• 对尤达十分尊敬当作自己荣誉家庭

    Tarfful greatly respected Yoda, and considered him to be a member of his "honor family."


  • 巴卡·索罗莱亚·奥加纳·索罗、他们孩子卢克·天行者归入荣誉家庭内。

    Chewbacca considered Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, their children and Luke Skywalker part of his honor family.


  • 伍基古老神圣传统中,有种叫做荣誉家庭,它由位伍基人最亲近的朋友伙伴组成。

    A sacred and ancient Wookiee tradition is that of the honor family. An honor family comprises a Wookiee's closest friends and companions.


  • 这些家庭成员互相发下誓言,将所有人生命连一起,每个成员参加的任何荣誉家庭都是如此。

    These family members pledge a commitment to lay down their lives for one another, as well as members of any honor families these individuals may have.


  • 去年春天两个国家之一澳大利亚放弃了这一可疑荣誉,从2011年开始建立带薪家庭休假制度。

    Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishing paid family leave starting in 2011.


  • 曾经一度美国人知道中国历史悠久伟大的国家,今天我们仍然看到中国奉行着重视家庭学业荣誉的优良传统

    Once America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor.


  • 这些宗派的诽谤,以及传统妇女家庭荣誉坚贞者理念火上加油,不是冲突唯一原因

    Such sectarian sniping, inflamed by traditional notions of women as the repository of family honour, has not been the only cause of strife.


  • 关于荣誉取代法律工作家庭安危等其它一切事物最佳案例之一出现约翰·库萨克主演的《终极猎杀》(1999)中。

    One of the best examples, where honor supersedes everything else, including the law, work, and family with disastrous results, occurs in The Jack Bull (1999) starring John Cusack.


  • 有些人称这种案件荣誉杀人”,因为家人觉得他们必须阻止他们孩子-通常是他们的女儿-挽回家庭声誉

    Some have dubbed the cases "honor killings" because the families feel they have to act against their childrenusually their daughtersto save the family's reputation.


  • 软性奖励就是媒体家庭朋友创造这个职业上光环荣誉

    The soft incentive is the aura and prestige that media and family and friends "create" around a profession.


  • 伦敦的《星期日泰晤士报》表示他对此事感到十分厌恶震惊呼吁商店不要出售荣誉勋章》,以此支持军人他们的家庭

    He told London's Sunday Times that he was disgusted and angry and asked stores to show support for the military and military families by not selling "Medal of Honor."


  • 然而专家巴基斯坦真实发生荣誉处决”的数量比这个数字从未警察报告过,因为家庭成员自杀掩盖了。

    However, experts say that actual incidences of "honor killings" in Pakistan are much higher and never get reported to the police because they are passed off by the families as suicides.


  • 一个家庭荣誉按传统,取决于他们家里的女儿女孩的做法反对了他们意愿,这会看作严重的对家庭的不尊重玛丽

    The honor of a family traditionally resides in its daughters, and when the girl goes against their wishes, it is seen as the ultimate disrespect, Kumari said.


  • 还补充说这些女性而言能够家庭国家做出切实贡献也是关乎荣誉事情

    Plus, she adds, it's a matter of pride for these women to make a tangible contribution to their family and to the nation.


  • 全球每年5000名妇女荣誉名义家庭成员杀害

    Every year, about 5,000 women are murdered by family members in the name of honour each year worldwide.


  • 今天我们仍然看到中国奉行着重视家庭学业荣誉良好传统

    Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor.


  • 死亡针对妇女暴力行为造成的死亡包括荣誉杀害(因文化原因家庭成员杀害)、自杀、溺杀女婴(女婴杀害),以及不安全流产造成孕妇死亡。

    Death: Deaths from violence against women include honour killings (by families for cultural reasons); suicide; female infanticide (murder of infant girls); and maternal death from unsafe abortion.


  • 儒家哲学家庭扮演重要角色一个方向引导人们家庭荣誉工作,不只是为自己。

    In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role - an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves.


  • 过去毫不爱惜家庭荣誉现在却极其爱惜。

    He is as jealous of his family honour now, as ever he was careless about it.


  • 重要荣誉尊重死去祖先家庭成员

    More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members.


  • 重要一个时期荣誉支付尊重自己的祖先死者家庭成员

    More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members.


  • 如果觉得唱歌,会唱歌,特殊才能集体荣誉我们温暖家庭欢迎伱。

    If you think you love to sing, sing, there are special talents, collective pride strong, our family is also the warm welcome you.


  • 事实上,安戈涅维护并非完全是个体情感人性更多的是家庭荣誉义务

    However, it is not only individual emotions and humanity but also family honor and responsibilities that Antigone tries to defend and fulfill.


  • 巴基斯坦保守农村里,因女性污损家庭荣誉”而遭到男性杀害并不罕见

    In Pakistan's conservative countryside, it's not uncommon for male relatives to kill women accused of violating family honor.


  • 布丁家庭应该准备成员轮流挑起布丁,荣誉

    During the preparation of the pudding every member family should stir the pudding with a wooden spoon by turns, this in honor of the Three Kings.


  • 布丁家庭应该准备成员轮流挑起布丁,荣誉

    During the preparation of the pudding every member family should stir the pudding with a wooden spoon by turns, this in honor of the Three Kings.


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