coexist peacefully with their Spanish-speaking neighbours.


  • 俄勒冈州波特兰市公立学校大约10%学生经过抽签分配双语课堂除了接受英语教学,还有西班牙日语中文教学。

    About 10 percent of students in the Portland, Oregon public schools are assigned by lottery to dual-language classrooms that offer instruction in Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin, alongside English.


  • 的母亲是墨西哥人,父亲是美国人,因此她既会说西班牙语,又会说英语

    Her mother is Mexican and her father is American, so she can speak both Spanish and English.


  • 1显示了包含英语西班牙汉语记录TMX文档,图2TMX编辑器打开同一个文档。

    Figure 1 shows a sample TMX document with entries in English, Spanish, and Chinese, while Figure 2 shows the same document opened in a TMX editor.


  • 世行网站现已发布了份征求意见稿,有阿拉伯语、汉语英语法语西班牙俄语等版本,同时还配有英文版背景资料

    An approach paper has been posted online for public review in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish, and Russian, together with background papers in English.


  • 经营西班牙最大英语教学公司公司甚至自己电视频道

    He operates that country's biggest English teaching company. It even has its own TV channel.


  • 指定enes 作为Languagestring(指定英语西班牙翻译)。

    Specify enes for the Language string (signifying an English to Spanish translation).


  • 做法是,先英语想出句子来,然后再西班牙语去替换

    I do this by thinking of sentences in English and then writing the equivalent in Spanish.


  • 作者解释了西班牙英语如何以及为什么美国相互混合从而创造出一种不止用于口头表达而且诉诸文字日益流行杂交语言

    The author explains how and why Spanish and English have mixed with each other in the United States to create a hybrid language, increasingly used not only in spoken but also in written form.


  • 机器上,地区代表用户选择显示语言(例如英语西班牙),以及日期时间货币方面格式化约定

    On a single machine, the locale indicates the user's preference for the language displayed (for example, English or Spanish), as well as formatting conventions for date, time, currency, and so on.


  • 全球大约有四分之一以下这三种语言汉语英语西班牙

    AROUND a quarter of the world's population speaks just three languages: Mandarin, English and Spanish.


  • 多年来博客不仅面向英语读者面向西班牙日语简体汉语读者。

    My blog has been available to Spanish, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese as well as English readers for several years.


  • 用于显示内容区域特定JSP存储两个资产商店西班牙资产商店英语资产商店)中。

    The locale specific JSPs used for content display are stored in the two asset stores, the Spanish Asset store and the English Asset store.


  • 曾经学校唯一亚洲女孩”,女士父母出生南韩,在阿根廷一个针织品公司英语西班牙韩语流畅。

    I was used to being the only Asian girl at school,” said Ms. Lee, whose parents were born in South Korea and now own a knitwear company in Argentina; she is fluent in English, Spanish and Korean.


  • 曾经学校唯一亚洲女孩”,女士父母出生南韩,在阿根廷一个针织品公司英语西班牙韩语流畅。

    "I was used to being the only Asian girl at school," said Ms. Lee, whose parents were born in South Korea and now own a knitwear company in Argentina; she is fluent in English, Spanish and Korean.


  • 例如美国客户可以选择英语西班牙查看站点加拿大许多站点英语法语出现。

    For example, in the U.S.A., customers may choose to see the site in English or Spanish, while in Canada many sites are available in English and French.


  • 菲利克斯大儿子维克多会说米斯特克西班牙英语三种语言,而且他还有正宗的美国发小。

    Felix's older son, Victor, is trilingual in Mixtec, Spanish and English and has the naughty cheek of a boy who is legal.


  • 菲利克斯大儿子维克多会说米斯特克西班牙英语三种语言,而且他还有正宗的美国发小。

    Felix's older son, Victor, is trilingual in Mixtec, Spanish and English and has the naughty cheek of a boy who is legal.


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