• 用布裹紧刚出生孩子这样就会感到安全

    Swaddle your newborn baby so that she feels secure.


  • 有着严格着装规定,要求女士从头到脚都要裹紧

    There was a brutally enforced dress code, which required women to be covered from head to toe.


  • 用披肩肩头裹紧挡风

    She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.


  • 雨衣裹紧

    He pulls his raincoat tighter.


  • 听到问好声音身上的长袍进了屋。

    At the sound of my greeting, she gathered her housecoat tightly about her and moved quickly indoors.


  • 太阳人们高兴外套冷风让人们更加裹紧衣服

    The sun make people happy to take off his moderate coat, the cold wind but make people more defensive clothing wrapped.


  • 裹紧围巾感觉犹如今天早上赶赴机场着我一般。

    I feel your arms about me as you left this morning for the airport as I wrap my shawl a little closer.


  • 裹紧围巾感觉犹如今天早上赶赴机场着我一般。

    I feel your arms about me as you left this morning for the airport as I wrap my 2 shawl a little closer.


  • 娜加快了脚步,同时裹紧脸上用来遮挡炎热日头的头巾

    Rana hurried her step, pulling her headscarf to shield her face from the relentless sun.


  • 乳胶套顶端一些往下,使得乳胶套开口处密。

    Cut just a little off the top of the seal and pull down so that the opening has a tight fit.


  • 男生陷于水深火热中,女生们的骨胳不由得战栗,不由得被子。

    The boys was in deep water . And girls who could not help but tremble in skeletal muscle, can not help but tighting quilt.


  • 包装之后的产品密封、防潮、撞击适用于多件物品包装托盘包装。

    The packed products can be sealed well, prevented from getting damp protected against knocks. It is suitable for tight wrapping packaging of many-pieces articles and tray packaging.


  • 包装之后的产品密封防潮、防撞击,适用于多件物品裹紧包装讬盘包装。

    The packed products can be sealed well, prevented from getting damp and protected against knocks.


  • 深秋了,深圳这个四季不分明的城市也有一些寒意白色的披肩。

    Even though Shenzhen is an ever-blooming city, Mei feel a little chill in the late autumn and wrap her white amice tightly.


  • 太阳乌云后面开始拼命地,风猛烈,行人越是裹紧自己衣服

    So the sun hid behind a cloud, and the wind began to blow as hard as it could. As the wind blew harder, the traveler wrapped his coat more closely 2 around himself.


  • 行人衣服裹紧时,北风猛烈地吹着,行人难受,又穿上了更多衣裳

    As the man clung on to his clothes, the North Wind attacked him with greater force. But the man, uncomfortable from the cold, put on more clothes.


  • 收缩包装采用石英红加热,使包装物热收缩薄膜收缩包装物。

    Heat shrinkable packer ShiYingGong far by outer pipe heat, the set of the packages of heat shrinkable film outside shrink and tightly wrap packed. the machine.


  • 每天都会下雪的,JanetMcGovern看着三个学校回来的的孩子裹紧了衣服。

    Every day the snow falls, Janet McGovern looks at her three childrenhome again from school — and girds herself.


  • 裹紧天鹅绒大衣起来家庭教师脸上的香粉味道),把斗篷盖在身上,下来睡着了

    There, wrapping the velvet cloak around her (it smelled like home and her governess's face powder), and laying the outdoor cloak over her for shelter, she lay down and slept.


  • 布莱克松寻思着,恐怕再也没法儿醒过来了。了伸胳膊放松一下后背酸痛的肌肉,裹紧自己的披风

    You'll never wake from that sleep, he thought, and stretched his arms to ease the cramped muscles in his back and pulled his cloak tighter around him.


  • 把泳吧,按摩浴缸“先生们知道我们说好是轮流拥有我想你们认同说,实际上就意味着它是留在这儿的。”

    Stuff that in your speedo, jacuzzi Bob. "Gentlemen, I know we said we'd take turns, But I think you'll agree that practicality dictates it remain here."


  • 每个冬天气温骤降新低每个人都开始自己层层裹紧,而且杉木衣柜里不可避免地秋裤开始套着它四处走动的时候,经典笑话应运而生。

    Eery winter, when the temperature plummets to new lows and everyone begins to layer up, the classic joke about pulling out Long Johns from the cedar closet inevitably starts to make the rounds.


  • 每个冬天气温骤降新低每个人都开始自己层层裹紧,而且杉木衣柜里不可避免地秋裤开始套着它四处走动的时候,经典笑话应运而生。

    Eery winter, when the temperature plummets to new lows and everyone begins to layer up, the classic joke about pulling out Long Johns from the cedar closet inevitably starts to make the rounds.


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