• 一支联合国援助车队食物药物终于抵达了围困市镇

    A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town.


  • 这些抓获援助人员刑罚范围包括驱逐监禁死刑不等。

    The penalty for these captured aid workers could range from expulsion to a jail term and death sentence.


  • 一位巴基斯坦律师表示指控阿富汗传播基督教国外援助工人审判重新开庭已经推迟周日

    A Pakistani lawyer said the resumption of the trial of eight foreign aid workers accused of preaching Christianity in Afghanistan has been put off until Sunday.


  • 喀布尔的外国援助人员感觉包围了。

    Foreign aid-workers in Kabul feel under siege.


  • 然而过程已经关于寻求援助程序丑陋口角妨碍了。

    But this process has been stymied by an ugly spat over the procedure for raising aid.


  • 欧元美元昨天至10低点葡萄牙的信用评级降低,加上援助希腊方案的不确定性,均破坏了欧元的走势。

    The euro tumbled to a 10-month low against the dollar yesterday after a credit downgrade for Portugal and uncertainty over an aid package for Greece undermined the currency.


  • 检察官两名利比里亚世界展望组织食物援助几乎卖了;审计师说三分之一粮援分发子虚乌有的镇子

    Prosecutors said the two Liberians had sold nearly all of World Vision's food aid; auditors said a third of it was allocated to towns that did not exist.


  • 根据初步估计,返回缓冲区村民需要得到重新恢复重建援助因为他们住房许多已经烧毁或者遭到破坏。

    Based on first assessments, he says returnees to the villages in the buffer zone need rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance as many of their homes have been burned down or otherwise damaged.


  • 萧条期间银行业援助动作过于拖沓,后来证明致命的——对如今英国来说是一个教训,本周,美国已经采取行动。

    During the Great Depression a protracted delay in aiding Banks proved fatal - a lesson Britain and now, this week, the United States have taken on.


  • 应该派遣更多救援力量特别是紧急援助帮助那些废墟之中的灾民。

    It is better to send more enforcement, especially in emergency aid... which can help those who are still buried in the rubble.


  • 但是大部分富国出于其他种种原因没有兑现早先增加援助承诺视为临时退赛选手。

    But most rich countries are failing to fulfil earlier promises to increase aid for other reasons, so that looks like a non-starter.


  • 援助拒绝消息引发股市暴跌问题带给千家万户,这将迫使议员们通过一项双方都可接受的救援计划

    The stock market's plunge on the news of the rescue rejection should bring that point home - and bring lawmakers to pass a bipartisan rescue plan.


  • 虽然是因为闹饥荒迫使如此涌入摩加迪沙寻求援助但是越来越令人担忧那些饥饿死亡线上活着的人很可能疾病夺去生命。

    Although it is famine that has forced so many people into Mogadishu for assistance, the growing concern is that those who make it here may be as likely to die of disease as starvation.


  • 如果塞浦路斯添加欧元区的紧急债务援助的账单中,至少不会欧洲金融稳定机制交税(EFSF),是欧元区的救援资金

    If Cyprus were added to the euro zone's bail-out bill, at least it would not tax the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the euro zone's rescue fund.


  • 其实约拿丢出船外就是头鲸鱼解救的,还有各种海豚援助遇险游泳鲨鱼包围游泳者保护他们故事

    Indeed, Jonah was rescued by a whale when he was thrown overboard, and there have been tales of dolphins assisting swimmers in distress or shielding them from circling sharks.


  • 通信技术用来协调援助优化资源提供迫切需要的伤之人员信息

    Communications technologies were used to coordinate aid, optimize resources and provide desperately sought information about the victims.


  • 这个国家长期存在的这种主权渴望以及他们对外界援助需要之间矛盾不会时间内解决

    The country’s longstanding tension between its desire for sovereignty and its need for outside assistance will not be resolved anytime soon.


  • 然而,在粮食价格的情况,可提供粮食援助往往会减少,因为以往以援助形式提供的粮食用于其他目的。

    However, availability of food aid tends to be lower when global food prices are high, as food previously provided as aid goes to other USES.


  • 国际开发署同意大幅改善监督食品发放条件保证这些食品送到应该收到援助人手里。

    It said the two countries had agreed on terms for a "substantial improvement" in monitoring of food deliveries, to assure that they reach the intended recipients.


  • 2003年为了美国援助转而台北建交时这个站点匆匆撤走

    When it switched to Taipei in 2003, the station was hastily removed, to American relief.


  • 即使美国英国利用公款援助企业这种国家恩赐用在合适地方

    With even the Americans and British bailing out companies with public money, the state is back in favour in the least likely places.


  • 人们认为这个国家正是常春藤联盟势利眼们掌控着,大家的钱他们拿来援助他们那些华尔街老友

    They think the country is run by Ivy League snobs who are mortgaging its future to give bail-outs to their chums on Wall Street.


  • 然而对于格鲁吉亚其他俄罗斯邻国来说,残酷的现实恳请西方世界的军事援助来对抗俄罗斯是不太可能接纳的。

    [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]Yet the hardtruth, for Georgians and others, is that pleas for military backingfrom the West in any confrontation with Russia are unlikely to beheeded.


  • 援助那些无家可归无助者,这些大众世界忽视的人们需要有人他们声援。

    Stand up for someone. Lend your voice. Often the powerless, the homeless, the neglected in our world need someone to speak up for them.


  • 奈特先生非常清楚自己的暗有所指,尽管作为一个老牌保守党人,还是因为投票赞成银行援助而在去年犹他州共和党给活活抛弃了。

    Mr Bennett knows whereof he speaks about those: despite a strong conservative record, he was dumped by Utah's Republicans last year for having voted for the banking bail-out.


  • 奈特先生非常清楚自己的暗有所指,尽管作为一个老牌保守党人,还是因为投票赞成银行援助而在去年犹他州共和党给活活抛弃了。

    Mr Bennett knows whereof he speaks about those: despite a strong conservative record, he was dumped by Utah's Republicans last year for having voted for the banking bail-out.


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