• 个指标都指出五个国家问题葡萄爱尔兰意大利希腊西班牙——五个国家有个难听的首字母简称PIIGS

    Both gauges point up problems in the same handful of countries: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and spain-a group given the ugly acronym PIIGS.


  • 肇始于1636年冬天荷兰郁金香泡沫不当时荷兰,这种易腐烂商品价格戏剧般地飞涨,一度郁金香鳞茎可以卖到别墅价格。 “葡萄酒价格的暴涨完全是一夜之间发生的。”

    Not since the winter of 1636 — in the midst of tulip mania in Holland, where for a time bulbs traded for the price of houses — has the price of a perishable product escalated so dramatically.


  • 无论奥图尔先生怎么希腊葡萄西班牙甚至意大利比较,爱尔兰的前景依然一片光明

    Set against Greece, Portugal, Spain and even Italy, its prospects still look bright, whatever Mr O’Toole thinks.


  • 西雅图还是俄勒冈葡萄故乡——它小檗亲缘关系真正葡萄的关系近些——还有英国常春藤。这是一种入侵藤本西雅图一带的手艺人用来编织篮子

    Seattle is also home to the Oregon grapemore closely related to the barberry than an actual grape — and English ivy, an invasive vine that Seattle-area crafting groups weave into baskets.


  • 两个公司表示,如果他们国外进口廉价葡萄的话,他们就没办法智利澳大利亚这些国家出口的廉价葡萄竞争

    They argue that they cannot compete with cheaper imports from Chile and Australia unless they use bulk wines from those same countries.


  • 这种现象并不持续长久,明年将会法国爱尔兰希腊葡萄西班牙一起经历困难的一年。

    It can't last. Next year will be when France wallows with Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain.


  • 槲皮素一种白藜芦醇相对接近化学物多种水果蔬菜中广泛存在,包括洋葱葡萄蓝莓花椰菜红酒

    Quercetin, a close chemical relative of resveratrol, is present in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including red Onions, grapes, blueberries, tea, broccoli and red wine.


  • Maillard反应高温条件下果糖葡萄蜂蜜鸭肉氨基酸反应,生成多种新的分子增加了菜肴的滋味颜色

    In the Maillard reaction, at high temperatures, fructose and glucose in the honey reacts with amino acids in the duck, producing a variety of new molecules that add flavor and color.


  • 胜利号继任——海军上将尼尔森舰只名,满载葡萄黄金和不列颠海军的骄傲她的1150船员沉入大海

    Laden with four tons of Portuguese gold, the pride of the British navy - and direct predecessor to Admiral Nelson's vessel of the same name - sank with all 1, 150 of its crew.


  • 考虑后文粉碎上述想法”,我觉得是不是可以:人们都认为美国不可能遭受葡萄希腊一样的命运

    that it seems inconceivable that it could suffer a fate similar to that of Portugal or Greece.


  • 如果有人以为所有水果草莓一起成熟葡萄就一无所知。

    Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as then strawberries knows nothing about grapes.


  • 然而,要发明一种可以取代脚踩碎葡萄机器证明几乎找到圣杯一样困难

    But inventing a machine to replace the human treading of grapes has proved almost as difficult as finding the "holy grail".


  • 精油可以洗浴时使用,直接加载洗浴水中精油也可以不用稀释或者其他品质的植物油(例如葡萄籽油杏仁油、荷芭油)混合起来使用。

    Essential oils such as lavender can be added to bath water, undiluted or combined with a high-quality vegetable oil, such as grape seed, almond, or jojoba.


  • 汉朝商队,大量丝织品波斯人印度人希腊人交换商品带回外国核桃葡萄胡萝卜等

    Trade caravans from China carrying large amounts of silk fabrics exchanged merchandise with traders from Persia, India and Greece, and brought home walnuts, grapes and carrots from abroad.


  • 鱼蛋白具有明显补锌效果抗氧化效果,效果优于剂量葡萄酸锌硫酸锌

    Zinc chelating small peptides has a significant effect of zinc supplementation and antioxidant, and is more effective than the same dose of zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate.


  • 固定化葡萄异构酶转化葡萄果糖转化率可达45 - 54%,甜度超过浓度蔗糖

    The conversion ratios of glucose to fructose catalyzed by the immobilized glucose isomerase is from 45 to 54%. The sweetness of the product is over that of sucrose in the same concentration.


  • 马尼切2004年欧洲杯代表葡萄牙队出战一举成名,荷兰队半决赛上攻进

    Maniche starred for Portugal in Euro 2004 and scored the goal of the tournament in the semi-final against Holland.


  • 由于酸度Cannonau其他葡萄酿造通常原地改善味觉平衡

    Because of its low acidity, Cannonau is also vinified together with other grapes, usually autochthonous, in order to improve the gustatory balance.


  • 收藏家葡萄作家李志延(JeannieChoLee)比如超市葡萄消费者发现年前相比,他们的选择更多了,价格吸引力了。

    In supermarkets, for instance, wine consumers are seeing 'a larger selection at much better prices than two years ago,' says Jeannie Cho Lee, a collector and wine writer.


  • 葡萄牙里斯本距离普西林花园不远城区,这栋占地41平米的绿色小楼安静其它五颜六色的多层楼房排列在一起,享受着地中海的灿烂阳光。

    Located da few metres from the Garden of Príncipe Real in Lisbon, this 41 m2 plot allows the construction of a small 5-storey urban house for a family.


  • 众不 的肥沃土性口感很好的单宁成分该酒提供了“骨架”,他们又与丰美葡萄相混合确保该酒经过多年时间能够进一步增加复杂性

    The distinguishing rich, loamy earthiness and fine ripe tannins provide structure and mingle with lush fruit, ensuring that the wine will develop additional complexity over many years.


  • 众不 的肥沃土性口感很好的单宁成分该酒提供了“骨架”,他们又与丰美葡萄相混合确保该酒经过多年时间能够进一步增加复杂性

    The distinguishing rich, loamy earthiness and fine ripe tannins provide structure and mingle with lush fruit, ensuring that the wine will develop additional complexity over many years.


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