• 当地光滑细腻奶酪享受盛名,放奶牛的蒙斯特日最迷人的山谷之一。

    Famous for its creamy cheese, the cow-grazed Vallée de Munster is one of the loveliest valleys in the Vosges.


  • 蒂姆十分关注运营中的细节史蒂夫痴迷产品本身的细节。”投行PiperJaffray分析师吉恩·蒙斯特说。

    "Tim is obsessive about operational detail, and Steve is obsessive about product detail," said Gene Munster, an analyst with Piper Jaffray.


  • 斯特教区牧师工作

    This was the work of Layamon, a parish priest of Ernley.


  • 1800年代末意大利里雅斯特名叫西格德·弗洛伊德医科学生受命研究雄性鳗鱼睾丸。他假设鳗鱼睾丸体腔内结成的白质

    In the late 1800s in Trieste, Italy, a medical student named Sigmund Freud was assigned to investigate the testes of the male eel, postulated to be loops of white matter festooning the body cavity.


  • 所以梅森透露谢里夫福布斯特吸血鬼我们知道卡罗琳可能他们拖下水。

    So when Mason revealed to Sheriff Forbes that Damon and Stefan were vampires, we knew Caroline was probably going to be dragged down with them.


  • 弗兰克坚信就是船长彼得•本切利小说《大白鲨》里鲨鱼杀手。

    Frank Mundus was convinced he was Captain Quint, the fisher of monster sharks from Peter Benchley's "Jaws".


  • 随后,科林·斯特·斯特伍德掌舵的一部影片中担纲主角,这是否获得提名加上了保险

    Is it any wonder that Damon is such a safe Oscar pick when he'll be starring in yet another Clint Eastwood-helmed movie, Hereafter?


  • 女性应该明白堕胎不会增加遭遇心理疾病风险”,研究的主持者——奥尔·大学伦··奥尔森

    "A woman should know that her risk of having a psychiatric episode is not increased" after an abortion, said Trine Munk-Olsen of Aarhus University, who led the study.


  • 全家都被卢卡府上请去吃饭卢卡小姐一片好意,整日陪着柯林先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins.


  • 26岁·拉里一名社会工作者25岁的女友吉纳·克莱蒙斯一起伦敦北部伍德格林

    Matt Lary, 26, is a social worker who lives in Wood Green, north London, with his girlfriend Gen (Genevieve) Clemens, 25.


  • 德的妻子格拉迪·玛格丽早已失踪,踪迹无。

    Raymond's long-lost wife was called Gladys Margaret, and all trace of her has vanished.


  • 1994年莫皮萨里·德工作的基础发表了文章,此文章揭示了当失业率增长速度为多快时会引起一个负面的,能够自我强化的循环圈的发生。

    A 1994 paper by Mortensen and Pissarides, which builds on work by Diamond, showed how sharp rises in unemployment can cause a negative, self-reinforcing cycle to set in.


  • 其他20名演员包括汤姆·汉克,丹泽尔·华盛顿,梅丽尔·斯特里普杰克·尼科尔·

    Others in the top 20 include Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson and Matt Damon.


  • 双胞胎兄弟康纳·赖安迈尔·赖安都是13岁,·菲茨杰拉德13岁,哈里·克和迈克·卓克兄弟分别13岁和15岁他们坚持不是妈妈们给他们选定的海选演出服装。

    Twins Conor and Miles Ryan, 13, Matt Fitzgerald, 13, and brothers Harry and Max Mondryk, 13 and 15, insisted that their mums didn't pick out their outfits for the audition.


  • 令人印象深刻演员当属获得者弗兰西·麦克多以及资深演员约翰·托罗

    The most memorable performances come from Oscar winner Frances McDormand and veteran actor John Turturro.


  • 年来,长途跋涉中的MoLab已经分析了许多作品,大英博物馆本前哥伦布时代的米斯特法典挪威首都奥陆的奇博物馆内《焦虑》青春期这类表现主义油画

    five years on the road, MoLab has analyzed everything from a pre-Columbian Mixtec codex in the British Museum to expressionist paintings, such as Angst and Puberty, at the Munch Museum in Oslo.


  • 心灵捕手》,马··阿弗莱克哥们的剧本罗宾?威廉姆出任绿叶一个天才少年非典型成长。 。

    " the spirit ", Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in two man play, Robin? Williams as green, a boy genius atypical growth plate.


  • -埃蒙斯2004年的雅典男子卧射获胜

    Matt Emmons won the men's prone-position competition in Athens in 2004.


  • 1924年,用X光透视图坦卡法老木乃伊的齐伯尔·道格拉·里德教授也死于一场神秘疾病

    In 1924 a mystery illness killed Sir Archibald Douglas Reid, the man who X-rayed Tutankhamun's mummy.


  • 但是城市自身拯救杜德想的那么容易斯特无法让抽身时,只有帮忙了。

    But rescuing a city from itself may not be as easy as Deudermont thinks, and when Drizzt can't talk him out of it, he'll be forced to help.


  • 虽然昆船长穿着比更简朴,但是带有嘲讽意味的罗马鼻子以及一生鲨鱼打交道人是完全一样的。

    But his "short, derisive bark" of a laugh, his Roman nose, and most of all his life with sharks, were just the same.


  • 斯特西·奥格塑料”的名字不错,介意过上20另有球员使用这个名字。

    Stacey "Plastic Man" Augmon is perfect and I wouldn't mind if it were reused on a different player every 20 years or so.


  • 全家都被卢卡府上请去吃饭卢卡小姐一片好意,整日陪着柯林先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr.


  • 知道我们计划了怎样未来斯特。你,还有。无拘无束。

    You have no idea of the future i have planned for us, Stefan. You, me, and Damom. No rules.


  • 另外埃琳娜邀请斯特邦妮希望他们债券晚餐破坏晚上意想不到访问

    Also: Elena invites Stefan and Bonnie to dinner in hopes they will bond, but Damon disrupts the evening with an unexpected visit.


  • 非常同情这座城市穷人,”埃德·蒙斯·,“这里的消费水平很高。”

    "I have a lot of sympathy for folks who are in need in the city," Mr. Edmonds-Waters said. "This has become an extremely expensive city to live in."


  • 非常同情这座城市穷人,”埃德·蒙斯·,“这里的消费水平很高。”

    "I have a lot of sympathy for folks who are in need in the city," Mr. Edmonds-Waters said. "This has become an extremely expensive city to live in."


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