• 奶牛一样,也能生长激素的作用下分泌类胰岛素生长因子这种蛋白质被释放血液里,从而进入牛奶中。

    Cows, like humans, produce insulin-like growth factor in response to growth hormones and release it into the blood, and the protein makes its way into their milk.


  • 过去40年里科学家明确指出超过一半以上的蛋白质作为生长因子出现于血管再生活动

    In the past 40 years, scientists have pinpointed more than a dozen proteins, known as growth factors, that appear to be involved in angiogenesis.


  • 血友病罕见血液疾病,遗传这种极少没有因子,这些正是一种控制出血蛋白质

    Hemophilia is a rare blood disorder, and people born with this condition have little or no clotting factor, a protein that controls bleeding.


  • 他们发现生活复杂环境下小白鼠一种名叫脑源性神经营养因子BDNF)的蛋白质水平较高

    They discovered that animals living in the enriched environment had higher levels of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).


  • 因此具有诸如抗氧化剂抗炎剂蛋白质活性因子生物成分可以轻而易举加速身体自身修复的速度。

    So, biological ingredients with active parts like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, proteins, peptides, and enzymes can with rather little effort stimulate the speed in which the body heals itself.


  • 接着其他因子帮助细胞关闭蛋白质信号,从而给予细胞新的身份

    Then the other factors help to set off a cascade of protein signals that give a cell its new identity (see the Review by Gurdon and Melton on p. 1811).


  • 2007年,研究人员宣布通过人类皮肤细胞接触影响DNA蛋白质转录因子生成iPS细胞。

    In 2007, researchers announced the creation of iPS cells from human skin cells by exposing them to proteins called transcription factors that influence DNA.


  • 十多年取得了重大进展,加州生物科技公司Genentech(中文名:基因泰克)发行了一种药物,这种药物攻击蛋白质HER2(中文名:人表皮生长因子受体- 2)含量过多乳腺癌细胞

    A breakthrough came more than a decade ago when Genentech, a Californian biotech firm, launched a drug that attacks breast-cancer cells with too much of a certain protein, HER2.


  • 一新研究领域依赖获得被称作转录因子蛋白质,这种蛋白质控制细胞基因激活从而也就控制细胞拥有哪些特性

    The new field depends on capturing master proteins called transcription factors that control which sets of genes are active in a cell and thus what properties the cell will possess.


  • 细胞通过特殊蛋白质激素细胞因子其它分子传感器持续感受外界环境变化作出反应

    Cells continuously sense and respond to their changing environmental conditions via specialized proteins such as the hormones, cytokines, or other molecular sensors.


  • 简而言之这种化学因子蛋白质繁殖这些细胞能使细胞保持促进头发生长活力。

    The long and short of it is that being able to multiply these cells while preserving their efficacy opens the way for unlimited supplies of head hair.


  • 基因编码一种蛋白质被称为趋化因子受体CXCR4同样有助于艾滋病毒感染免疫细胞

    The gene codes for a protein, also called CXCR4, that also helps HIV infect immune cells.


  • 这些细胞分泌一种被称为音猬因子蛋白质,这些蛋白质会向扩散其他细胞中。

    These cells make a protein called sonic hedgehog, which diffuses outward to other cells.


  • 一种蛋白质抗体名为神经生长因子(以下简称NGF),神经的增长过程中重要。

    It is an antibody for a protein called nerve growth factor (NGF), which is vital for new nerve growth during development.


  • 大豆异黄酮雌性激素作用影响到激素分泌、代谢生物学活性蛋白质合成生长因子活性、是天然癌症化学预防

    The female hormone of soybean isoflavones is affecting on hormone secretion, metabolic biology activity, protein synthesis, growth factors activity, is the natural cancer chemoprevention agent.


  • 这些信使分子蛋白质生产蓝图所以阻止转录因子工作可以带来一系列问题

    These messenger molecules go on to act as the blueprints for protein production, so preventing a transcription factor from working can cause all sorts of problems.


  • 团队分析重点在于热量摄入一种叫做胰岛素样生长因子IGF -1)的蛋白质之间联系随着肥胖增加限制热量摄入水平降低IGF - 1 。

    The group's analysis points to a connection between calorie intake and a protein called Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) -1, with obesity increasing and calorie restriction decreasing levels of IGF-1.


  • 如果没有这些谷物的补充,发酵过程酵母菌限制营养因子或许蛋白质

    Without these adjunct cereals the limiting nutritional factor for yeast in fermentation would be protein.


  • 蛋白:酶辅助因子辅基去除后通过透析剩下没有催化活性的部分共轭蛋白质部分。

    Apoenzyme An ENZYME whose cofactor or prosthetic group has been removed (e. g. via dialysis) rendering it catalytically inactive. It is the protein part of a conjugate enzyme.


  • 人们最初相爱的时候,称作神经生长因子蛋白质分子处于较高水平之后回复之前的状态

    The protein molecule known as the nerve growth factor has high levels when people first fall in love, but these return to previous levels after one year .


  • 制造血浆蛋白质包括白蛋白和凝因子合成改变营养物毒素物质,并把它们血液出。

    The liver manufactures plasma proteins, including albumin and clotting factors, and synthesizes enzymes that modify substances such as nutrients and toxins, filtered from the Blood.


  • 炎性细胞因子白细胞介素1白细胞介素-6合成急性蛋白质(6,7)促进作用

    Proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 have stimulatory effects on the synthesis of acute phase proteins (6, 7).


  • 恒河猴因子蛋白未来重要AB的蛋白质

    The rhesus factor protein is the next most important one after the a and B proteins.


  • 如果没有这些谷物的补充,发酵过程酵母菌限制营养因子或许蛋白质

    Without these adjunct cereals, the limiting nutritional factor for yeast in fermentation would be protein.


  • 热处理豆粕蛋白质能量抗营养因子均产生影响

    Heat treatment can affect protein, energy and anti-nutritive factors of solvent extacted soybean meal.


  • 生物条形码技术一种功能强大纳米分析工具能够检测出蛋白质DNA能够识别出微量炭疽致命因子和PSA。

    The bio-bar-code amplification technology is a powerful nano analytical tool that can detect both proteins and DNA, as well as identify trace amounts of anthrax lethal factor and PSA.


  • 生物条形码技术一种功能强大纳米分析工具能够检测出蛋白质DNA能够识别出微量炭疽致命因子和PSA。

    The bio-bar-code amplification technology is a powerful nano analytical tool that can detect both proteins and DNA, as well as identify trace amounts of anthrax lethal factor and PSA.


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