• 刚满21岁允许学校拥有时,我就立刻600美元买了一辆1961年版的黑色甲壳

    Right after I turned 21 and was allowed a car on campus, I paid $600 for a black 1961 Beetle.


  • 抓了一些萤火放在一个布袋,把它挂起来当灯。

    He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung it up as a lamp.


  • 南美洲小国圭亚那生活着一种寄生叫做乌拉亚·班克罗夫特蒂。

    In the tiny South American nation of Guyana lives a parasite called Wuchereria bancrofti.


  • 描绘原生生物双滴兰伯贾第基因组图谱。

    Morrison et al. describe such a genome from the diplomonad protist Giardia lamblia.


  • 轻车体使塔塔汽车使用了后置2缸引擎,(就像著名的平民汽车大众甲壳一样)从零到百加速仅23燃油使用率完美一加仑能行驶大约5624km/L),超过丰田prius混合动力车。

    (100 km/h) in 23 seconds. Fuel economy is excellent: about 56 miles per gallon (24 km/L), better than a Prius, Toyota's hybrid sedan.


  • 虽然海狸的确会携带一些寄生人们峡谷圈就染病几率没有的。

    Beavers do carry a range of parasites but the chances of becoming ill after a walk in the glens are nil.


  • 但是在现实世界这个想法无从下手,许多物理学研究过我们是否真的通过假设性洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。

    While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.


  • 可以想得到,由于大量猫科动物排泄物的存在,奶牛山羊放牧的时候,它们无疑会感染这种弓形进而感染它们脑子

    Livestock fields are full of fertilizer made from, you guessed it, bits of cat feces. When the cows and goats graze, they ingest Toxo, and it sneaks its way into their brains.


  • 我们变形那样远古祖先身体基因之间已经形成了固定的组合一起从事构成细胞壁其他基本生命必要活动

    In our distant, amoeba-like ancestors, clusters of genes were already forming to work together on building cell walls and on other very basic tasks essential to life.


  • 公司生日派对初次认识电影上班一条——影片中,公司那些无所事事的员工尴尬围着蛋糕,对老板单调唱着“生日快乐”。

    My first glimpse of an office birthday party was via the movie Office Space, when the corporate drones stand awkwardly around the cake and singHappy Birthday” to their boss in monotone voices.


  • 奥陶纪大多数生命生活海洋所以海洋生物例如三叶腕足类动物笔石动物的数量此时急剧减少

    During the Ordovician, most life was in the sea, so it was sea creatures such as trilobites, brachiopods and graptolites that were drastically reduced in number.


  • 口器很少留在宿主皮肤

    The mouthparts of larval and nymphal ticks will seldom be left in the skin.


  • 疟疾寄生血液脂肪为生,脂肪寄生只好饿着了。

    The malaria parasite feeds on fat in the blood and without it the parasite is starved.


  • 所以,如果想消灭父母那一辈中的“寄生”来拯救雨林的话,还是先清除你房间衣柜子吧。

    So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing 'the closet in your own room."


  • 2毫米高的珊瑚(这种珊瑚组成加勒比海广袤的珊瑚礁),暗藏自己海洋堡垒等待月光平常蓝色变化为红晕

    The 2-millimeter-tall polyp, which forms vast coral reefs in the Caribbean Sea, holes up in its Marine fortress and waits for the moon to shift from its usual blue hue to a redder glow.


  • 举行的聚会结识甲壳乐队米克·贾格尔。

    He had these parties where you became acquainted with the Beatles and Mick Jagger.


  • 很多二氧化碳最终海洋溶解形成碳酸;碳酸对珊瑚贝壳动物有腐蚀性。

    Lots of that carbon dioxide also dissolves in the ocean, creating carbonic acid, which can eventually corrode coral and other shell-building animals.


  • 孢子这种具有抗性的寄生游泳池导致肠胃炎爆发主要原因根据CDC的报告,即使氯浓度合格的池子,它可以生存好几天。

    Cryptospordium: This chlorine-resistant parasite is the leading cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks at swimming pools, and can live for days in even properly chlorinated pools, according to the CDC.


  • 应当通过DNA检测方法进行检验,而且应当放在不易破碎容器保持干燥

    Dead ticks are tested by DNA methods and should be held dry in a crush proof container.


  • 应当避免放在被覆盖的容器透明胶固定上;假如需要咬过你的蜱进行鉴定或者检验,那么还需要容器上贴一个便条或者卡片

    Avoid placing ticks in black film containers or using cellophane tape to mount the tick to paper, a note card or a slide if it needs to be identified or tested.


  • 挑选那些被苹果,”一边告诉,一边把我篮子的苹果给了。

    "I choose the apples that are pock-marked and are slightly bitten up by bugs," she told me while replacing the apples in my basket.


  • 汽车排气管烟囱排放出大气层温室气体导致海洋温度上升到元凶,加大了珊瑚的生存压力

    Greenhouse gases pouring into the atmosphere from our tailpipes and chimneys warm the oceans, causing heat stress to corals.


  • 可以放在不易破碎容器为了活着可以在容器放几片草叶(使用可密封塑料袋可以)。

    A live tick can be placed in a crush proof container with a blade of grass to keep it alive (a sealable plastic bag also will work).


  • 斯托达特被处死前充斥各种地牢

    Before his execution, Stoddart had spent the previous three years residing at the bottom of a dungeon infested with rodents and various creepy crawlies.


  • 美国所有A级名单马屁都在上世纪90年代去过,等到能够光明正大地承认自己克林顿朋友时候返回来

    Every A-list sycophant in American used to show up there in the early 1990s, back when it wasn't embarrassing to admit that you were a friend of Bill Clinton.


  • 种枝双腔吸(lancetfluke),是一种很小大脑子,一种大脑的寄生,它必须进入绵羊奶牛肚子才能继续活下去。

    It's a lancet fluke: it's a little brain worm — a parasitic brain worm — that has to get into the stomach of a sheep or a cow in order to continue its life cycle.


  • 所以如果想消灭父母那一辈中的"寄生"来拯救雨林的话,还是先清除你房间衣柜子吧。

    So before you savethe rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room。


  • 所以如果想消灭父母那一辈中的"寄生"来拯救雨林的话,还是先清除你房间衣柜子吧。

    So before you savethe rain forest from the parasites of your parents" generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room。


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