• 艾斯能公司拥有运营奥伊核电站,公司雇佣核电厂员工为700

    Oyster Creek is owned and operated by Exelon Corporation, which employs 700 people at the plant.


  • 这些项目艾斯能发电有限公司经营的子公司,184,000电力根据源部数字

    The projects, which will be operated by subsidiary Exelon Generation co., could power nearly 184, 000 homes, according to Energy Department figures.


  • 试验名为IDEAL经皮斯能治疗治疗阿尔茨海调查临床试验,纳入1200中度阿尔茨海默病患者。

    The trial was called the international IDEAL (Investigation of Transdermal Exelon in ALzheimer's disease) clinical trial and involved nearly 1,200 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.


  • 一般来说,核电厂现存的坚固受到良好保护的工业设施。奥伊河核电站例外,”艾斯发言人克雷格·比特对法新社说。

    "Nuclear power stations in general are the most hardened and well-protected industrial facilities in existence. Oyster Creek is no exception," Exelon spokesman Craig Nesbitt told AFP.


  • 希礼·威尔队长了,因为县里出色骑手而且头脑冷静维持某种表面秩序

    Ashley Wilkes was elected as the captain, because he was the best rider in the county and because his cool head was counted on to keep some semblance of order.


  • 这些疾病出现损害氧化引起的酶的损害类似的因此博士猜想剂量维生素是否改善影响

    The enzyme damage in these diseases is similar to that induced by oxidation, so Dr Ames suspects that its effects, too, can be ameliorated by high doses of vitamins.


  • 这个告诉凯瑟琳指望呼啸山庄找到朋友帮助对付·克利夫的人。

    Don't tell Edgar or Catherine this, but I had hoped to find a friend at Wuthering Heights, some one to support me against Heathcliff.


  • 而且,同样耳熟那些失败交易所不屑例如格林雷曼兄弟的迪克•福德,花旗集团查尔王子

    Equally familiar are the case studies about deals that have gone wrong and the names of the men he scorns: Alan Greenspan, Dick Fuld of Lehman Brothers, Charles Prince of Citigroup.


  • 哈佛大学的理论化学家伦.阿普鲁.古济克正在开发一种方法期望在有朝一日摆脱所有对于近似需求由此生产出更好的药物太阳电池

    Alán Aspuru-Guzik, a theoretical chemist at Harvard, is developing methods that could one day do away with the need for approximations altogether--and lead to better drugs or solar cells.


  • 谢天谢地太阳电池板已经安装好了供电恢复了。 这多亏了麦克.还有培训出来约翰.欧贝员工功劳

    Thankfully, the solar panels have been hooked up now and power has been restored, due, in no small part, to the efforts of Mark Ax and his newly trained John Obey village solar team.


  • 途中邂逅奇奇兔资讯网神秘舞者青梅竹马的同伴丽西亚女士但是这个充满谎言的社会,他相信呢?

    Along the way he meets the mysterious dancer Nesrin, as well as his childhood sweetheart Lady Alicia, but in this treacherous society, who can he trust?


  • 同时,猎人保持则拉野兽沟通的驯服训练它们作为自己最忠实的守卫

    Hunters also possess a primal connection to the beasts of Azeroth, capable of taming and training them to keep as loyal guardians.


  • 一千没有兴趣,我只要今天活着。”(波特卡·d·艾斯(已故),《海贼王》)。

    "I have no interest in living for a thousand years. It's enough if I can live through today." (Portgas D. Ace (Deceased), One piece).


  • 太空世界水上世界、动物世界„„告诉哪儿有洗手间吗?

    There's Space World, Water World, Animal World... Alice: Oh, could you tell me where the rest rooms are first?


  • 普罗维(位于大学首席研究员琳娜-翁西亚:“先前没有证据可以证明这些感光物质作用皮肤。”

    Elena Oancea, lead researcher at the university in Providence, Rhode Island, said: "There was no prior evidence that those receptors can function in skin."


  • 普罗维(位于大学首席研究员琳娜-翁西亚:“先前没有证据可以证明这些感光物质作用皮肤。”

    Elena Oancea, lead researcher at the university in Providence, Rhode Island, said: "There was no prior evidence that those receptors can function in skin."


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