• 于是有一了家图书馆搜寻关于西班牙历史记载

    So one day, I went to the library and searched through the annals of Spanish history.


  • 西班牙历史中,纽曼·希亚这个名字可歌可泣英雄事迹代名词。

    In Spanish history the name of our wines (specially Numanthia) embodies the spirit of heroic resistance.


  • 卡斯西班牙优秀年轻小说家之一,他这三个人无言的违抗中看到了西班牙历史辉煌的一瞬。

    Mr Cercas, one of Spain's best younger novelists, sees in their quiet defiance a crowning moment of Spanish history.


  • 1571年,西班牙历史学家克里斯多巴·德·莫利纳曾经报告安第斯山脉中的印第安人部落里流传着这样传言西班牙来到秘鲁不是为了寻找黄金而是为了寻找人类脂肪

    Spanish historian Cristobal DE Molina reported in 1571 that rumors circulated among Indians of the central Andes that the Spanish had arrived in Peru seeking not gold but human fat.


  • 基瓦本身西班牙传教定居点持续生命力历史学家们低估了。

    The continued viability of the kiva itself in Spanish mission settlements has also been underestimated by historians.


  • 普尔加西班牙著名天主教君主费尔南多伊莎贝尔官方历史学家

    Pulgar was the official historian of the monarchs Fernando and Isabel, the famous Catholic Monarchs of Spain.


  • 某种意义上来说,这也创造了一历史知道42年来第一个西班牙,你认为这会改变生活吗?

    Do you think this will change your life because it's like some piece of history, you know, first Spanish person for 42 years.


  • 指出西班牙拥有悠久历史灿烂的文化西班牙人民人类文明进步作出了杰出贡献

    He pointed out that Spain enjoys a time-honored history and splendid culture and the Spanish people have made outstanding contributions to the progress of mankind civilization.


  • 西班牙士兵击中精准一刻捕捉到了极具代表性照片然而,其摆拍的可能性削弱了这张照片作为历史证据重要意义。

    While the picture's iconic stature rests on the precise moment captured when the Spanish soldier was shot, the possibility that it was staged undermines the historic proof it has come to signify.


  • 叠罗汉,又名卡斯特尔卢尼亚有悠长历史传统节日活动,这项重要活动2010年上海世博会西班牙馆中展出

    The human tower, or castell, is a longstanding tradition at festivals in Catalonia and such an important one that it was featured in the Spanish exhibit at the 2010 Shanghai Expo.


  • 展览馆主任葛兰·萨迪卡瑞欧介绍,亚历山大时期开始,犹太人就在前南斯拉夫定居自1492年西班牙葡萄牙犹太人遭到驱赶这里犹太人的历史也渐被改变

    Jews lived here since the time of Alexander, says the museum's director, Goran Sadikarijo, but their history changed radically following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492.


  • 这座房屋加利福利亚洲富有阶层西班牙墨西哥人稀有历史遗存现在已被遗弃遭受风吹雨淋,面临毁坏的危险。

    A rare reminder of California's rich Spanish and Mexican history, the structure now sits abandoned, deteriorated, exposed to the elements and threatened by demolition.


  • 实际上曾经皇马也有过一段自己培养球员历史,1966年登顶欧洲之巅的时候整球队都来自于西班牙的本土球员。

    Madrid in fact have a much longer tradition of producing their own players and the 1966 European Cup was won with a team entirely composed of Spanish players.


  • 汇丰历史无疑显著的仅有保持超过一个世纪独立性的大型银行(一家是西班牙桑坦德银行)之一,避免了紧急援助国家控制

    HSBC's history is certainly remarkable. It is one of only two mega-banks that have remained independent for more than a century, avoiding a bail-out or state control (the other is Santander of Spain).


  • 奶油土豆浓汤可以追溯到大约100年前西班牙凉菜汤的历史则久远得多,具体日期确定。

    While vichyssoise can be dated to about 100 years ago, gazpacho has a much longer history and one that's a little harder to date.


  • 位于印加首都库斯科皇家宫殿落入欧洲征服者手中以后,新的西班牙殖民城市废墟上崛起了,将古印加的历史埋葬得一干二净。

    The royal palaces of Cusco, the Inca capital, fell swiftly to the European conquerors, and a new Spanish colonial city rose on their ruins, burying or obliterating the Inca past.


  • 然而到了今年,历时80多年的风云变幻,天翻地履,魔咒告破时候终于到了,无论哪支队伍笑到最后,都是创造历史就是他们庆贺的理由西班牙荷兰周日约翰内斯堡的足球城,历史会见证辉煌一刻。

    That this year's final will break that 80-year quadropoly is cause for celebration: Either Spain or Holland will win the World Cup for the first time on Sunday at Johannesburg's Soccer City on Sunday.


  • 1918年到1919年西班牙流感”,导致了4千万人的死亡历史死亡人数最多流行病

    At least 40 million died of the 1918-19 "Spanish flu," the most deadly disease episode in history.


  • 特诺奇蒂特兰在历史伟大阿兹特克帝国现在墨西哥城首都。 1521年西班牙征服者到达该地,这里曾有大约30万人口

    The capital of the great Aztec empirewhich eventually morphed into today’s Mexico Cityhad about 300,000 inhabitants when Spanish conquistadors arrived in 1521.


  • 西班牙格拉纳达的阿尔罕布拉宫就我们提供了一个历史模型

    The alhambra in granada provides a historical model.


  • 他们选择了历史两次大流感作为流感模型,其一1918年著名西班牙流感,死亡人数达五千万至一亿,其二是1957年的流感,杀伤力较前者虽不大同样不堪回首。

    As model epidemics they chose those of 1918 (the famousSpanishflu that is reckoned to have killed 50m-100m) and 1957 (less lethal, but still pretty nasty).


  • 历史学家段时间西班牙进口水果泰晤士河码头卸货这个码头曾经教堂的旧址毗邻

    Historians have noted that at one time fruits, imported from Spain, used to be unloaded at a wharf on the Thames that once adjoined the old churchyard.


  • 所以由于西班牙坦诚他们现在永远背上现代历史严重流感发源地的恶名。

    So thanks to the honesty of Spain, they are now marred forever by the title of the worst flu epidemic in modern history.


  • 根据CMA提供信贷违约期数据,西班牙葡萄牙信贷违约保险成本创下历史最高水平

    The cost of insuring the debt of Spain and Portugal soared to record high levels, according to CMA prices for credit- default swaps.


  • 奥巴马剑桥警察行为愚蠢”,并全国性电视节目详述警察黑人西班牙种族以种族貌相取人的悲惨历史

    Obama said the Cambridge cops had "acted stupidly" and went on to elaborate, on nationwide TV, on the sad history of racial profiling of blacks and Hispanics by police.


  • 很多历史学家认为当时的通货膨胀很大程度上是由起始于1550年,来自美洲的大量进口应该西班牙的流通货币大幅增加。

    Most historians have attributed that inflation, in part, to the importation, starting in 1550, of silver from the Americas, which supposedly put much more currency into circulation in Spain.


  • 有420历史西班牙潘普洛纳市圣佛上,勇敢鲁莽的人们

    The brave, and the foolhardy, run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, at the festival of San fermin, dating back 420 years.


  • 有420历史西班牙潘普洛纳市圣佛上,勇敢鲁莽的人们

    The brave, and the foolhardy, run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, at the festival of San fermin, dating back 420 years.


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