• 当然一个因为无法全权掌控自己思想情况下所行为,可能监狱度过余生在监狱中度过大部分时间,这当然令人难过的结果。

    It's sad, of course, that a person may have to spend the rest of his life, or a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind.


  • 瑜伽练习教我们做自己思想旁观者就是好的抗焦虑训练

    The yogic practice of noticing thoughts as they come into your mind, but detaching from them, is perfect training for keeping worries in perspective.


  • 埃及艳后便是受过良好教育、意志坚强自己思想一位女性

    Cleopatra was well educated, strong minded with ideas of her own and a female.


  • 他解释道,“万维网过去设计可以大家贡献自己思想工具。”

    The web was designed to be this tool which people could use to contribute ideas.


  • 同时说明自己思想变化过去一年我的教训

    I also wanted to discuss how my thinking has evolved and what I've learnt in this past year.


  • 以下帮助渡过存在于除了自己思想之外存在的事情

    The following can help you to get through what doesn't exist but within your own thoughts.


  • 而没有独处,是不可能听到自己思想声音不可能摒除生活中的杂音

    You can't hear your thoughts, your voice, without solitude. Remove the noise in your life as well.


  • 多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.


  • 多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    And what we are doing each day to (t) promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.


  • 比起自己思想禁锢每一动作来说还有更好的方式生活

    There are better ways to live your life than let your mind control every single move you make.


  • 于是看到于困境中的正是自己思想的牢笼,实际上才是唯一限制的因素。

    I then saw my thoughts were what kept me trapped in life-really they were my only limitations.


  • 如果不是足够警惕,你就会开始他们思想作为自己思想采纳

    If you are not vigilant enough, you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own.


  • 后记一直相信,有种东西可以帮助那些不能完全控制自己思想获得快乐的感觉。

    Postscript Note: I have always believed that there are carve-outs to this rule for people with mental illnesses who don’t completely control their minds.


  • 使用它们似乎作为探索别人思想工具而不是作为表达自己思想的东西。

    He seemed to use them rather as instruments to search other people's thoughts, than as agents to reveal his own.


  • 美国文化外向型的,美国表达自己思想的时候尽可能简单明了,有利于传播或交流。

    In a low-context culture like the United States, individuals must express themselves as explicitly as possible for effective communication to occur.


  • 倘若真的睿智不会你们进入智慧殿堂而是指引你们跨越自己思想门槛

    If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.


  • 传统”、“反权威自己思想灵魂诞生绝不偶然的,它的出现是历史的必然

    It take "anti tradition", "anti authority" as oneself thoughts of soul, its birth is anything but adventitious, its presence is by all means historical.


  • 我们有无限创造性只有在达到一定程度,我们意识到是我们自己创造限制自己思想方式

    We're all limitlessly creative, but only to the extent that we realize that we create our own limits with the way we think.


  • 让我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分。多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let's think about what God has blessed us with, and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally.


  • 赛兆教会盲目奉献要求妻子凯莉必须提供足够物质安抚精神支持点燃了赛珍珠所有自己思想身体束缚住的女人同情

    Absalom's blind devotion to his church robbed his wife Carrie of all material comfort and emotional support, and fuelled Pearl's sympathy for all women bound in their minds as well as their bodies.


  • 分析专家特别喜欢解决系统问题但是他们传达自己思想时候所使用的语言过于技术性所以他们需要学习怎么样才能观众利益量化。

    Analytic people, in particular, love to solve systems problems, but they may get too technical in telling about their ideas so they need to learn to quantify the benefits to their audience.


  • 妇女反复灌输的思想是:她们必须出去工作才能实现自己的价值。

    Women have been brainwashed into thinking that they must go out to work in order to fulfil themselves.


  • 也许思想盛行感到高兴,自己还没有为此作出多大贡献

    He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself.


  • 根据这种思想个人可以自由追求自己利益时,社会公益实现了

    Social good, according to this thinking, is achieved when individuals are free to pursue their self-interests.


  • 希望我们学会体验享受思想不适”,形成自己观点

    Hopefully, we can learn to experience and enjoy the "discomfort of thought" and form our own opinions.


  • 创造性思想不仅随着时间环境需要产生自己生存工具而且允许已变化环境的压力新的形式代替的形式。

    Creative ideas not only produce their own instruments of survival as time and circumstances demand, but permit the substitution of new forms for old under the pressure of changed circumstances.


  • “ ‘自己而战’的思想已经深深扎根于国民意识中。” 爱尔希坦女士

    "The thought that 'I'm in it for me' has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness." Ms. Elshtain says.


  • 艾伦贡献在于提出一个我们认同假设——因为我们不是机器人所以我们控制自己思想——揭示了这个假设的错误本质

    Allen's contribution was to take an assumption we all share—that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughtsand reveal its erroneous nature.


  • 艾伦贡献在于提出一个我们认同假设——因为我们不是机器人所以我们控制自己思想——揭示了这个假设的错误本质

    Allen's contribution was to take an assumption we all share—that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughtsand reveal its erroneous nature.


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