• 地面铺装作为园林艺术一个要素营造氛围带来空间活力

    As an element of garden art, garden ground pavement can create atmosphere and bring vitality to space.


  • 如何语文课堂教学实施探究性学习营造氛围创设情境点拨方法

    How the implement investigation in the language classroom the teaching study: construction the atmosphere establish a scenario point to stir a method.


  • 营造氛围有效手段就是灵活运用基本的线条色调图案构成元素

    The valid means that constructs the atmosphere is a chemical element that USES flexibly the basic lines, main tone and patterns to constitute.


  • 营造氛围目的在于让孩子学习榜样,一个接触、熟悉亲近过程

    The purpose of creating an atmosphere in the child he had to learn a model, there is a contact, familiar with the close process.


  • 倾向在耶诞节一天挑选这样一支,它可以愉悦心情,恰到好处地搭配菜肴,为主宾间的谈话营造氛围

    Christmas Day can be such an onslaught that I tend to favor wines that lift my mood, complement the food and inspire conversation.


  • 简谱锣鼓经把秦腔音乐小说,将时间艺术溶进符号艺术之中,揭示性格、暗传情绪、营造氛围、凝聚人秦地生命呐喊和文化魂脉,《秦腔》的一个创造性探索。

    It is a creative trial of the Jia Ping′ao′s novel titled "Qin Opera" that the music of Qin opera is written into a novel with numbered musical notations and classics of gong and drum;


  • 餐厅里,打悬挂织物能营造雅致氛围

    In the dining-room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance.


  • 复杂的统计数据营造一种令人生畏科学确定性氛围

    Sophisticated statistics are used to create an intimidatory atmosphere of scientific certainty.


  • 咖啡馆里,顾客可以享受专门为其营造的历史氛围

    In the cafe, customers will enjoy themselves in the historical environment that is created for them.


  • 数据挖掘我们指明方向,很好我们视频营造正确氛围

    Data mining gave us clear indicators, which really helped in creating the right atmosphere in the videos.


  • 教师如果对待孩子态度冷漠、经常批评或者训斥孩子、营造消极紧张氛围,其教学质量归入差等行列

    Teachers who ignore kids, criticize or scold them often or create a negative, stressful atmosphere would be regarded as providing poor-quality care.


  • 媒体朋友非常重视积极报道客观评论,为这些活动的成功举办营造良好氛围

    Friends from media circles attached importance to these events, and offered positive coverage and objective comments, creating a favorable atmosphere.


  • 营造良好氛围,克雷莫纳市政厅里陈列着杰出先辈大师们的小提琴作品,其中包括著名的斯特拉·瓦阿玛蒂。

    To help create the right atmosphere, Cremona has been adding to its collection of superb old-master violins on view in the town hall, including famous Strads and Amatis.


  • 如何组织内部营造快乐氛围呢? 可以从培养基层员工做起——培养那些通常会支持战略规划团队成员不是负责设计实施这些规划的人。

    One way to get started on building happiness at your organization is to nurture your junior staff, the members of the team who usually support the strategic plan rather than devise and implement it.


  • 如果营造那种威胁压抑氛围就好了…怎么营造呢?

    If only I could recreate the menacing atmosphere of oppression... but how?


  • 伟丁许多妇女带著孩子探监希望新的著装规定可以营造更加温馨的家庭氛围

    Many female visitors bring children, and Wedding said he hopes the dress code will create a more family friendly environment.


  • 电子阅读永远不能营造图书馆良好学习氛围

    The ideal academic atmosphere created by libraries can never be matched by e-reading.


  • 以往不同是,为了营造一种轻松的氛围,会场还增加洛基滑雪场式的布置

    The Roundup adds an extra dimension to the OpenSpace format with the Rocky Mountain ski town setting, helping to create an extra laid back atmosphere.


  • 可以传染,当观众一起欢笑,他们彼此的关系、他们的关系都会更加紧密还会展示现场营造一个积极整体氛围

    Laughter is contagious and an audience that shares a laugh becomes more connected with each other and with you; this creates a positive general vibe in the room.


  • 选择色彩搭配可以营造一种高雅温馨宁静氛围,又或者打造出青春活泼的景象。

    By selecting the right color scheme, you can create an ambiance of elegance, warmth or tranquility, or you can convey an image of playful youthfulness.


  • 拥有以上管理风格销售副总裁通过雇佣与自己同类”的销售人员,营造独特的团队氛围建立起符合他们经验体系文化

    VPs with each of these management styles build a unique sales environment by hiring their "type" of salespeople and establishing a culture based upon their belief systems.


  • 为了营造健康竞争氛围第二核武实验室,劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室在旧金山附近建成。

    To establish a healthy atmosphere of competition, a second nuclear weapons laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National laboratory, was established near San Francisco.


  • 另有证据表明有意控制夸大股价下跌股价下跌崩溃”,试图营造萧条氛围

    Other evidence suggests that the media is manipulating and over-inflating stock market drops and calling them "crashes" in order to create the perception of a great depression.


  • 这座城市里发生的一切无不充盈文化生活气息那些如饥似渴艺术家营造适宜氛围,赋予他们勃勃生机

    Anything goes in this city, which bustles with cultural life and offers the hungry artist the right atmosphere to blossom.


  • 浏览器开放式数据专题讨论会整个会议注入了很大活力组织者EddDumbill为了营造团结协作大会氛围创造性工作也增强大会的吸引力。

    The browser and open data tracks added a great deal of energy to the proceedings, as did organizer Edd Dumbill's creative work in building an atmosphere of collaboration around the conference.


  • 认为一个再简单不过而且十分重要营造家庭氛围的规则。

    I think this is one of the easiest and most important ritual to have as a family.


  • 他们应该描绘未来或者营造一个我们从未超现实氛围

    They have to depict the future, or create a futuristic atmosphere that we've never dared to think about.


  • 然而土耳其还要继续全球寻找其他合作国家,进而创造动态的合作环境营造出一种核技术文化氛围

    However, Turkey should continue to look for other partners in the world to create a dynamic environment and culture in nuclear technology.


  • 然而土耳其还要继续全球寻找其他合作国家,进而创造动态的合作环境营造出一种核技术文化氛围

    However, Turkey should continue to look for other partners in the world to create a dynamic environment and culture in nuclear technology.


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