• 街道交通照以往常规作绕道行驶处理,此时夜空飞机稀少,几乎没引起什么分心

    Street traffic, such as it was in this area, had been diverted. Air traffic was light at this hour of the night and caused little distraction.


  • 可以预测各种情况,诸如街道交通创造一个你将来需要步行顾客商业街区时,你可以很好了解情况。

    It can also predict things like street traffic: Good to know if you want to create a commercial zone where you will need walk-in customers.


  • 街道狭窄造成很多交通问题

    The narrowness of the streets caused many traffic problems.


  • 由于管理不当停车以及不断交通阻塞街道堵得严严实实。

    The streets are wedged solid with the chaos of poorly regulated parking and near-constant traffic gridlock.


  • 公共汽车唯一被允许街道通行的交通工具。

    Buses will be the only vehicles allowed on its streets.


  • 公共汽车相对便宜,可以经过更多街道但是速度慢,污染大,容易引起交通拥堵

    The buses are cheaper and able to serve far more streets but move more slowly, pollute more and contribute to traffic congestion.


  • 富裕起来人们纷纷购买汽车曾经遍布自行车街道如今长时间汽笛轰鸣交通繁忙。

    Thousands of people have bought cars with their newfound wealth, leading to hours-long traffic snarls on streets previously plied mainly by donkey carts and bicycles.


  • 邻居应该街道当成他们房屋延展彼此了解交通不应使他们留在室内

    Neighbours should use streets as an extension of their homes and get to know each other rather than being forced indoors by the traffic.


  • 交通就像瞬间静止了一样,当成上万被“倾斜”街道上的时候痛哭、淋漓的血肉,还有寻求帮助的人民乱作团。 我们了尽量多的人,带着他们一起下山,并想找一处最近的医疗站。

    Traffic, of course, came to a stand-still, while thousands of people poured out into the streets, crying, carrying bloody bodies, looking for anyone who could help them.


  • 阿根廷边境城镇瓜列哇伊丘(gualeguaychu)激进团体频繁走上街道切断联通阿根廷乌拉圭的圣马丁大桥(Sanmartin bridge)交通

    Militant groups in the Argentinian border town of gualeguaychu took to the streets repeatedly to cut traffic on the San Martin bridge connecting Uruguay and Argentina.


  • 同时可以规划一条地图运行模拟器模拟居民逃离火灾时的交通流量

    You can simultaneously project a street map and run a simulation of traffic flow as residents seek to flee the fire.


  • 交通高峰期,特别是大城市看到街道自行车海洋

    During the rush hours, particularly in big cities, you can often see a sea of bicycle riders in the streets.


  • 考古学家在去年首先注意到了艘船残骸——街道地下的30英尺弯曲木头碎片,在一个精密交通安全中心地下

    Archaeologists first noticed remnants of the ship - curved pieces of wood buried 30ft below street level - in a planned underground vehicle security centre last summer.


  • 交通转为绿灯后,驾车继续沿着街道行驶。突然黑色SUV包围了座驾

    When the light turns green, he heads down the street, when suddenly, several black SUVs surround his car.


  • 不能消除分歧华盛顿交通大堵塞将会很快蔓延全国各个街道

    If the parties are unable to bridge their differences, the gridlock in Washington will quickly find its way to streets around the country.


  • 柬埔寨不成文交通规矩是要谦卑地车辆让路如此的人车拥堵在街道上,规范只有被践踏成为混乱无序

    With so many people and vehicles thronging the roads, Cambodia's informal protocol for traffic-small gives way sheepishly to large-collapses into anarchy.


  • 许多挑夫竹竿街上徘徊,他们竹竿把重物搬上多街道(这些街道如此陡峭,脚踏交通工具很少见)。

    Many, known as stick men, loiter on the streets carrying bamboo poles used for lugging loads up the hilly streets (so steep that pedal-driven vehicles are hardly to be seen).


  • 有的建议更多街道道路减少交通密度

    Some people suggest building more streets and roads to reduce traffic density.


  • Shoup 博士著作《免费停车昂贵代价》中提出了解决由于泊车导致的交通问题的方案,认为首先要提高街道停车费,并且完全市场来决定。

    Shoup's solution to reducing congestion due to cruising — which he chronicles in his book The High Cost of Free Parkingbegins by raising the cost of street parking to market value.


  • 开罗平日交通拥挤的街道因为警察反抗者的对峙大大空旷起来。

    Cairo's normally traffic-clogged streets were largely emptied out for the confrontations between protesters and police.


  • 克莱普顿排楼11个DIY街道之一,DIY街道永续运输慈善团体Sustrans (sustainable transport charity)为以较价格解决当地交通问题,在全国范围内发起项目

    Clapton Terrace is one of 11 "DIY Streets", a nationwide project launched by sustainable transport charity Sustrans as a cheap solution to local traffic problems.


  • 作为接口客户端的指导制造商构建一个系统,该系统使用汽车位置GPS数据数字街道地图交通数据驾车汽车。

    The guidance manufacturers, who are the clients of the interface, will build systems that use GPS data on a car's location, digital street maps, and traffic data to drive the car.


  • 作为接口客户端的指导制造商构建一个系统,该系统使用汽车位置GPS数据数字街道地图交通数据驾车汽车。

    The guidance manufacturers, who are the clients of the interface, will build systems that use GPS data on a car's location, digital street maps, and traffic data to drive the car.


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