• 再也不会认识皮埃蒙特了——是说的皮埃蒙特——西弗吉尼亚小镇在那里我学会了如何有色人种男孩的身份生活。

    You wouldn't know Piedmont anymore—my Piedmont, I meanthe town in West Virginia where I learned to be a colored boy.


  • 加利福尼亚弗里蒙特卢卡斯诺瓦传感器公司,科学家们已经完善世界第一个微型血压传感器。

    At Lucas Nova Sensor in Fremont, California, scientists have perfected the world's first microscopic blood-pressure sensor.


  • 去年春天寒冷日子里几十基于手机平板电脑儿童应用程序开发者相聚加利福尼亚蒙特雷(Monterey,California)的古老海滩度假胜地展示他们的游戏

    On a chilly day last spring, a few dozen developers of children's apps for phones and tablets gathered at an old beach resort in Monterey, California, to show off their games.


  • 迪亚•科马内奇罗马尼亚体操明星,也是1976年加拿大蒙特利尔夏季奥运会明星。 1976年7月18日,蒙特利尔奥运会的赛场,14岁的用自己完美的表现征服了场上的所有裁判,赢得了10的满分,成为奥运会体操比赛的第一个满分,也是体操比赛历史上的第一个满分。

    Romania's Nadia Comaneci was the star of the Montreal Olympics in 1976 when she became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the perfect score of 10.0.


  • 几个小时车程,就可以看到几个古老民族新的体现,蒙特内格洛图湾或者到波斯尼亚历史名城莫斯塔尔。

    Within a few hours' drive are several new incarnations of old nations, such as Montenegro and its Bay of Kotor, or Bosnia and its historic city of Mostar.


  • 只是加利福尼亚蒙特利,就20个不同种类因此我们可以断定那儿一定生活着更多

    There are 20 different species in Monterey, California alone, so it's almost certain there are many more out there.


  • 小左了加利福尼亚,小右蒙特

    Lefty goes to California.Righty moves to Vermont.


  • 至少纽约蒙特马萨诸塞康涅狄格宾夕法尼亚,维尼亚西弗吉尼亚七个内,蝙蝠大批杀掉。

    Bat colonies have been decimated in at least seven states: New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.


  • 年幼的小海獭正在加利福尼亚蒙特欢快地嬉戏,一点儿也没在意边上的潜水员

    A young sea otter frolics in Monterey Bay, California, as a diver watches nearby.


  • 2002年得加利福尼亚蒙特海湾首次发现居住腐朽灰鲸科骨头中的Osedax活体。

    Osedax were first discovered alive in 2002 in Monterey Bay, California, where they were living on the bones of a decaying gray whale.


  • 保护系统相关控制器技术位于俄亥俄州uniontown,佛蒙特Vergennes和西弗吉尼亚州Union的Goodrich公司的传感器和集成系统小组设计生产

    The ice protection system and associated controller technology was designed and produced by Goodrich's Sensors and Integrated Systems teams in Uniontown, Ohio, Vergennes, Vt. and Union, W.Va.


  • 这个罗马尼亚姑娘蒙特利尔完成看似不可能710成套,这是多么意想不到的壮举以至于当时计分器只能显示三位数字

    The 14-year-old Romanian achieved the seemingly impossible seven times in Montreal, a feat so unexpected that the scoring technology was set up for only three digits.


  • 位于加利福尼亚贝尔蒙特Sezmi提供一种能够将节目内容多种方式进行传送合成系统

    Sezmi, based in Belmont, Calif., offers a hybrid system that delivers content in several ways.


  • 干旱这些山区蔓延蒙特高原平原跨越南部13,从俄克拉何马州德克萨斯州佛罗里达州和弗吉尼亚州。

    The drought has spread from these mountains onto the Piedmont plateau, down to the plains and across 13 southern states, from Oklahoma and Texas to Florida and Virginia.


  • 现在,许多以及托儿所(特别是华盛顿俄勒冈蒙特加利福尼亚等州),接种率远远低于群体免疫水平

    In many counties, towns and nursery schools — within Washington state, Oregon, Vermont and California, especially-vaccination rates are now far below the herd-immunity level.


  • 加利福尼亚克莱蒙特管理研究生院从教三十载,他也向公司提供建议

    He taught at the Claremont Graduate School of Management in California for more than thirty years. He also advised companies.


  • 吸血鬼乌贼一种头足类动物蒙特加利福尼亚,氧气最少在600至900米深处

    Vampyroteuthis, or vampire squid, is a cephalopod that lives in the oxygen-minimum zone of Monterey Bay, Calif. , at depths of 600 to 900 meters.


  • 通过文化课外文体活动寄宿家庭生活互动以及蒙特利尔渥太华多伦多尼亚加拉大瀑布地参观游览活动,体验加拿大文化

    Students are exposed to Canadian culture by attending cultural and recreational activities, living with homestay families and enjoying field trips in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls, etc.


  • 小左加利福尼亚,小去了蒙特

    Lefty goes to California. Righty moves to Vermont.


  • 《邮报》分析发现相当宾夕法尼亚蒙特烟草销售纽约州提烟税后有了增长

    Both Pennsylvania and Vermont, which each have significantly lower cigarette taxes, have seen tobacco sales rise since New York's hike, The Post's analysis found.


  • 类似的油耗标签等级已经加利福尼亚蒙特出现,不过这些的不是字母而是数字

    Similar stickers already exist in states like California and Vermont, though they use Numbers rather than letter grades.


  • 莱思莉宾夕法尼亚大学医学院获得了硕士学位他们两个1983年蒙特一个乡村酒店结了婚。

    Leslie earned her MD from the Medical College of Pennsylvania, and the two were married in 1983 at a Vermont country inn.


  • 加利福尼亚蒙特海狮海獭等海洋生物繁衍生息家园也是著名蒙特雷湾水族馆的所在地。

    Monteray Bay in California is home of sea lions, sea otters and myriad animals and plants that thrive in the rich coastal waters. It's also home of the remarkable Monteray Bay Aquarium.


  • 美国冬季来临,蒙特加利福尼亚的一些中小型滑雪场开始受到人们的青睐

    Smaller ski areas from Vermont to California are seeing brisk business by catering to area residents, families, and first-time skiers and snowboarders.


  • 美国加利福尼亚西部城市位于旧金山南部太平洋小入海口蒙特海湾沿岸。

    A city of western California south of San Francisco on Monterey Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.


  • 摘要7月22号,加利福尼亚蒙特燃起森林大火,这场大火已经烧毁57栋建筑葡萄园火情无法得到控制,将有更多葡萄园面临吞噬的危险

    ABSTRACT: a forest fire started on 22rd July in Monterey County, which destroyed 57 homes and one vineyard. If the fire cannot be controlled, many more vineyard will be in danger.


  • 霍尔库姆先生来自新克里多尼亚利兹维尔乡村小镇,镶嵌蒙特地区的烟田,奶牛牧场森林之中

    Mr. Holcomb hails from the small rural town of Reidsville, NC, nestled in the Piedmont region among tobacco fields, cow pastures, and forest.


  • 加利福尼亚宏伟海岸地带优质葡萄树生长创造一个良好气候环境我们家族不动产葡萄园位于蒙特地区阿罗约-塞科河谷

    California coastal strip for quality of the magnificent vine growth has created a favorable climate in our family estate vineyard monterey area arroyo - secco valley.


  • 艾利亚·弗莱切弗吉尼亚写信给蒙特父亲,保证说,“不会喝水损害自己健康。”

    From Virginia, Elijah Fletcher assured his father in Vermont, "I shall not injure my health in drinking water. I have not drank a tumbler full since here."


  • 艾利亚·弗莱切弗吉尼亚写信给蒙特父亲,保证说,“不会喝水损害自己健康。”

    From Virginia, Elijah Fletcher assured his father in Vermont, "I shall not injure my health in drinking water. I have not drank a tumbler full since here."


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