• 译文节奏常常视为文学翻译成败重要标志

    The beauty of rhythm in the translation is often regarded as a chief symbol of failure or success of literary works translation.


  • 节奏上非常重视节拍体现出灵动跳跃节奏美

    Her word takes the metre in the rhythm, manifests one kind of nimble and resourceful caper rhythm US.


  • 语言离不开节奏文学语言节奏文学作品效果不可分割的一部分

    The beauty of languages can't do without rhythmic beauty, for the rhythm of literary language is an inseparable part of aesthetic effect for literary works.


  • 语言节奏语音音响意象层的画面语意层的情感运动构成。

    The rhythmic beauty of languages is made up of acoustic beauty in phonetic layer, image beauty in imagery layer and beauty of emotional movement in semantic layer.


  • 英语常用修辞手法之一,具有节奏音韵,能增强语言表现力

    Alliteration is one of the most frequently used rhetorical devices in English. It is very expressive as a result of its rhythm and melody.


  • 语文本体即汉语言文字音乐不仅存在,而且具有音韵节奏美、旋律等特征。

    The musical beauty of the Chinese noumenon is characterized by beauty of rhyme, beauty of rhythm, and beauty of melody.


  • 声音在文学作品中具有独特的价值韵律节奏旋律声音组合变化所产生

    Sound also has its unique aesthetic value, for the beauty of rhyme, rhythm, and melody come from the combination and variation of sounds.


  • 音响节奏、句式变换画面节奏美两个方面入手,探讨培根的《论读书》中译本翻译中节奏美传达的得

    This article explores the transmission and loss of the beauty of rhythm from the levels of phonetics and syntax in three of its Chinese versions.


  • 《归园田居》四个译本比较表明古诗的翻译在传达原诗内容的同时,应兼顾原诗形式以体现音韵节奏美

    Comparison of the four versions of Tao Yuanming s Returning to My Farm shows that the form of the poem, reflecting the harmony of the melody and rhythm, is equally important with the content.


  • 的视频展示了乡村的慢节奏生活和传统艺术的

    Her videos show the slow countryside life and the beauty of traditional art.


  • 一旦适应一停一走节奏以及那有些邋遢外表,你便能够欣赏它的风趣,它的以及那些潜伏的情绪所带出的——略显狡猾严肃感。

    Once you adjust to its stop-and-start rhythms and its scruffy looks, you can appreciate its wit, its beauty and the sly gravity of its emotional undercurrents.


  • 无论是否发现节奏球场上、或者大自然伟大中发现,“大脑暂停一种方式运作机会

    Whether you find beauty in flowers, in a fast pitch at a baseball game, or in the grandeur of nature, "beauty appreciation" is the brain's opportunity to stop and function in a different mode.


  • 摄像机安置仪式后面可以看到族人节奏来回挥舞双手

    There's a particular scene where the camera is stationed behind the ritual and you see the rhythmic movements of the Na'vi with their hands in the air.


  • 假山工程竣工呈现依山傍水天然之音乐节奏的韵律之以及天然和人文交融的调和之

    The moire stone rockery after the completion of the project is showing at the natural beauty, the beauty of rhythm and music rhythm of the natural and cultural blend of the beauty of harmony.


  • 虽然村上春树故事的情节曲折不失节奏人性

    But although Murakami's plot meanders, it never loses its pace or its humanity.


  • 全篇始终洋溢着浓郁而凝重、浑厚而深邃历史氛围情韵极富典雅通俗悲怆节奏

    The book is full of heavy, simple and vigorous historical atmosphere and aroma that are rich in beauty of elegance, earthliness, sadness and rhythm.


  • 这个实验引向个很有可能结论因为节奏都市生活所带来的压力,人们对于不期而遇的已经失去了感觉。

    This experiment leads to the likely conclusion that the stressful pace of urban living numbs people to unexpected encounters with beauty.


  • 臧克家新诗的新格律体诗、半格律体诗自由体押韵进行了探索,有些诗具有一定的格律节奏分明,声韵和谐

    Zang has made attempts at rhythmic verse, semi-rhythmic verse and free verse. Some of his poems are distinguished by striking meters, rhythm and sound harmony.


  • 黑骏马诗意语言上、浪漫形象上、文本节奏等方面我们带来了极大的体验

    "Black Steed" brings us enormous beautiful poetic experience from poetic language, romantic images and text rhythm.


  • 田亨既而一对亦真亦幻、拥有特异功能姐妹询问猫咪的下落……村上春树的小说虽然情节曲折不失节奏人文

    He consults a pair of psychic sisters who appear to him in dreams and reality. But although Murakami's plot meanders, it never loses its pace or its humanity.


  • 绘画线具有深邃内涵强烈的表现力寄托画家情感具有节奏韵律

    In painting line has deep intension and strong expressive power. It carries the painter's emotion and contains beauty in rhythm and rhyme scheme.


  • 这种形态及其表述方式主要时空构成、节奏模式及其声色之感官世俗性与“本位思维模式表现出来。

    The aesthetics and expression way are mainly embodies in space and time, tempo, entertainment of sense and the thinking model of taking music as the basis.


  • 文体显著特征之一就是语言节奏音韵

    One of the outstanding features of his writing style is the rhythm sensation of the language and the beauty of rhyme.


  • 余秋雨散文集《文化苦旅》大胆借鉴非散文文体语言,其散文语言注重节奏的合拍、韵律的谐句式的整齐,构成独特的话语风格、富于变化整齐

    He emphasizes rhythmic time, metrical harmonious beauty, and clean and tidy sentence structure so as to form a unique writing style to impress readers with changes of tidiness and terseness.


  • 生命节奏构造主体”、感受“客体基础因而也是现代应该研究重要概念

    Life rhythm is the basis of building the beauty of subject and enjoying the beauty of object, thus being the important concept in the study of modern art education.


  • 生命节奏构造主体”、感受“客体基础因而也是现代应该研究重要概念

    Life rhythm is the basis of building the beauty of subject and enjoying the beauty of object, thus being the important concept in the study of modern art education.


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