• 落款日期是1924年,差不多于60年前

    Then I saw the dateline -- 1924. The letter had been written almost sixty years earlier.


  • 带上刑场时候写了一张便条辞别落款是:瓦伦丁

    When he was taken away to be executed he wrote her a farewell message, which he signed: "From your Valentine."


  • 休闲商务休闲语气。一种礼貌信件落款方式可以用于朋友陌生人

    Casual or Business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers.


  • 有个男人被迫公告声明变成女人了,他收到落款监狱地址妖媚来信

    One man forced to advertise that he was becoming a woman received several seductive letters with prison return addresses.


  • 不过,这次署名长了一点落款西奥多·f·斯托达德医学博士

    But now his name was a little longer-the letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.


  • 由于历来有高兴的含义,因此落款尤其适用于通信主题性质为庆贺时使用

    Given the term's mirthful history, this valediction is particularly apropos if the subject matter of your correspondence is celebratory or congratulatory in nature.


  • 这个20世纪初期作为祝酒词在英式英语得到普及现在通常在英美英语中用作落款

    This term gained popularity in British English as a salutation before drinking in the early 1900s, but is now commonly used as a sign-off on both sides of the pond.


  • 李桂莲一封落款2007年11月27日的信中写道,昨天大卫那儿收到件西装

    In a letter to Ms. Li dated Nov. 27, 2007, he wrote: 'Yesterday I received the two suits from David.


  • 令人惊讶的是,“xoxo落款,表达拥抱亲吻成为普遍甚至出现断然非爱情的关系中

    Surprisingly, the sign-off xoxo, offering hugs and kisses, has become common even for those in decidedly nonamorous relationships.


  • 一段发现左边耸立着石碑,上面刻着“花港不雅鱼”4个年夜字,下面落款康熙”。

    Take some, you will find on the left stands a stone tablet inscribed "Huagangguanyu", describe the following inscription is "Qing emperor Kangxi.


  • 合适比对样本情况下,可以准确鉴别落款时间一年以上、怀疑书写时间在半年以内的可疑文件的真伪。

    The method can discriminate ballpoint writings dated before one year but suspected within half year from the examination time , if proper known samples are available.


  • 休闲商务休闲语气。一种私人还是礼貌信件落款方式收件人是很可能已经现实生活过面的。

    Casual or Business casual. A more personal, but still polite way to end the letter. You've probably met the recipient in real life.


  • 众所周知中国画作品主体构成内容之外,还要有落款印章配合诗、合一综合表现的艺术。

    As we all know, Chinese painting works, besides the main form content, have the conjugate of inscription and the seal, which is the integrated unity of books, paintings, printed performance.


  • 图中可以看到这本小册子名为姐妹悄悄话》,落款舟山市疾病预防控制中心”,属于艾滋病预防控制宣传资料

    As can be seen from the chart, the booklet called "sister whispering," signed "in Zhoushan city Disease prevention and control Center" belonging to AIDS prevention and control publicity materials.


  • 友好电话交谈e - mail交换后亲爱的随意落款感到很舒服虽然总是等待对方迈出一步

    But after a few friendly phone conversations or E-mail exchanges, he feels comfortable with the affectionate and casual sign-off, though he generally waits for the other party to make the first move.


  • Best”的确有粉丝特别工作场所,对于完全没有落款只是发件人冷酷地加上或者名字邮件来说,它在提升感情上可以通用的。

    Best does have its fans, especially in the workplace, where it can be an all-purpose step up in warmth from messages that end with no sign-off at all, just the sender coolly appending his or her name.


  • 这块铜质标志牌赵州国际上占有重要地位的标志之一。下面的落款为“美国土木工程师学会敬立”。学会代表的是国际性土木工程的权威组织。

    There is a bronze plaque, which is one of the symbols of the Zhaozhou Bridge's world significance, inscribed by the American Society of Civil Engineers.


  • 学会了怎样商务普通信件标题称呼说明目的提出要求,定出期望回应个“Very Truly Yours”的落款结束。

    You learned how to write business and headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours.


  • 学会了怎样商务普通信件标题称呼说明目的提出要求,定出期望回应个“Very Truly Yours”的落款结束。

    You learned how to write business and casual headings and salutations, state your purpose, make a request, set expectations for a response, and wrap it up with a Very Truly Yours.


  • 《渔庄秋霁图》很具代表性作品,通过作品中树、石、构图、书法落款等程式分析,可以深入体会倪瓒的绘画艺术程式,有利于对倪瓒的绘画进行更好学习研究

    These patterns give Ni Zan's pictures the elegant, empty and peaceful artistic conception. The analysis of these patterns is conducive to better learning and research of Ni Zan's paintings.


  • 落款签名是“巴拉克·奥巴马”,姓名字头的“BO”写又圆。阿诺德夫人,见到总统儿子的大名“马修”来亲切地称呼的儿子,她激动得“眼泪夺眶而出”。

    He signed the note “Barack Obama, ” with a big looping B and O. Mrs. Arnold said she was so overwhelmed that the president had called her son by his first name that she “just burst into tears.”


  • 落款签名是“巴拉克·奥巴马”,姓名字头的“BO”写又圆。阿诺德夫人,见到总统儿子的大名“马修”来亲切地称呼的儿子,她激动得“眼泪夺眶而出”。

    He signed the note “Barack Obama, ” with a big looping B and O. Mrs. Arnold said she was so overwhelmed that the president had called her son by his first name that she “just burst into tears.”


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