• 找到阅读听力资料很多但是至于”,没有什么比能够让人放松应用语言环境更理想了。

    There is plenty I can get to read and listen to, but for speaking, there really is no substitute for trying to speak and use the language in a relaxed atmosphere.


  • 语言齿轮运作得如此顺畅至于人们几乎从未想过停下来思考那些能使语言变得更加优美的智慧专业知识

    The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick.


  • 地球任何地方都没有这样人类种族,他们如此落后至于完全没有自己语言

    No human race anywhere on earth is so backward that it has no language of its own at all.


  • 通常语言看上去是如此精心雕琢至于人们很难想象不是哪位能工巧匠完美作品。

    Language often seems so skillfully drafted that one can hardly imagine it as anything other than the perfected handiwork of a master craftsman.


  • 为什么英语现在被视为如此声望语言,以至于全球范围内,如果个人团体没有掌握语言会感到自身处于不利地位

    Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel disadvantaged if they do not have competence in this language?


  • 就是说语言足够抽象的,以至于我们东西可以是此时此刻并不在场的事物。

    That is, language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren't present here and now.


  • 障碍这种障碍中,一个经历语言环境改变至于他们听起来像是外国口音说话

    It's a disorder in which a person experiences a setting change to their speech so that they sound like they are speaking in a foreign accent.


  • 至于拉吉克里那先生,没有多言,只是告诫女巫角色一部分使用语言韵律仔细使用在其他人物角色上的区分开来。

    As for Rajkrishna Babu, he contented himself with admonishing me to be careful to keep the language and metre of the Witches' parts different from that of the human characters.


  • 意味着平衡正式性熟悉性,使每个市场的客户很容易地读懂材料,同时又不至于翻阅无法接受俚语其他语言

    That means balancing formality and familiarity so that each market can easily understand the translation but that neither regards it as dipping into unacceptable slang or other language.


  • 至于网络——印刷出版物最近后代——是否加利福尼亚语变成流通全世界语言我们拭目以待

    Whether the web, the printing-press's latest descendant, will make Californian the language of the world, remains to be seen.


  • 我们使用语言如此漫不经心,以至于自然差异

    Yet we carelessly use language in such a way as to will this sense of natural difference into our formulations.


  • 至于无用单词字符的是普通语言中的比如词(a,an,the)和一些检索没有用字符串(比如s)。

    By useless words and characters I mean common language words such as articles (a, an, the, etc.) and other strings that would be useless for searching (e.g. 's).


  • 至于应该使用哪种语言(语言结合使用)取决于应用程序需要同时也取决于本身所掌握的技能。

    Which language (or combination of languages) you should use depends on your application needs, as well as your skills.


  • OK发音如此熟悉,至于其他语言使用者听到后当作自己语言短语缩写那样想起来。

    OK used such familiar sounds that speakers of other languages, hearing it, could rethink it as an expression or abbreviation in their own language.


  • 一部字典,你就应该语言看家护卫,而不是愚蠢新词颁发身份证明,以至于他们可以语言保镖身边悄悄过去

    You are a dictionary, and you are supposed to be a watchdog of language, not the one handing ID's to every silly neologism so they can slip past the bouncers.


  • 至于整个项目组织逻辑块分布单独文件绝不会有错,任何语言来说这通用做法

    As far as organizing the project as whole it never hurts to break out logical chunks into separate files which should be common practice for any language.


  • 看法用于定义这些高级条件用户接口计算机语言通常令人费解非常复杂至于普通人难以使用。

    My thinking is that the user interfaces and computer languages that are used to define these advanced conditions are usually just too convoluted or complex to be within reach for mere mortals.


  • 说话语言变得如此“自动”,至于它们开始失去真实意义

    The words comes so automatically now, that they start to lose their true meaning.


  • XSLT功能强大的语言高级甚至可以处理复杂操作非常冗长至于调试维护大型样式表非常困难

    XSLT is a powerful language, sophisticated enough to handle even the most complex manipulation, but it is also very verbose and that makes it more difficult to debug and maintain large stylesheets.


  • 学校的时候,语言学科上学得不好至于认为自己完全没有什么语言天赋,甚至认为自己老了,学不会外语即使是基础的外语不会

    I had done quite poorly in languages in school and believed that I was too untalented and even too 'old' to consider ever speaking a foreign language, even basically.


  • 至于现在,只要资源是由一个文件集合组成,而这些文件包含不同地区或者确切地说是不同语言环境翻译就足够了。

    Suffice it to say for now that resource bundles consist of a collection of files that contain translations for different regions or, more precisely, locales.


  • 里面学问大着呢,得专家咨询,得用电脑分析,还得考虑语言的因素,这样取的名字才至于普通话起来顺耳,广东话里就刺耳了。

    It has become a sort of science, with consultants, computer programs and linguistic analyses to ensure that what tickles a Mandarin ear does not grate on a Cantonese one.


  • 大声论文出来有助于确保文中语言至于生硬读起来像水流般流利适中。

    B. Reading the paper aloud is a good way to be sure that the language is not awkward, and that it "flows" properly.


  • 看来我们大脑中有名为执行控制中枢”的认知系统用来解决两种语言之间的“纷争”,使我们不至于分散注意力。

    In my view, you incorporate a cognitive system called the executive control system, whose job it is to resolve competition and focus attention.


  • 这些语言包括AspectC++至于AspectL,一种面向方面Lisp执行语言

    These include AspectC++ and even AspectL, which is an aspect-oriented Lisp implementation. 1


  • 至于到底是“dh”还是“dd”,是“i”还是“y”,“卡扎菲”的前面要不要加上“el或者al”,以及Muammar怎么我们下一次语言专栏了。

    As for the "dh" versus "dd, " "i" versus "y, " including an "el" or an "al, " and spelling "Muammar", we'll have to save that for the next time NewsFeed writes about linguistics.


  • 太多收获,以至于无法用语言文字全数表达此时觉得有时候语言文字显得那么有限苍白

    It is hard to fully express all these rewards from the trip by language or words. I feel language is so pale and limited at this moment.


  • 太多收获,以至于无法用语言文字全数表达此时觉得有时候语言文字显得那么有限苍白

    It is hard to fully express all these rewards from the trip by language or words. I feel language is so pale and limited at this moment.


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