• 本文影响大学生英语写作能力因素进行分析

    This text proceeds analysis of the factors that influence the English writing skill of university students.


  • 英语写作能力综合评定学生英语水平重要标准之一

    The ability of English writing is one of the essential criteria to evaluate students' English level.


  • 如果提高英语写作能力建议写作阅读练习

    If you want to improve your English writing, you are advised to do more writing and reading practice.


  • 英语写作能力英语学习者应具备重要交际能力之一。

    As we know, English writing ability is one of the most important communicative abilities for English learners.


  • 英语写作能力学生英语时应获得重要交际能力之一

    It shows that English writing ability is one of the most important communicative abilities that students should achieve in learning English.


  • 小学生英语写作能力应当依照英语课程标准》要求进行培养

    When training primary students in English writing, teachers should closely abide by The Standards of English Curriculum.


  • 小学生英语写作能力应当依照英语课程标准》的要求进行培养

    When training primary school students' English writing, teachers should closely abide by The Standards of English Curriculum.


  • 中专生英语写作能力参差不齐,对英语写作态度也有一定差异

    English writing skills and the attitude of the English writing are different in secondary school students.


  • 因此中学英语新课高中生英语写作能力提出了更高要求

    Therefore, the new English Curriculum Standard for Ordinary Middle School made greater demands on English writing ability for Chinese middle school students.


  • 英语写作能力提高要有语言知识基础要有写作方法桥梁

    To improve the ability to write in English not only requires basic knowledge of language but also relies on the method of writing as a bridge.


  • 培养形成强化英语篇章意识提高大学英语写作能力又一必要条件。

    Cultivating, developing and intensifying English text awareness on the part of students in teaching writing is indispensable to successful writing.


  • 因此,本研究力求发现教师错误反馈不同性格学生英语写作能力方面影响

    Effects of Teachers Error Feedbacks to Students of Different Personalities on Developing Students English Writing Ability;


  • 对于国家建设扮演重要角色中国大学生来说,英语写作能力不可或缺的。

    The ability of English writing is especially an indispensable skill for college and university students who will play important roles in the construction of the country.


  • 因此探索一条有效提高学生英语写作能力方法就成为广大英语教师们当务之急

    Therefore, it is urgent to explore an effective way to enhance students' writing proficiency for us English teachers.


  • 史密斯这个职位需要有相当英语水平英语口语英语写作能力如何? ?。

    Smith: : This position requires a high level of English ability. How is your spoken and writtenEnglish?


  • 本文针对中学生写作存在困难问题,提出通过英语报刊阅读高中生英语写作能力设想

    With an attempt to solve the problems of senior secondary school students in English writing, this study focuses on exploring the possibility of utilizing English newspaper reading (ENR) in Engl.


  • 英语写作能力高中学生具备听、、读、写四种基本能力之一也是高考重点考查项目之一。

    English writing ability is one of the basic abilities that must be possessed by students in senior high school as well as one key item examined in College Entrance exam.


  • 正确恰当使用近义词中国英语学习者提高英语词汇能力重要环节也是提高英语写作能力关键

    Using near-synonyms in a correct and an appropriate way is an essential part for Chinese EFL learners to improve English lexical competence as well as the key to enhance English writing capability.


  • 实践证明但是应对大学英语六级考试一种很好策略也是提高中学生英语写作能力有效途径

    It has been proven that the new approach is an effective strategy not only for College English Test Bands 4 and 6, but also for improving the writing ability of middle school students in general.


  • 合格的科技期刊英文编辑必须具备广博专业知识熟练编辑技能、深厚的科技英语写作能力高度责任心

    A qualified English editor should have wide professional knowledge, master editing skills, good written ability of English as well as high sense of responsibility.


  • 了解两种思维模式差异探索掌握英语写作特点更好地提高汉语思维学习者英语写作能力重要作用

    To know the differences of the two thinking modes and to explore English writing characteristics have great influence on improving Chinese learner's writing ability.


  • 英语学习过程中,英语写作能力体现英语学习者英语综合运用能力,而写作教学英语教学中的薄弱环节

    In the process of learning English, English writing skills reflect the comprehensive English language of English learners. Teaching of writing is the weak link in mixed secondary school students.


  • 论文关于通过过程写作训练提高艺术专业大学生英语写作能力由此提高其英语学习信心一项行动研究

    This paper is concerned with the application of process writing approach in college English writing class to enhance writing competence and confidence of art students by means of an action research.


  • 然而欣喜背后仍然存在着无法忽略问题就是如何更好更科学更快捷利用计算机提高大学生英语写作能力

    It is a new way in the field and the problem lies in how computers can be best used to improve writing competence of the students.


  • 最后论文建议教师教学中充分利用课本中体裁丰富阅读材料,有意识地培养学生的体裁意识语篇意识,从而实现高中生英语写作能力真正提高

    At the end, a suggestion is put forward that teachers should make the most of the reading materials in SEFC Book3 to develop students' sense of genre and discourse and improve their writing ability.


  • 持写英语日记可以帮助我们提高写作能力

    Keeping an English diary can help us improve our writing abilities.


  • 持写英语日记可以帮助我们提高写作能力

    Keeping an English diary can help us improve our writing abilities.


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