• 有几个因素假冒药品问题带来影响。

    Several factors contribute to the SFFC medicine problem.


  • 中东苏联许多国家存在假冒药品问题

    Counterfeit medications are also a problem in the Middle East and in many countries of the former Soviet union.


  • 判断假冒药品问题确切严重程度仍困难,其中有几个原因。

    Defining the extent of counterfeiting is difficult for a number of reasons.


  • 组织起草了GMP指南中国使得药品生产符合规范,并引入一套机制处理药品问题

    He introduced a Chinese version of Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, which ensure that production is up to standard and that a mechanism is in place to deal with drug problems.


  • 印度尼西亚项目提供足够食物药品大大缓解儿童成长面临的严峻问题

    In Indonesia, the program has provided enough food and medicine to substantially reduce severe growth problems among children.


  • 调查发现,普遍问题焦虑失眠抑郁酒精药品依赖痴呆专家估计三分之一接受治疗

    The most common problems included anxiety disorders, insomnia, depression, alcohol and drug dependence and dementia. Experts estimated only one-third of people receive treatment.


  • 但是尽管药品获得不是一个新问题,但是当今情况过去相比大不一样

    But while the problem of access to medicines is nothing new, the context today is strikingly different than in the past.


  • 调查发现,普遍问题焦虑失眠抑郁酒精药品依赖痴呆

    The most common problems included anxiety disorders, insomnia, depression, alcohol and drug dependence and dementia.


  • 现在最大问题我们缺少帐篷,缺少医疗器材药品医护人员。

    The biggest problem now is that we lack tents, we lack medical equipment, medicine and medical workers," he said.


  • 以前的药品控制条约相比框架公约肯定了减少需求战略以及供应问题重要性

    In contrast to previous drug control treaties, the FCTC asserts the importance of demand reduction strategies as well as supply issues.


  • 药品使用激增方面指出汀类药物(降低胆固醇)抑郁问题全盘浮现了。

    In terms of the explosion of drugs, she pointed to statins (which lower cholesterol) and antidepressants, but added that the problem was across the board.


  • 但是最近英国医学杂志研究发现药品本身没有问题瑞典研究者发现痘痘本身也增加抑郁自杀可能性。

    But a recent study in the British Medical Journal found that the drug itself may not matter; according to Swedish researchers, acne itself raises the risk of depression and suicide attempt.


  • 第一种就是听之任之抗药性所带来问题当做不可避免的代价,因为我们获得了药品高利润

    One is to do nothing, treating the various problems created by resistance as acceptable costs when set against drugs' much greater benefits.


  • 我们穷的非盈利的机构,致力于解决这个问题很多年了。”凯伊先生希望药品制造商得到资助来举办这个会议

    We are a poor nonprofit, and I’ve been working on this issue for years, ” said Mr. Kaye, who hopes to receive grants from the drug makers to help pay for the conference.


  • 政策引起了一个实际问题22%老年人无力支付药品保证金

    It addressed a real problem: some 22% of the elderly lacked drug coverage.


  • 规划实施过程中,意大利药品管理局发现,对于研究重点来说,惟一挑战就是研究基础设施长期供资保障问题

    In running this programme, the Italian Medicines Agency has found that research priorities can only be challenged by guarantees of long-term funding of research infrastructure.


  • 明显就是“老年医保”计划如何支付药品问题

    And nowhere was that clearer than in the issue of how Medicare should pay for drugs.


  • 药品成分药品国际贸易增长使问题更加复杂

    The growth in international trade of pharmaceutical ingredients and medicines adds a further dimension of complexity to this issue.


  • 表示即便克服这些问题,10%的改善效果与多数核准的药品所取得的通常达到20%至30%成效相比无足挂齿

    Even if you were able to get over those issues, the 10 per cent improvement pales in comparison to the usual 20 to 30 per cent required for most approved drugs, he says.


  • 世卫组织理事机构讨论所有问题之中,药品获得一直会引起最为热烈有时具有分歧并且可能存有很大争议的辩论。

    Of all the issues discussed at WHO governing bodies, access to medicines consistently sparks the most heated, sometimes divisive, and potentially explosive debates.


  • 慈善机构英国药品协会认为大多数病人把吃药当成解决他们社会心理问题的自我治疗。

    DrugScope, a charity, reckons that many of its clients take drugs as "self-medication" for social and psychological problems.


  • 确实,正如食品药品管理局文件显示消费者投诉2008年平静了段时间——公司因此得出结论,问题得到解决——但这种情形维持了几个月,消费者投诉再次增加。

    Indeed, F. D. A. documents indicated that the consumer complaints subsided for a time in 2008 - leading the company to conclude the issue had gone away - only to resume months later.


  • Geldmacher这项研究证明了一个测验可行的,但是实验之前确定没有任何特征表明药品家族可以引起心脏的某些问题

    Geldmacher said the study proved a large test was feasible, but noted the study was done before there was any sign that drugs in this class can cause heart problems.


  • 通过药厂慷慨做出的药品捐助包括项长期性承诺方面的问题正在不断得到解决

    This problem is being increasingly overcome by generous drug donations from the pharmaceutical industry, including several long-term commitments. Additional pledges were announced today, including.


  • 不仅仅一个向艾滋病患者(1600万患者表现出艾滋病症状自身免疫系统非常脆弱)提供药品问题

    It is not just a matter of bringing in those who should already be on the drugs (the 16m who show symptoms or whose immune systems are critically weak).


  • 不仅仅一个向艾滋病患者(1600万患者表现出艾滋病症状自身免疫系统非常脆弱)提供药品问题

    It is not just a matter of bringing in those who should already be on the drugs (the 16m who show symptoms or whose immune systems are critically weak).


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