• 自由国度,一个自由的论坛确实可以发表观点

    It's a free country and a free board, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.


  • 把毕生精力献给美国安全和繁荣以及每个渴望自由的国度

    My career has been dedicated to the security and prosperity of America and that of every nation that seeks to live in freedom.


  • 肥沃青翠的大荒原游荡麋鹿野牛野马它们自由的国度里驰骋。

    Over these fertile and verdant wastes still roam the elk, the buffalo, and the wild horse, in all their native freedom.


  • 全天下全部自由人民自由国度责任明晰宣告,我们这些动作——但愿汗青的动作——的一边

    And it is the responsibility of all free people and free nations to make clear that these movements — these movements of hope and history — they have us on their side.


  • 作为多种族融合强争善辩民族我们明白自己权利,我们的确拥有一个像国歌中所唱的“自由国度”。

    As a diverse, contentious people, we know our rights. We definitely get the "land of the free" part of our national anthem.


  • 听到这个于是什么他感觉这么说道:“我很健康家人也很健康,我们大家都生活一个自由国度。”

    It made me smile, so I asked him what was making him feel so fabulous and he said, "I'm healthy, my family is healthy, and we live in a free country."


  • 这个自由平等国度里,六分之一的给出主要理由:“在生活中必须抱怨否则在脚下。”

    "You have to grumble in life, otherwise you get trampled on," was the main reason given by almost one in six people in the land of liberty and equality.


  • 尽管有些不安,但是自由工作者国度》一书解释了世界如何转移到为自己工作的世界。现在我知道我们当时逆流而上,然而我们无心插柳。

    I was nervous but "Free Agent Nation" explained how the world was shifting toward people working on their own, and I now knew we were surfing the trend, however unintentional our intention.


  • 现在很多公司都尝试同时培养团队合作精神自由工作者国度的人们联合一起,看看那里工作如何的很有指导意义。

    A look at how work gets done there is instructive, as many companies try simultaneously to foster teamwork and to come to terms with Free Agent nation.


  • 随着浪潮涌,自由国度曲线逐渐明朗。

    You can easily trace the curve of freedom as the surge moves eastward.


  • 对于在此的超过百万外国居民外加数百万游客看来,迪拜正在失去原有的身份这个自由国度的一些计划打消了这些人的热情

    Belatedly concerned that its 1m-odd foreign residents, plus millions more tourists, are diluting its identity, the freewheeling emirate plans to curb their enthusiasm.


  • 例如一个宣传人生平等,出生时享有天赋生命权、自由追求幸福权利国度怎么存在奴隶制

    For example, how could slavery exist in a nation whose people declared that "all men are created equal" and with a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


  • 民众谋福利国度是个集体国家社会之间个平衡点,它带来了自由秩序正义

    In a country that works for the interests of people, it is an equalization point among individual, country and society, it has brought freedom, order and justice.


  • 八十又年前吾辈先祖大陆上,肇建一个新的国度乃孕育于自由致力于凡人皆生而平等信念。

    Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


  • 我们建国理念根基美国是那些杰斐逊所称的“被压迫的人们”寻求庇护自由独一无二的国度

    Our founding was rooted in the notion that America was unique as a place of refuge and freedom for, in Thomas Jefferson's words, "oppressed humanity."


  • 法国一个缤纷浪漫的国度美丽自由个性蕴含时尚典雅高贵

    France, a splendid romantic country, her beauty owns free personality and contains fashionable elegance and dignity.


  • 民众谋福利国度是个集体国家社会之间平衡点,它带来自由秩序正义

    In a country that works for the interests of people, it is an equalization point among individual and the collective, country and society, it has brought freedom, order and justice.


  • 美利坚合众国国旗及其代表共和国宣誓效忠,上帝庇护国度不可分割,民众享有自由公正

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


  • 自由感受始终源于内心深处,而置身完美空间将所有的情绪沉浸意象国度

    The feeling of freedom comes from the deep heart. Staying in the perfect space, all the emotions are flying the imagination kingdom.


  • 奈特密西西比当地人,南北战争南军叛逃组织一队士兵自己的家乡建立名为琼斯自由国度”的国家。

    Knight is a Mississippi native, he defected from the Civil War Confederate, organized a team of soldiers, in their hometown was established entitled "Jones's free country."


  • 奈特密西西比当地人,南北战争南军叛逃组织一队士兵自己的家乡建立名为琼斯自由国度”的国家。

    Knight is a Mississippi native, he defected from the Civil War Confederate, organized a team of soldiers, in their hometown was established entitled "Jones's free country."


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