• 全球知名纺织品环保认证公司蓝色标志参展2011亚洲户外作为论坛嘉宾发表演讲

    Bluesign will participate in Asia Outdoor Trade Show 2011 and give a report on the forum.


  • 全球知名纺织品环保认证公司蓝色标志参展2011亚洲户外作为论坛嘉宾发表演讲

    Bluesign will participate Asia Outdoor Trade Show 2011 and give a report on the forum.


  • 与其他道路分离开来的固定自行车标志圆形蓝色标志,中间是一辆白色的自行车。

    Obligatory separate bicycle lanes are indicated by the round blue sign with a white bicycle in the middle.


  • 但是火山爆发了,甚至不管那些蓝色标志开始挑衅般地争辩我们根本不在高速公路上。

    But the volcano erupted again and he even started arguing belligerently that we were not on the motorway at all, despite the blue signs.


  • 检查受害者,判断皮肤是否蓝色苍白色体温是否偏低因为这些体温降低标志

    Check to see if the victim has blue or pale skin or low body temperature, as these can be signs of hypothermia.


  • 片光明就漂浮蓝色大海上标志充满希望清晨到来

    The light floods the cobalt blue ocean, signalling the arrival of the morning full of hope.


  • 这些山寨商店做到使自己看起来正宗的苹果。他们采用相同风格建筑,苹果的标志员工蓝色T还有有着名字绶带

    These stores were designed to look like real Apple store with the architecture, Apple's logo, employees' blue t-shirts and the large lanyard name tags.


  • 售货员穿着苹果商店员工类似蓝色T恤,不同没有苹果公司标志而是Sinzd

    Employees wear blue t-shirts similar to those worn by Apple employees but instead of the Apple logo, the shirts are printed with the Sinzd store name.


  • twitter网页带有显示其名人身份蓝色标志

    His Twitter page bore the blue check-mark icon used to verify the identifies of famous people who use the service.


  • 乔布斯经常标志黑色圆领衫蓝色牛仔裤出现公众面前,他的崇拜者成功归功于完美的不断追求和奉献

    Famed for public appearances in which he wears his trademark black turtle neck and blue jeans, admirers put Mr Jobs's success down to his dedication to perfection.


  • 请注意标志t蓝色牛仔裤组合经典乔布斯时尚

    Note the arrival of the signature black shirt and blue jeans combo; the classic Jobsian fashion statement.


  • Clinton参加Barack Obama就职典礼时身穿蓝色外套蓝色参加2008年大选标志颜色

    Clinton attended Barack Obama's inauguration in a blue coat, a signature color from her 2008 campaign.


  • 标志主体绿三色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩蓝色象征海洋绿色代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


  • hu -还是有趣蓝色背景苍鹰在标志(logo)上翱翔…宁愿相信纯粹是巧合

    Turulcsirip.hu -hmm there's that funny blue background again... and the white halo around the logo... I'm sure it's all pure coincidence.


  • 西非洲大狒狒凝视照相机鲜红蓝色脸孔标志鉴定只大狒狒已经成熟雄性

    Mandrill Staring Into the Camera Bright red - and - blue facial markings identify this mandrill as a mature male.


  • 雄性鱼,背鳍蓝色,上面红色圆形科学家们表示会联想到奥巴马竞选标志

    The dorsal fin coloration of the male is a circular red spot ringed with blue which scientists said reminded them of Obama's campaign logo.


  • 明亮地板颜色标志用途黄色普通房间绿色走廊播放多厅橙色餐厅和蓝色的行政管理。

    Bright floor colors are marking the use: yellow for common rooms, green for corridors, playing rooms and multi-hall, orange for dining rooms and blue for administration.


  • 蓝色标志通常被贴著名作家故居他们就读过的学校

    Blue plaques are often attached to the residences or schools of famous writers.


  • 作为知名水床品牌,宜生源标志蓝色色调给人清凉感觉流动线条富有动感舒适感展现出产品的性质

    As a famous brand of Yi students waterbed, mark the main color blue gives a cool feeling, flowing lines full of movement and comfort, to show the nature of the product.


  • 标志地方名形象进行设计延伸色调蓝色金色为主传达高贵舒适幽雅品牌气质

    Signs of the image to the local design and extension of the blue and gold colors mainly to convey noble, comfortable, elegant brand temperament.


  • 这些山寨商店做到使自己看起来正宗的苹果。他们采用相同风格的建筑,苹果的标志员工蓝色T恤还有有着名字绶带

    These stores were designed to look like real Apple store with the bluetecture, Apple's logo, employees' blue t-shirts and the large lanyard name tags.


  • 我们不会忘记曾经是中国重要标志之一因此西方人称中国人为“蓝色蚂蚁”。

    No one would forget that was one of the important marks of China then, therefore, Chinese were called "blue ants" by occidental.


  • 熟悉音乐响起,蓝色华纳兄弟标志出现银幕时,人们又回到英国作家J

    As soon as the familiar music starts up and the blue Warner Brothers logo appears on the screen, you're transported back to that oh-so-familiar magical world created by British writer J.


  • 休憩室还提供汉堡主题毛巾浴袍桑拿室也参照标志蓝色系。

    Burger King themed towels and robes are provided for lounging and the interior of the sauna follows the iconic red-and-blue colour scheme.


  • 新月标志蓝色红色花瓣6包围包围地球

    Symbol: Blue Crescent Moon, surrounded by 6 Red Petals and Water encircling the Earth.


  • 研究者只需一个消费者不熟悉商标,便发现顾客觉得沃尔玛使用蓝色山姆绿色标志之店的红色更加环保友好

    It only took one unfamiliar logo for researchers to discover shoppers consider retailers using Walmart's blue or Sam's green in their logos to be more eco-friendly than those using Trader Joe's red.


  • 指令标志指令标志蓝色圆形图案,圆形图案中一个人头像全身像,白色强调人物装备就是进入场地必须佩戴安全防护用具

    Three, logo Logo for a circular pattern blue bottom, circular patterns have a portrait or body image, with white stressed characters and equipment, is to enter the site must wear safety equipment.


  • 指令标志指令标志蓝色圆形图案,圆形图案中一个人头像全身像,白色强调人物装备就是进入场地必须佩戴安全防护用具

    Three, logo Logo for a circular pattern blue bottom, circular patterns have a portrait or body image, with white stressed characters and equipment, is to enter the site must wear safety equipment.


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