• 限速15英里每小时了$158。

    I was fined $158 for exceeding the speed limit by 15 mph.


  • 我们平均速度80英里每小时

    Our speed averaged at 80 MPH.


  • 189,425英里小时

    189 meters per second, and that is 425 miles per hour.


  • 425英里小时转换,189

    425 miles per hour translates into about 189 meters per second.


  • 降到25英里每小时勉强看着前方高速公路。

    Slowing to 25 MPH, he strained to see the highway in front of him.


  • 英里小时列车速度大约多少听到点击次数

    The speed of the train in miles per hour is approximately the number of clicks heard in how many seconds?


  • 科技汽车能够以八十英里每小时速度高速路上半自动行驶。

    The technology allows a car to drive semi-automatically at speeds of up to 80 mph on highways.


  • 项成就达到速度(英里小时)标示标题记录

    Each achievement is documented by title card indicating the speed reached in miles per hour.


  • 线路火车的最高运行速度300千米小时(186英里每小时)。

    The top operational speed for the line's trains is 300 kilometers per hour (186 MPH).


  • 台相机枪……持续风速175英里每小时阵风为215英里每小时

    I have a camera and my gun.... Sustained winds are 175, gusts to 215.


  • 汽车驾驶员控制,一新科技汽车能够以八十英里每小时速度高速路上半自动行驶

    Monitored by a driver, the technology can allow a car to drive semi-automatically at speeds of up to 80 MPH on highways.


  • 我们希望这里车速能低至二十英里每小时,事实也正如我们愿!”一个当地人告诉说。

    "We were expecting a 20mph sign and we got all of this!" a local told me.


  • 长足慢行速度大约5英里小时,但是他们追捕猎物时速度可以达到3638英里每小时

    Wolves will travel for long distances by trotting at about five miles per hour. They can run at speeds of 36 to 38 miles per hour for short bursts while chasing prey.


  • 化学计算我们很少,用英里小时所以我们它换算42对不起94英里每小时

    We don't usually do our chemistry calculations in miles per hour, so let's switch that to 42 meters per second, so it's — sorry, it's 94 miles per hour.


  • 而且由于平均游泳速度约为3千米小时(2英里每小时),所以单单一项拯救任务就要耗费半个小时

    And, since average swimming speed is about 3kph (2mph) even a single rescue mission can take more than half an hour.


  • 就是为什么不要三十英里小时速度水上飞机似的行驶,而是六十英里每小时的速度行驶。

    That's why your car may not hydroplane at thirty miles per hour, but might at sixty miles per hour.


  • 通过调整,较南风千米小时作单位,较冷北风则英里每小时作单位,来使方程适应不同的天气。

    It can be altered to allow for warmer southerly winds and colder northerly winds by using kilometers per hour for colder winds and miles per hour for warmer ones.


  • 当然确实有用特别是如果可以多个触发器超过6英里每小时速度50 英里/小时8 英里每小时50-6011 英里每小时超过50以上

    That's certainly do-able, especially if you can have multiple triggers: say, 6 mph over for speeds under 50 mph, 8 mph for 50-60, and 11 mph over for 50 and above.


  • 警察测出的车速小时超过100英里

    The police clocked her doing over 100 miles an hour.


  • 可以想像以每小时30英里的速度,开车一面砖墙撞去什么样子

    You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour.


  • 现在的这辆车的引擎只需6秒钟0加速每小时60英里

    You're sitting behind an engine that'll move you from 0 to 60mph in six seconds flat.


  • 每小时420英里时,挡风玻璃碎了。

    At 420 mph the windshield disintegrated.


  • 加速每小时60英里5.7

    Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds.


  • 城里车速不得超过每小时30英里

    Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.


  • 每小时70英里的速度驾车行驶。

    He was driving at 70 mph.


  • 汽车达到了每小时150英里最快速度。

    The car maxed out at 150 mph.


  • 火车每小时186英里速度快速穿过隧道

    Trains will speed through the tunnel at 186 mph.


  • 建筑物密集区域限速每小时30英里

    A speed limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas.


  • 昨晚暴风雨夹带着每小时75英里狂风横扫本地。

    A storm packing 75 mph winds swept across the area last night.


  • 有些地方达到每小时100英里,伴有15分钟1英寸降雨量

    Winds reached up to 100 mph in some places with an inch of rain falling within 15 minutes.


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