• 选举官员理所当然拒绝自由人民联盟的名单

    Electoral officials duly refused to accept the PdL's SLATE.


  • 这场袭击不是针对个人只是针对美国而是针对所有自由人民

    Not an attack against individuals, and not against the United States alone, but against all free peoples.


  • 说:“变化时候适当变化,将改变人们自由人民自由市场力量信任。”

    "It is time for change, the right kind of change, change that trusts in the strength of free people and free markets," he said.


  • 现在他们必须承担自由人民责任,掌握他们自身解放所带来的有利条件。

    Now they must rise to the responsibilities of a free people and secure the blessings of their own liberty.


  • 先生需要巧妙地利用时机说明,现在自由人民再也不能指望赢得大多数席位

    Mr Fini did not need to press home his advantage to spell out that the PdL can no longer count on winning a majority.


  • 我们的国家解放者国家,是自由人民的国家,是为人民带来成功的国家——世界为此而瞩目。

    Ours was a nation of liberators; of free people; of prosperous people-and the world took notice.


  • 我们彼此激励,昭告天下祖国自由斗争自由人民,会战胜世上任何盲从雇佣军

    Let us animate and encourage each other, and show the whole world that a free man (contending for liberty on his own ground) is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.


  • 我国作为和平保障自由人民希望之所在,起著不可缺少作用我们必须保护我国发挥一作用的能力

    We had to protect our country's ability to play its indispensable role as the guarantor of peace and the repository of the hopes of free peoples.


  • 保守派“自由人民位发言人称报道毫无事实根据,并称候选人正式名单昨日晚些时候公布。

    A spokesman for the conservative Freedom People party said the reports were unfounded, adding that the official list of candidates would be presented later yesterday.


  • 此外法官还称自由人民联盟的代表截止日期过后本该出现选举办公室里没有证据显示他们曾在过。

    Moreover, said the judges, PdL representatives were required to have been at the electoral office when the deadline expired, and there was no proof they were.


  • 卢斯科尼先生领导自由人民党(PDL)注定至少一个省份受挫:该党罗马准时登记,因而没能参与罗马选举

    Mr Berlusconi's People of Freedom (PDL) party is bound to do badly in at least one province: in Rome it failed to register in time and has been left off the ballot.


  • 但是只要蒙蒂准备好在大选和贝尔萨尼通力合作,自由人民牢牢地推向反对派,格里代表也不例外。

    But so long as Mr Monti was ready to join forces with Mr Bersani after the election, the PdL could be pushed firmly into opposition, along with Mr Grillo's representatives.


  • 已经陷入轮番轰炸国际谴责甚至卢斯科尼北方联盟密友犹豫是否恢复自由人民党组成竞选联盟

    It has run into a barrage of international condemnation and even Mr Berlusconi's old chums in the Northern League are hesitating about whether to renew their electoral alliance with the PdL.


  • 然而Bossi先生自由人民党的高级成员表示卢斯科尼先生是由人民直接授权的,因此理应有权独自解散国会

    But Mr Bossi and senior members of the PdL claim that Mr Berlusconi enjoys a direct popular mandate and so should have the right to dissolve parliament himself.


  • 这时大家都失去希望之际,人皇之埃西父亲宝剑,黑暗魔君索伦-中土世界自由人民终于击败。

    It was in this moment when all hope had faded that Isildur, son of the King, took up his father's sword. Sauron, the enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated.


  • 周二些时候,拉里安莎通讯社发表了一份声明,指责自由人民所谓选举计划无耻垃圾”,不仅侮辱,还侮辱了她的孩子广大女性

    Late on Tuesday, Lario released a statement to the ANSA news agency, slamming the party's alleged election plans as "shameless rubbish" that offended her, her children and women in general.


  • 周二些时候,拉里安莎通讯社发表了一份声明,指责自由人民所谓选举计划无耻垃圾”,不仅侮辱,还侮辱了她的孩子广大女性

    Late on Tuesday, Lario released a statement to the ANSA news agency, slamming the partys alleged election plans as "shameless rubbish" that offended her, her children and women in general.


  • 由此可见,自由消费生产自由意味着人民受到压迫变得愚蠢因此路易·勃朗绝对不能视之不理。

    From this, it follows that free people produce for the sake of not consuming; that liberty means oppression and madness among the people; and that Mr. Louis Blanc absolutely must attend to it.


  • 由此可见,自由消费生产自由意味着人民受到压迫变得愚蠢因此路易·勃朗绝对不能视之不理。

    From this, it follows that free people produce for the sake of not consuming; that liberty means oppression and madness among the people; and that Mr. Louis Blanc absolutely must attend to it.


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