• 昨天美国化学协会会议上DrNeilDaCosta 发表关于血腥玛丽研究:“一种复杂饮料。”

    Dr Neil Da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday, said, "It's a very complicated drink."


  • 一份血腥玛丽

    I'd like a bloody Mary.


  • 如今科学家们相信他们已经破解了制作完美血腥玛丽秘密

    Now scientists believe they have cracked the secret of how to make the perfect Bloody Mary.


  • 血腥玛丽认为诞生于上世纪二十年代巴黎间酒吧

    The Bloody Mary is thought to have been invented in the 1920s in a Paris bar.


  • 据传,血腥玛丽诞生于上世纪二十年代巴黎纽约酒吧”。

    The drink is thought to have been invented at the New York bar in Paris in the early 1920s.


  • 香料化学角度上看,(喝血腥玛丽时)成百种味道混合作用味蕾”。

    'The Bloody Mary has been called the world's most complex cocktail, and from the standpoint of flavour chemistry, you've got a blend of hundreds of flavour compounds that act on the taste senses.


  • 漫长寻找过程免费批萨店星期天早上充满百吉饼血腥玛丽的酒馆

    That odyssey took me from the land of free pizza to a Sunday-morning paradise of bagels and bloody marys.


  • 血腥饮料血腥饮料不一定含酒精我们喜欢血腥玛丽不能孩子喝。

    Bloody drinks: Bloody drinks don't necessarily have to be alcoholic. We all love Bloody Mary, but this beverage isn't for kids.


  • 一杯经典血腥玛丽包含伏特加西红柿以及少量胡椒粉辣酱柠檬汁。

    The classic version of the drink combines vodka and tomato juice with a splash of salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice.


  • 清洁珠宝首饰去除顽固污渍伏特加很多简便的小用途——而不仅仅是拿来兑“血腥玛丽”!

    From cleaning jewelry to fighting stubborn stains, vodka has many handy USESother than pepping up your Bloody Mary!


  • 科学家们通过分析发现“血腥玛丽”中含有相当多氧化成分,还给了酒些小建议。

    The scientists turned up plenty of antioxidants, as well as a few bartending tips.


  • 为了寻找血腥玛丽秘密研究者色谱进行分析,这种方法能够鉴定出饮者不同味道的各种化合物

    To find out the Bloody Mary’s secret, researchers shared one with a chromatograph, which identified the various compounds that contribute to the drink’s flavor and bouquet.


  • 2011是个国际化学年,科学家们阿约翰召开美国化学学会会议上举起了一杯血腥玛丽

    So scientists at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim raised a glass. (Or a beaker.)


  • 有些人说应该以毒攻毒,特别是是加辣椒水果汁也是为什么喝酒的人经常会一杯“血腥玛丽”的原因。

    Others argue for a hair of the dog, in particular something including a fruit juice and a little bit of spice which is why a Bloody Mary is often cited as a popular choice.


  • 说道血腥玛丽化学物质属于高度不稳定型”,而且因为西红柿中存在酸性物质,这种酒很容易变质

    The chemicals in a Bloody Mary are 'highly unstable' - and its quality tends to deteriorate quickly because of the acids in the tomato juice, he said.


  • 他们,最最关键一点,是三十分钟内喝完这样给予血腥玛丽醒酒功效复杂化学混合物才不会流失。

    And it's crucial - they say - to drink it within 30 minutes to prevent the complex mix of chemicals that give the drink its refreshing kick from breaking down.


  • 摘要血腥玛丽格·丽特、曼哈顿白兰地亚历山大这些鸡尾酒喝过吗?它们背后故事你都听过吗?

    ABSTRACT: This article lists several cocktails which have storys behind, such as Bloody Mary, Margarita, Manhattan, Brandy Alexander and so on.


  • 每个赛马午间时分,丽兹饭店酒吧友人们一道前来,当一旁调酒师调制血腥玛丽他们就会研究赛道并且下注

    In Auteil, he would convene with his friends in the Little bar of the Ritz every race day at noon and while the bartender made Bloody Marys, they would study the race forms and make their selections.


  • 血腥玛丽一种混合番茄汁伏特加,再加上柠檬片酸橙佐以山葵辛辣沙司和辣酱油,黑胡椒芹菜调制而成的鸡尾酒

    A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch.


  • 揭开“血腥玛丽秘密科学家们色谱仪对“血腥玛丽”进行了分析。色谱仪能够分析出“血腥玛丽”的各种味道哪些化合物产生的。

    To find out the Bloody Mary's secret, researchers Shared one with a chromatograph, which identified the various compounds that contribute to the drink's flavor and bouquet.


  • 英国许多菜肴都喜欢放伍斯特沙包括生的、的,他们尤其喜爱其佐牛肉食用。伍斯特沙司也是血腥玛丽重要材料之一(伏特加番茄汁伍斯特沙司)。

    Worcester sauce is a flavouring used in many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and particularly with beef. It is an important ingredient in a Bloody Mary (vodka, tomato juice and Worcester sauce).


  • 昨天美国化学会一个会议上,内尔·达·科斯塔教授(DrNeilDaCosta)发表了关于血腥玛丽研究,他:“这种复杂”,“血腥玛丽被称为世界上最复杂的鸡尾酒。”

    Dr Neil da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday (TUE), said: 'It's a very complicated drink.


  • 昨天美国化学会一个会议上,内尔·达·科斯塔教授(DrNeilDaCosta)发表了关于血腥玛丽研究,他:“这种复杂”,“血腥玛丽被称为世界上最复杂的鸡尾酒。”

    Dr Neil da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday (TUE), said: 'It's a very complicated drink.


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