• 谈及恋童虐待临床方面

    He addressed the clinical aspects of paedophilia and abuse.


  • 两千名囚犯拷问虐待而死

    2,000 prisoners died as a result of torture and maltreatment.


  • 拘留期间没有遭到拷问虐待

    He said that he was not tortured or maltreated during his detention.


  • 那些动物受到恣意虐待

    The animals had been grossly ill-treated.


  • 虐待妇女问题需要严肃小心地对待

    The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.


  • 这些妇女遭受了多年虐待终于起来自卫了。

    The women acted in self-defence after years of abuse.


  • 知道为什么这个家伙吼叫至于回到那儿,我肯定永远也不会回去了,生怕遭到更多虐待

    I don't know why the guy yelled at me. And as for going back there, certainly I would never go back, for fear of receiving further abuse.


  • 儿童有权期望政府保护他们免受虐待忽视

    Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse and neglect.


  • 可耻地虐待了!

    Thou hast been shamefully abused!


  • 整天给小孩子饮料果汁简直就是虐待儿童

    Giving small children sweet drinks or bottles of fake juice all day long is nothing less than child abuse.


  • 大多数专家似乎同意虐待儿童社会心理因素共同造成

    Most experts seem to agree that child abuse is caused by a combination of social and psychological factors.


  • 爱德华·都铎:“看上去又饿,一定受到了虐待。”

    Edward Tudor said, "Thou lookest tired and hungry: thou'st been treated ill."


  • 可怜没有朋友老鼠,毫无疑问一定是虐待精神错乱了。

    Poor little friendless rat, doubtless his mind has been disordered with ill-usage.


  • 常见虐待儿童类型工具殴打有些地方通常用手杖

    The most common type of child abuse, is beating with the hands or with an instrument, usually a cane in some places.


  • 工作当中,受到了同事虐待。在学校基也遭到同学老师骚扰

    At work, Chow suffers abuse from his coworkers. At school, Dicky is subjected to harassment by his classmates and teachers.


  • 一点对于那些虐待家庭中长大孩子来说尤其如此因为法律盲目偏袒他们亲生父母

    That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes because the law blindly favors biological parents.


  • 一点对于那些虐待家庭中长大孩子来说尤其如此,法律盲目偏袒他们亲生父母让他们感到困惑。

    That's especially true of children who remain in abusive homes bemuse the law blindly favors biological parents.


  • 当然男孩会受到更多虐待比如殴打因为父母期望又很高而且男孩往往女孩有活力更难控制

    Boys, of course, attract more abuse, such as beating, because, once again, parental expectations are high, and boys tend to be more energetic and difficult to control than girls.


  • 他们虐待动物而被判有罪

    They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.


  • 脱离了这种关系并不意味着虐待停止

    Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.


  • 囚犯们发动了暴乱反抗施虐狂狱警虐待

    The prisoners rioted against mistreatment by sadistic guards.


  • 指控虐待犯人

    He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.


  • 据称虐待犯人

    It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.


  • 门罗正在打电话愤怒地诉说兄弟虐待

    Monroe was on the phone, raging about her mistreatment by the brothers.


  • 英国曾有反对虐待动物法律没有一部保护儿童的法律。

    Britain had laws against cruelty to animals but none to protect children.


  • 受到一些高年级学生虐待

    He was treated badly by some older students.


  • 们可能会受到虐待

    They may be badly treated.


  • 为她做的这些善事,她赢得美国防止虐待动物协会的年度儿童奖。

    Because she did these kind things, she won the 2016 ASPCA Kid of the Year.


  • 为金鱼所做的一切受到了美国防止虐待动物协会的注意和奖励。

    What she did for goldfish was noticed and rewarded by the ASPCA.


  • 香港的防止虐待动物协会就以此为目标

    The RSPCA in Hong Kong carries out this aim.


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