• 1949以前,富人通常没什么机会得到声望他们仅仅固守着本地声誉他们的祖先荣耀

    Before 1949, rich people traditionally gave to the less fortunate to gain prestige, uphold local reputations and honor their ancestors.


  • 本来2004欧洲杯中有可能带领英格兰争取荣耀,可是骨折坏了好事,类似伤病限制了2006世界杯的发挥。

    He threatened to lead England to glory at Euro 2004 before a broken metatarsal intervened, and the same injury restricted him at the 2006;


  • 拥有最纯洁灵魂,他通慈爱本质最为纯粹力量,深深地撼动和影响了其他所有的人:在威灵顿大学授予女皇殿下一度奖项,他这样描述获得这个荣耀条件:不是最聪明的孩子,而是最好读书的孩子;

    sheer force of his own benevolent nature--when drawing up the conditions of the annual prize to be given by Her Majesty at Wellington College


  • 杰克逊此后生活时间,去逝时与他活着的时候一样高贵荣耀

    Jackson lived for eight more years. He died as he had lived, with dignity and honor.


  • 2010这些节目也会开始疲软:因为节目根基就在于商业梦想坐在董事椅上荣耀

    These shows will start to look tired in 2010: they were premised on the idea of the business dream and on the glamour of a shiny boardroom table.


  • 这样之内雇工数,基达的一切荣耀归于无有。

    For thus hath the LORD said unto me, Within a year, according to the years of an hireling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail.


  • 所有黑暗地球进入到第四密度时候消失,时间在你们历法2012但是并不是地球母亲所有黄金时代荣耀那个门槛马上到来。

    All darkness will be gone when Earth enters fourth density around the end of your calendar year 2012, but not all the glories of her Golden Age will be on that threshold.


  • 不幸是,上世纪七十起,贫穷冲突控制柬埔寨,爆发了摧毁各地寺庙浩劫,留下这个地区夕日荣耀一些痕迹

    Unfortunately, the poverty and strife that has gripped Cambodia since the 1970s has led to the pervasive looting of temples, leaving only a few hints of the region's previous glory.


  • 并且之后成为神圣荣耀传奇如同他那如同神话一般的一般,适合位伟大帝王的身份。

    And then, more than a thousand years later, would be reborn in the form of a legend of a man, godlike and glorious, and of his sword, a legend in itself, fit for an emperor.


  • 自己设计已有。十设计那么匆匆,那么的普通,那么的荣耀,那么的感动自己

    Own make the design to have ten years. Ten year design roads, such in a hurry, such ordinary, such glory, such is moved oneself!


  • 于1900,享尽天荣耀

    He died in 1900, full of years and honours.


  • 足球王国媒体开始批评国家队已经很久没有能够获得冠军荣誉,而且球队开始放弃攻华丽的攻势足球传统。 作为巴西足球名宿,苏格拉底曾经在1979至1986效力,他相信40岁的瓜迪奥拉可以让五星巴西恢复荣耀

    And Socrates, who played for the Brazil national team between 1979 and 1986, believes the 40-year-old coach is the right man to revive the five-time World Cup winners.


  • 随着2011到来仍然看好球队在和湖人对决中打出什么荣耀比赛即使他们有两笔关键签约

    As 2011 approaches, I'm still not predicting... wait for it... glory days for a team continuing to match up badly against the Lakers even after a key pair of additions.


  • 我们教会荣耀华人浸信会1999十月第一福和市成立

    Our church, Glory Chinese Baptist church, was established in 1999, on the first Sunday of October, in Fort Worth.


  • 青灰色明清古宅群落里,御匾额高悬厅堂,它浓缩了百家族荣耀兴旺

    In the complex of slate-gray Ming and Qing houses, inscribed plaques bestowed by emperors hang high in halls, epitomizing the glory and prosperity of the clan during the past century.


  • 废墟面前,狄宁似乎觉得那个荣耀时刻已跨越了千时光

    Standing before the compound, it seemed to Dinin as if the place were a thousand years removed from that time of glory.


  • 传承围的礼宾秩序,融合客家人居智慧升华酒店荣耀

    To carry on the Round-Dragon House traditional sprit with Hakka's wisdom of thousands of years habitation. Sublimating hotel's glory.


  • 不过一直要到1311杜奇欧才完成一生之中最主要工作项工作荣耀维持传统,在西恩纳主教堂崇高的祭坛献上最棒的装饰屏风。

    But it was in 1311 that Duccio achieved his principal work, the glory of which is destined to remain traditional, the great reredos for the high altar of the Siena cathedral.


  • 德国度过10,回顾拜仁时光哈格里夫斯得到了足够的荣耀

    Having spent over 10 years in Germany, Hargreaves was predictably full of praise when reflecting on his time with Bayern.


  • 1966,亚特兰大举办奥运会该市悉尼洛杉矶大城市一样,所享得的一份荣耀

    In 1966, the city was the host of the Olympic Games, an honour the city shares with great cities like Sydney and Los Angeles.


  • 预言荣耀圣殿伸展至地,数百之后我们救主站在圣殿中,宣告自己就是神的殿

    Isaiah's prophecy spoke of God's glory extending from the temple into all the world. And several hundred years later, our Savior stood by the temple and declared that he himself was the temple of God!


  • 梅西众多巴萨队友带着南非世界杯冠军奖牌荣归加泰罗尼亚。这次,梅西也想拥有一枚属于自己的荣耀勋章。

    Four years ago, many of Messi's Barcelona team-mates returned to Catalonia with a World Cup winners' MEDALS and now he wants one of his own.


  • 维斯女士十分深爱母亲母亲于1905五月逝世时她大受打击誓言要将她的生命致力于荣耀母亲。

    When she died on May 10, 1905, Ms. Jarvis was devastated and vowed to dedicate her life to honoring her mother.


  • 维斯女士十分深爱母亲母亲于1905五月逝世时她大受打击誓言要将她的生命致力于荣耀母亲。

    When she died on May 10, 1905, Ms. Jarvis was devastated and vowed to dedicate her life to honoring her mother.


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