• 亲爱的考克斯夫人关于房主保险一事。我们自己资料注意到我们没有收到续保的通知。

    Dear Mrs. Cox, Re: Homeowners Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.


  • 这些先前觉得为了自己家人得到医疗保险必要找到提供保险全职工作。

    These are people who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job that provided insurance in order to cover themselves and their families.


  • 考虑子女需要抚养母亲保险金额时,子女能够自己照顾自己之前需要规划托儿服务。

    When considering the amount of insurance for the mother with dependent children, substitute child care is a need that should be planned for until the children can care for themselves.


  • 自己养老金保险换成现金充作资本1993年创办了一家公司。

    He cashed in his pension and insurance for capital and established a start-up in 1993.


  • 的丈夫曾在县属打狗队工作为了一起舍弃了自己的工作人的健康保险

    Her husband, who worked for the county dog-catching department, moved with her, lost his job and with it their health insurance.


  • 为什么年轻亚当斯烧了自己磨坊保险,结果进

    Why did young Adams burn his mill to beat the insurance companies and go to the pen?


  • 设计AIG银行业之间息息相关保险合同初衷是为了银行提高自己资本充足率

    The insurance contracts that made AIG so entwined with the banking system were designed to help banks boost their capital ratios.


  • 该项调查发现即使遇到明确犯罪时,比如焚毁自己车库骗取保险赔偿,有人却会争辩说,这种行为属欺诈行为,或者值得判罪

    The survey found that even when it came to clear crimes, such as burning down one's garage to claim the insurance, some people argued the act was not dishonest or worthy of conviction.


  • 一个汽车保险公司自己网站可以比较保险金额,比较市场如何设计出醒目广告

    It is a car insurance company that has a website that allows you to compare insurances and compare the market How do you come up with some catchy advertisement?


  • 指出很多中情局干自己购买了职业责任保险备到时可能需要的诉讼费

    He noted that a number of C.I.A. officers have takenout professional liability insurance, to help withpotential legal fees.


  • 但是米亚德公司拒绝采用保险付费计划由她自己负担检查费用的话,就大大超出她能力所及。

    But Myriad has refused to work with her insurance plan, and paying for the test herself is beyond her means.


  • 如果卖方被允许自己保险投资者很难进行风险对冲

    If sellers are not allowed to buy protection themselves, investors will find it harder to hedge.


  • 如果我们划破了皮肤或者工作中伤着了自己,我们知道通过保险我们获得某种赔款。

    If we scrape a fender or injure ourselves at work, we know that there is some sort of payment that we can get through insurance.


  • 这个计划相当于一家保险公司了由自己提供火灾保险幢房子这样就用不着保险

    The plan is analogous to an insurer buying a house it provided fire insurance on, negating the need for an insurance policy on the home.


  • 同时由于声音保险库”顾客自己设定验证问题答案的形式几个词语,个人识别码也要好记得多。

    And because Voice Vault lets you set your own security question, the answer to which is used as the passphrase, it is easier than remembering a PIN.


  • 知道自己存折信用卡对账单保险合约,意向书等等放在哪里。

    Know where your accounts, credit-card statements, insurance documents, will, etc. are.


  • 通常肇事者必须他们自己保险赔偿其他人

    Normally, the person who causes the accident must use their own insurance to pay for damage to other people.


  • 自己住宅保险

    I want to insure my residence.


  • 当时绝大部分需要购买他们自己健康保险从而大大地降低享受卫生保健人数比例

    Most people were then required to buy their own health insurance, drastically reducing the proportion of the population with guaranteed health care.


  • 有些客户自己自己另一半购买婚姻离婚保险有些父母瞒着子女他们购买了离婚保险

    Some customers bought divorce insurance for themselves and their “other half”, and even some parents could buy this for their son or daughter without them knowing about it.


  • 另一者美国健康保险管理公司提供员工的健康计划赚取大量收益事实上这些大公司保险保障他们自己

    Another is the fact that American health insurers earn a lot of revenue from administering the health plans provided to employees by big corporations which, in effect, insure themselves.


  • 最近几十年多数美国依赖自己的雇主提供健康保险支付不断上涨医疗费用

    In recent decades, most Americans have relied on health care insurance from their employers to meet their rising medical bills.


  • 假如我们这时还岸上的话,好好检查一下自己是否买人生保险了。

    If we had been on land, this would have been a good time to check life assurance policies.


  • 如果使用代金券支付不起自己需要的恰当保险非费用,那么就是问题了。

    If you couldn't afford a policy adequate for your needs, even with the voucher, that would be your problem.


  • 说:“作为一名自由职业者觉得自己被孤立了,今年开始我就没有健康保险代价大了。”

    "I feel isolated as a freelancer and have had no health insurance since the start of the year; it's too expensive," she says.


  • 如果因为渎职可能了失业保险但是不要自己假定情况如何

    If you were fired for misconduct you may not be eligible, but, don't presume that is the case.


  • 有句老话说得好,人寿保险对于正忙着第三尝试自己出售的美国友邦保险公司(AIA),美国国际集团(AIG)旗下亚洲人寿保险业务部来说,真的再合适不过了。

    THE old saying that life insurance is sold, not bought, has never been truer than for AIA, AIG’s Asian life-insurance business, which is embarking on its third attempt to sell itself this year.


  • 但他可能会提高雇主必需缴纳款项,因为工人们最终需要依靠公共补贴购买自己保险项目

    He would boost the payments required of employers whose workers end up needing public subsidies to help them buy their own coverage.


  • 但他可能会提高雇主必需缴纳款项,因为工人们最终需要依靠公共补贴购买自己保险项目

    He would boost the payments required of employers whose workers end up needing public subsidies to help them buy their own coverage.


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