• 公司宗旨是以我们的诚心和真挚介绍健康营养安全婴童产品

    The principle of the company lies in introducing healthy and secure infants and children products with honesty and sincerity.


  • 结论胃癌术后早期肠内营养安全有效促进胃肠功能恢复减少术后并发症发生

    Conclusion: it is safe and effective to give early enteral nutrition after the operation for cancer of stomach, which can promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function and decrease complications.


  • 我们我们伙伴采取了迅速行动确保提供安全充分营养以及可靠疾病监测

    We and our partners took rapid action to ensure the safety of water, the adequacy of nutrition, and the reliability of disease surveillance.


  • 有钱可以让人容易地生活安全区域,享受营养美食接受良好教育

    Money makes it easier to live in a safe area, to have nutritious diet, and to get a sound education.


  • 获得良好营养安全饮用水基本卫生条件可以帮助艾滋病毒感染者保持质量生活

    Access to good nutrition, safe water and basic hygiene can also help an HIV-infected person maintain a high quality of life.


  • 然而这种关注多半一些武断说法引起的,食物供应安全不能提供足够营养

    However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs.


  • 泰勒否认了所有健康隐患这些蟑螂生长无菌环境或者龙虾一样安全富有营养

    Taylor dismissed any health concerns, saying the cockroaches were raised in a sterile environment and were as safe to eat as shrimp or lobster with high nutritional value.


  • 是否包含足够营养能量帮助安全有效减肥

    Does it include proper amounts of nutrients and calories to help you lose weight safely and effectively?


  • 难民营极度拥挤缺乏基本安全饮用水、卫生设施食物营养住处等。

    The camps are extremely overcrowded, and the basics-safe water, sanitation, food, nutrition, shelter, are less than adequate,” Mercado said.


  • 因此医疗服务人员讨论怀孕时所少量的无营养甜味剂安全的。

    These sweeteners are considered safe in moderation so talk with your health care provider about how much non-nutritive sweetener is acceptable during pregnancy.


  • 目前有10亿多人,即世界人口六分之一,生活极度贫困之中缺乏生存所必需安全用水适当的营养基本卫生保健以及社会服务

    More than one billion people — one sixth of the world's population - live in extreme poverty, lacking the safe water, proper nutrition, basic health care and social services needed to survive.


  • 美国食品和药物监督局认为aquAdvantage鲑鱼安全这种鱼在营养方面非转基因鲑鱼没有什么两样,而且能够持续养殖

    AquAdvantage salmon were deemed safe by the FDA, calling them nutritionally equal to non-GM salmon and capable of being sustainably farmed.


  • 所以最安全做法是:100%果汁,不喝甜味剂果汁并且留意食品营养标签

    Steer clear of juice drinks that have added sweeteners. Look for the percent of real juice, noted on the nutritional label.


  • 好的东西太多造成伤害营养补充品维生素含量过高加上食物获取营养使超出安全标准。

    Too much of a good thing can cause harm: High amounts of vitamins in supplements plus what you get in food can put you over the safe limit.


  • 世卫组织粮农组织联合召开一系列专家协商评估来源于转基因植物微生物动物食品安全营养

    WHO, jointly with FAO, will convene a series of expert consultations to assess the safety and nutritional aspects of foods derived from genetically modified plants, microorganisms, and animals.


  • 北美消费者们越来越关注他们的日常饮食是否安全营养发展趋势好的

    The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development.


  • 这项核心内容包括基本初级卫生保健、最基本营养食物卫生条件、安全饮用水以及基本药物

    Essential primary health care; minimum essential and nutritious food; sanitation; safe and potable water; and essential drugs are included in the core content.


  • 这些条件包括确保获得卫生服务健康安全工作条件,适足的住房营养食物

    Such conditions range from ensuring availability of health services, healthy and safe working conditions, adequate housing and nutritious food.


  • 这项运动目标帮助各国改进解决营养不良问题的方式并且确保作出的反应农业卫生社会保障以及食品安全部门包含在内

    The movement's target is to help countries improve how they tackle malnutrition and ensure the response includes the agriculture, health, social protection and ensuring food security sectors.


  • 绿色食品——这一的用法非常不统一——支持者往往声称绿色食品其它食品安全营养价值更高

    Advocates of organic foodsa term whose meaning varies greatlyfrequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.


  • 母体微量营养素补充安全功效有效传递需要进一步研究

    The safety, efficacy and effective delivery of maternal micronutrient supplementation require further research.


  • 收入贫困一个严重问题,受其影响,营养不良率孕产妇死亡率居高不下,安全饮水环卫设施不足教育成果较差

    Non-income poverty is a serious problem in terms of high malnutrition and maternal mortality rates, inadequate access to safe water and sanitation, and education outcomes.


  • 母乳安全的,婴儿提供所需要有益于其健康发育营养含有一些抗体保护婴儿免受儿童常见病的侵袭。

    It is safe, gives babies the nutrients they need for healthy development and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses.


  • 膳食营养辅助减肥产品并不处方药一样要按照非常严格标准来,因此只要出示有限有效性安全证明可以出售

    Dietary supplements and weight-loss aids aren't subject to the same rigorous standards as are prescription drugs. Thus, they can be sold with limited proof of effectiveness or safety.


  • 药物动力学数据表明正常剂量青霉素复方磺胺甲恶唑庆大霉素对于营养不良儿童安全的,氯霉素剂量服用频率需要调整

    Pharmacokinetic data suggest that normal doses of penicillins, cotrimoxazole and gentamicin are safe in malnourished children, while the dose or frequency of chloramphenicol requires adjustment.


  • 社会救助项目营养食物安全贷款增加一倍,达到8亿美元。

    Lending for social protection, nutrition and food security is also set to double to US$800 million.


  • 社会救助项目营养食物安全贷款增加一倍,达到8亿美元。

    Lending for social protection, nutrition and food security is also set to double to US$800 million.


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