• 供应商德赛西威供应商联系窗口是否建立

    Is contact established between supplier and Desay SV supply chain?


  • 西表示,选择这项服务家庭通常都对太空夜空有着特殊的感情。

    According to Civeit, the families who are opting for the service usually have a special connection with space or the night sky.


  • 澳大利亚蝙蝠救护站野生动物创伤中心主任西威伯利和其它动物保育员们过去一周内在黄金海岸救助了130只蝙蝠孤儿

    Australian bat Clinic and Wildlife Trauma Centre director Trish Wimberley and her carers have helped save 130 orphaned bats on the Gold Coast in past weeks.


  • 2010年七月四日,杰佛伦西威自动化科技(上海)有限公司在嘉定工业区主办的足球联赛决赛参赛的十二支球队脱颖而出,荣获第六

    On July 4th of 2010, GEFRAN SIEI Drives Technology (Shanghai) Co., LTD participated in Jiading Industry District football match and won the sixth prize from twelve teams in the finals.


  • 其中位失败者值得特别表扬:来自金斯顿的卡罗琳·斯西来自谷溪镇的玛丽亚·庞斯

    Two of the losers deserve special mention: Caroline Swaithes, of Kingston, and Maria Pons, of Valley Stream.


  • 2006年年底我们到了伦敦西西斯·克·沃克尔转到了那里托儿所。

    In late 2006 we moved to Chiswick, in West London, and Dougie started at a new nursery.


  • 西格里碳素集团位于斯巴登,属于郝斯化学工业公司现在欧洲唯一碳纤维材料生产商

    Based in Wiesbaden, SGL was once owned by the Hoechst chemicals company and is currently Europe's sole manufacturer of carbon fiber materials.


  • 贝特西·金斯打开前门看到位戴着全面纱妇女穿过两侧种满鲜花的过道走上前来还在想她是不是对了。

    When Betsy Wiggins opened her front door and saw the woman in a full black face veil coming up her flower-lined walkway, she wondered if she had done the right thing.


  • 格拉拉拍到照片是他们人去西好莱坞参加著名经纪人蒂拉扎尔的聚会,这个聚会西好莱坞著名,也是最重要的事件之一

    Galella caught this shot of them arriving at Spago in West Hollywood for talent agent Swifty Lazar's after-party, one of the most famous and exclusive events in town.


  • 病例苏拉西省望加锡名14岁女孩。

    The case is a 14-year-old female from Makassar, South Sulawesi Province.


  • 其他远近闻名海盗窝点比如加鲁、伊尔沙拉德西尔,海盗已经成了当地名人

    In other well-known pirate dens, like Garoowe, Eyl, Hobyo and Xarardheere, pirates have become local celebrities.


  • 大学毕业生西·兹曼利用2008年欧洲杯网站数据编写了一套软件

    Graduate student Josh Waitzman wrote software using data from the 2008 Euro Cup Web site. They mapped the flow of the ball among players.


  • 这份报告公布正值世界海洋会议印尼苏拉西的万老举行。这份报告警告说,如果现在不采取任何行动,导致海水温度持续上升,最终导致珊瑚礁死亡

    The report, released to coincide with the World Ocean Conference in Manado, Sulawesi, warns that a do-nothing scenario will lead to a steady rise in sea temperatures and the death of the coral reefs.


  • 一家位于西安静的名叫Podhalanka餐厅西臣街聚集着除华沙最多波兰人,因称为波兰百老汇著名。

    It was at Podhalanka, a quiet restaurant on West Division Street, a thoroughfare known as Polish broadway-in a city that boasts the largest Polish population outside of Warsaw.


  • 来自英国西米德兰兹郡考文垂市华大学WorldFirst赛车科研小组希望赛车运动管理部门更改比赛规则这样他们就能参加锦标赛

    The WorldFirst team, from Warwick University, in Coventry, West Mids, hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season.


  • 10月25日印尼西苏门答腊省明打群岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发海啸造成重大人员伤亡财产损失

    A: on October 25, a major earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing heavy casualties and property loss.


  • 西森斯的失礼不是英国广播公司第一身陷来自皇家压力,2005年切尔滑雪胜地克罗斯特进行新闻访问时,查尔斯王子大骂记者也非常出名。

    Sissons' gaffe is not the first time the BBC has come under fire from the royals, with Prince Charles famously caught slating Witchell during a press-call at the ski resort of Klosters in 2005.


  • 耶和华一个神秘名字,根据推测西乃山上给予西

    JHVH, Jahweh or Jehovah is a name of mystery supposedly given to Moses on Mt. Sinai.


  • 西认为功利主义利己主义同样合理留下了实践理性二重性难题

    Sidgwick thought that utilitarianism and egoism were rationally required, and left the dilemma of dualism of practical reason.


  • 星期二,地方法官西在马拉商业首都布兰太尔宣布了这项判决

    Magistrate Nyakwawa Usiwa announced the verdict Tuesday in Malawi's commercial capital, Blantyre.


  • 西地区世雷口坡位于西蒸发海盆西南部

    The area of western Sichuan was situated in the southwestern part of an evaporative sea basin (Weixi area) during Leikoupo age in middle Triassic.


  • 西地区世雷口坡位于西蒸发海盆西南部

    The area of western Sichuan was situated in the southwestern part of an evaporative sea basin (Weixi area) during Leikoupo age in middle Triassic.


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