• 克鲁兹出演了症》,2005年戛纳电影放映后于次年发行。

    Cruz appeared in "Chromophobia", screened at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival and released the following year.


  • 相信吸血鬼电影唯一一个以自然出现发吸血鬼。

    I'm pretty sure this is the only (natural) redheaded vampire I've seen at the movies.


  • 这位浅发人儿公认为是古灵精怪的伪金发专业户,此类长盛不衰,甚至今天电影中还有市场。

    This light-haired delight can also be credited with pretty much creating the quirky bottle-blonde role that has endured in movies even to this day.


  • 即便是到了21世纪,科幻动作片露脸的战士形象依然不多,电影电视游戏漫画中被清一的硬汉所统治

    A minority presence in sci-fi and action realms even in 2010, women warriors remain the exception to the guy-centric rule in film, TV, videogames and comic books.


  • 顶级英国演员或者一位出美国电影导演意味着什么? John Escolme和董征本期节目中聚焦英国著名女演员朱迪?

    What does it mean to be a top British actress or a leading American film director?


  • 电影里充满了——制作的最美的电影之一——那时起非常感激他。

    Rohmer flooded the screen with light and color-the film is one of the most beautiful ever made-and ever since that experience I have been immoderately grateful to him.


  • 弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉电影《现代启示录》说到的越南觉得你认可吗?

    Does Apocalypse Now, set in Vietnam and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, meet with your approval?


  • 同时,科学家考虑人类废弃物变成能源,运用生物体发光的项目中,如此说来,电影《阿凡达》中五颜六的“荧光树”不再是虚拟的,未来有可能成为现实呢!

    The scientists have also considered the possibility that the fuel to fire the chemical reaction in the trees could come from human waste or food waste.


  • 不过对于许多电影粉丝而言首先还是绅士、一位出演员

    However, to many of his movie fans, he is indeed a gentleman and elite actor above all else.


  • 威尼斯电影上汤唯授予最佳演员戒》被严重删减条件下也在当年取得大陆票房第六的好成绩。

    Tang was awarded the Best New Actress prize at the Venice Film Festival and, even in severely edited form, Lust, Caution was the sixth highest grossing film of its year at the Chinese box office;


  • 2000 - 2009期间,最棒电影无间道风云几乎清一的男性角

    His best film of the decade, the Departed, featured a nearly all-male cast.


  • 安吉丽娜·朱莉在电影古墓丽影稍显逊集中劳拉·克罗夫特(Lara Croft)这一的成功演绎,使得电子游戏中的女英雄立马成为轰动一时的流行偶像。

    Videogame heroine Lara Craft became a pop-culture sensation when Angelina Jolie took on the character for one good Tomb Raider movie and a so-so sequel.


  • 喜欢这部电影是因为它摄影十分

    What Ircally like about ffie film is the superb photography.


  • 张爱玲一直以来都备受争议随着李安导演,根据短篇小说改编电影阶》问世,成为炙手可热风流人物

    Eileen Chang has long been a figure of controversy, and with the release of ang lee's film Lust, Caution based on her short story, it appears she'll be a hot topic for some time to come.


  • 电影公司主角名单来看罗伯特·沃克显然出演不二人选。

    From the studio 's roster of leading men, Robert Walker was an obvious choice to play the part.


  • 走出电影再次看到门口海报时,我莫名地喜欢上了这些艳俗”的彩虹小淘气(乐乐四个小伙伴)。

    When I walked out of the cinema and saw the poster again at the gate, somehow I started to like the "tacky" rainbow-colored imps, representing Joy and her four colleagues.


  • 这位《云图》主演这部20世纪福克斯公司出品电影中继续出演暴风女这一

    The Cloud Atlas artist will reprise her role as Storm in the upcoming 20th Century Fox movie.


  • 随着时光飞逝这些青春画面时间的长河流淌而过,一幅幅画面像是一部部退了电影

    With the time passing by, the images of the youth flowed over time, and a picture is like a film which has been a part of the film.


  • 梅森,剧中儿子,与饰演一角演员艾拉·寇特兰同龄电影开拍只有7,直到最后杀青19岁

    Mason, the son, comes of age at the same time as the actor who plays him, Ellar Coltrane, who was 7 years old when filming started, and 19 by the end.


  • 届时以全国举办包括中国民族舞蹈、民族音乐歌曲艺术手工艺品摄影展以及戏剧电影在内的多种多样中国文化活动

    A series of different Chinese culture events will be held throughout Israel, including Chinese folk dance, folk music and songs, arts and crafts, photo exhibitions, plays and movies.


  • 哈佛才子相信创造工作(自己做老板)敝缫工份工作更赞。来自电影《社交收集中的哈佛校长

    Harvard undergraduates believe that inventing a job is better than finding one. The Principal of Harvard in the movie Social Network.


  • 辛老师解释Trulight系统电影制作者可以“现场实时做校。”

    Sigel explains that the Trulight system allowed the filmmakers to do "real-time color correction on the set."


  • 造工精巧的船锚装饰上有密镶透明水晶以及水晶珍珠坠饰,而黑镀层则完美演绎出电影阴暗神秘一面。

    It features a delicate anchor motif embellished in clear crystal pave and a dangling black crystal pearl. The ruthenium plating reflects the dark and mysterious mood of the film.


  • 在野外星空下,坐在晾台上看着投影电影,是一种很稀罕的享受。室内墙面家具、软包采用金石、乌金、炭黑自然乔装室外,形成上的没门交融。

    Interior walls and furniture using the natural color of the stone, ink rock, carbon black color, posing as outdoor, formed a color connection between indoor and outdoor.


  • 在野外星空下,坐在晾台上看着投影电影,是一种很稀罕的享受。室内墙面家具、软包采用金石、乌金、炭黑自然乔装室外,形成上的没门交融。

    Interior walls and furniture using the natural color of the stone, ink rock, carbon black color, posing as outdoor, formed a color connection between indoor and outdoor.


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