• 艺术导演通常出版工作刊物编辑

    Art directors in publishing typically work with the publications editors.


  • 现在艺术导演迈克尔·博伊德正在排演他自己历史剧

    Michael Boyd, the present artistic director, is in the middle of his version of the histories right now.


  • 艺术导演广告不一定一个艺术虽然标题可能建议

    Art directors in advertising aren't necessarily the head of an art department although the title may suggest it.


  • 组织者们或许不会继续雇用艺术导演筹划开幕式闭幕式

    Organizers may not hire an artistic director for the opening and closing ceremonies for another two years.


  • 这个商标1973年设计而且获得过洛杉矶艺术导演俱乐部奖项

    This logo was developed in 1973 and won an award from the Art Director’s Club of Los Angeles.


  • 客户几乎全部设计师艺术导演他们项目我家门口许多不同形式

    Almost all of my clients are designers or art directors, and the projects they send me arrive at my door in many different forms.


  • 彼得爵士1960年成为艺术导演后立即安装舞台前部就像伊丽莎白一世时代突出于幕前的舞台。

    Sir Peter became artistic director in 1960, and he immediately had a forestage installed, like an Elizabethan apron stage.


  • 由于英语较差,又不喜欢摄影工作,他斩钉截铁拒绝艺术导演想法合作工作量随之减少

    Hampered by a shaky knowledge of English and a dislike of studio work, he bluntly refused to co-operate with art directors’ ideas and his commissions dwindled.


  • 这些照片在拍摄完成艺术导演简单编辑后,立即通过FTP上传到了我纽约的工作室。后期小组马上进行照片后期处理。

    These shots were edited by the art directors immediately after the shoot and FTP'd back to NYC where my retouching team was waiting for them so they could begin retouching.


  • 最伟大电影艺术之一俄罗斯导演安德烈·塔尔科夫斯基称这部电影天才之作”。

    The Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a "work of genius".


  • 水形物语》是第90届奥斯卡最大赢家,赢得了4个奥斯卡奖项:最佳艺术指导、最佳原创配乐、最佳导演和最佳影片。

    The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score, as well as Best Director and Best Picture.


  • 成为纽约第一现代艺术博物馆中的摄影导演并且1955年制作著名的“人类一家展览

    He became the first director of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and created the famous "Family of Man" exhibition in 1955.


  • 来自导演小说作者剧本作者评论以及制作精良来自小说的旁白和来自电影艺术美感

    It has commentary from the director, the author of the novel, and the screenwriter, as well as a beautifully done segment featuring words from the novel and art renderings from the film.


  • 黄盈亚洲开创精神青年编剧导演不仅有着开阔国际视野坚实中国传统艺术基础。

    As the most pioneering youth playwright and director in Asia, Huang Ying not only owns a broad international vision, but also a solid foundation in Chinese traditional art.


  • 这个形成了公共历史(历史社会或者博物馆工作),艺术(管理美术馆),音乐(合唱团导演或者商业音乐)学士学位。

    This, she says, has led to master's in public history (for work at a historical society or museum), in art (for managing galleries) and in music (for choir directors or the business side of music).


  • 当天,九六年杰克逊拍摄了音乐录影带导演斯派克-纽约布鲁克林这位昔日合作过的朋友举行了纪念仪式,另外,洛杉矶偶特里艺术中心MJ的歌迷提供了追忆偶像的活动场合。

    Filmmaker Spike Lee - who directed two of the singer's music videos in 1996 - also led tributes to the star, hosting his second annual free bash to celebrate his late pal in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.


  • 认识这点对我们这些年轻美国导演重要我们应该致力成为艺术而非商业片导演

    This was very important to us [as young American directors] : we all fancied ourselves as artists, not as commercial film-makers.


  • 亚军伊朗导演视频艺术西丽·娜沙特执导的《没有男人女人》。西丽·娜沙特现在居住纽约

    Runner-up was a film called "Women without men" by the Iranian director and video artist Shirin Neshat who lives in New York.


  • 但是戛纳电影节艺术总监泰瑞·福瑞毛斯,他们不会有意“照顾”知名电影导演

    But Thierry Fremaux, artistic director of the festival, says there was no deliberate promotion of well-known filmmakers.


  • 不管那些函授课导演怎么,我觉得就算是艺术也要注意礼仪啊。

    I don't care what those correspondence-course directors say, even art-house movie joints have some sense of decorum, from what I hear.


  • 电影导演加布里尔.穆奇诺——他只是许多表达类似观点知识分子艺术中的一个

    “I have to say that I see no alternative to Silvio Berlusconi, ” declared Gabriele Muccino, a film director and one of several intellectuals and artists who have recently voiced similar opinions.


  • 电影导演加布里尔.穆奇诺——他只是许多表达类似观点知识分子艺术中的一个

    “I have to say that I see no alternative to Silvio Berlusconi,” declared Gabriele Muccino, a film director and one of several intellectuals and artists who have recently voiced similar opinions.


  • 胡旭东,北京大学文学教授,专栏作家,知名诗人如是说到这个城市其它艺术领域也同样超负荷,"百分之九十的中国电影导演还有大部分编剧云集此处

    The city's other art scenes are supercharged as well. "Ninety percent of China's film directors live here, and so do most of our writers."


  • 戏剧导演罗什断言诗歌音乐都不是伟大艺术

    The theater director la Roche declares that neither poetry nor music is the greatest of the arts.


  • 美国基础作家摄影师电影导演艺术ChristopherBoffoli微型人物食物创建了有趣的场景

    Us based writer, photographer, filmmaker and artist Christopher Boffoli creates interesting scenes using miniature figures and food.


  • 台湾导演蔡明亮釜山影展选为亚洲年度电影人”,组委会称赞作品开创了全新领域并突破艺术电影业限制

    Taiwanese director Tsai Ming Liang has been chosen Asian Filmmaker of the Year for his work in pioneering unexplored areas that overcome the limitations of the art film industry.


  • 一位著名波兰导演谈及欧洲电影缺乏自信的危机以及艺术应该承担的责任等方面的问题。

    A famous Polish film director talks about Europe's crisis of confidence and the responsibilities of art.


  • 影片内容影片商业上的成功提供保证导演艺术处理也使得影片更加精彩就是影片成功的原因所在。

    Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds?


  • 影片内容影片商业上的成功提供保证导演艺术处理也使得影片更加精彩就是影片成功的原因所在。

    Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds?


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