• 商店特点毛绒座椅,可以订购整个衣柜西服衬衫皮带皮革制品领带袖扣

    Visitors to the shop, which features plush armchairs, can order an entire wardrobe from suits to shirts, belts, leather accessories, shoes, ties and cufflinks.


  • 身穿灰色西服深蓝色衬衫、打着蓝色领带方面俨然一副生意人模样

    He looks every inch the businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.


  • 总是穿着西服,我喜欢颜色鲜艳衬衫有图案领带

    I usually wear a suit, and I like colorful shirts and patterned ties.


  • 该校)最近重新公布的着装要求讲师穿西服得体夹克协调裤子或者裙子,也可以是合身的衬衫上衣或是连衣裙”。

    The newly re-issued dress code requires lecturers to wear a "business suit; smart jacket and co-ordinating trousers or skirt; smart shirt/top/blouse or smart dress."


  • 喜欢看上去很职业化所以总是穿着西服中等长度的裙子件样式简单女式衬衫

    I like to look professional, so I usually wear a suit with a medium-length skirt, and a simple blouse.


  • 照片里,24岁蕾切尔穿着传统白色婚纱,已经66岁的菲尔戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,已经第三结婚了。

    She was 24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then 66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw-coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.


  • 非常漂亮长裤西服衬衫时装

    It's a smart - looking pant suit and complementary blouse, and a pair of stylish dress shoes.


  • 选择适当包饰挑选合适的西服衬衫腕表鞋履一样重要

    Choosing the right hold-all accessory is as important as selecting the right suit, shirt, watch and shoes.


  • 西服消失了,取而代之雷富礼先生常人前穿的敞衬衫

    Out went suits in favour of the open-necked shirts that Mr Lafley usually sports.


  • 大衣干洗衬衫睡衣要水洗,烫一西服

    I'd like to have my overcoat dry-cleaned, my shirt and pyjamas laundered and my suit pressed.


  • 特点适用缝制种类衬衫西服类似服装特别是衣领,前襟部位

    Features: suitable for sewing type shirt, suit or similar garment, especially its collar, and areas such as the front.


  • 西服一定要搭配衬衫穿衬衫可以选择纯细直条纹,一定选择保守颜色比如白色蓝色

    The suit must be worn with a dress shirt that can be a solid color or pinstriped. Shirt colors must be conservative, such as white and light or medium blue.


  • 学生冬季须穿学校西服长袖衬衫,学校领带,学校毛衣深色裤子(女声穿裙子)。

    The winter uniform consists of the ILA blazer, long sleeved white shirt, ILA pullover and dark trousers (or plaid skirt for girls).


  • 适用缝制各类衬衫西服类似服装特别是衣领前襟部位。

    Applicable to sewing all kinds of shirts, suits or similar clothes, especially the collar and the front of garment.


  • 周末穿上法兰绒衬衣的男性摩羯座让感觉很有品味;工作时,衬衫西服领带是既简单又很舒适的职业装扮。

    Guy Goats look GREat on weekends in flannel shirts, but for work you feel comfortable with the thin tie/white shirt/dark suit image.


  • 中年中等个,中等身材,佩雷斯穿着一贯穿的蓝色衬衫、蓝色领带深灰色西服次惹眼地选件蓝色外套

    Middle-sized, middle-height, middle-aged, he was wearing his usual blue shirt, tie and dark grey suit, though he has been known in moments of sartorial rashness to switch to a blue blazer.


  • 事实上想要在造型中加入本季的繁复单品很多方法:在合身西服西裤套装里搭配一件有趣的高田贤三(Kenzo印花衬衫

    In fact, there are many ways to inject bits of the season's exuberance into an otherwise sober outfit: Layer a zany printed Kenzo shirt under a tailored pantsuit;


  • 婚后第一复活节他们教堂穿灰色运动外套西服便裤粉色丝质衬衫

    The first Easter after they were married, he dressed in a grey sports coat, slacks and a pink silky shirt to go to Church.


  • 当然适合但是格子衬衫西服太配。还有其他衬衫吗?。

    Of course it does. But the checked shirt doesn't go well with it. Do you have any other shirt?


  • 适用于缝制各种衬衫西服类似服装特别是衣领、前襟部位

    Be suitable for sewing shirt, western type clothes and other clothes similar clothes, especially be suitable for their collar parts.


  • 西服袖口商标已经衬衫干净平整,保守暗色条纹领带黑色皮鞋也没有明显污点小周从头检查了一遍自己行头,也发现什么问题

    Cuff trademark has been cut off, shirt is clean, a conservative dark striped tie, black shoes with no obvious stain, Zhou from head to foot over his head, and found nothing wrong.


  • 主打产品雅戈尔衬衫连续市场综合占有率第一西服连续保持市场综合占有率第一位。

    Youngor shirts, its premiere product, have for ten years consecutively topped the shirt market, and its business suits have also kept the first place in market share for 5 years.


  • 为了求职面试中给人印象丈夫吉恩买了西服衬衫领带

    Hoping to make a good impression at a job interview, my husband, Gene, bought a new suit, shirt, and tie.


  • 如果西服每周要穿一以上的话,配以衬衫可打造出不同风格

    New shirts also give a suit worn more than once in a week or two a different look.


  • 如果西服每周要穿一以上的话,配以衬衫可打造出不同风格

    New shirts also give a suit worn more than once in a week or two a different look.


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