• 实际上机器基本上高度自动化机器,他可以模仿的一个多个身体动作。

    Inn fact, a robot is basically a highly automated machine that is created to duplicate one or more physical capabilities of a person.


  • 搭载非标自动化机器视觉以及伺服系统变频器控制集成机器人等提供智能化解决方案

    Equipped with non-standard automation machine vision and vision servo system and inverter control integrated robot can provide solutions and more intelligent.


  • 这次我们假设这种自动化机器编程给予我们所有人一种共同幻觉不是许多不同、互不相关的幻觉

    This time let us suppose that the automatic machinery is programmed to give us all a collective hallucination, rather than a number of separate unrelated hallucinations.


  • 或许没有邪恶科学家,或许(尽管有些荒唐),宇宙仅仅自动化机器组成,它们管理着一个充满神经系统大缸

    Perhaps there is no evil scientist, perhaps (though this is absurd) the universe just happens to consist of automatic machinery tending a vat full of brains and nervous systems.


  • 他们得出的结论是,几乎工作就有份工作机器自动化,且这一风险很高

    They concluded that almost one in every two jobs has a high risk of being automated by machines.


  • 事实上蓝领白领工人已经变成经济木偶,随着自动化机器官僚管理节奏起舞

    In fact, the blue- and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.


  • 可以肯定机器并不是唯一工作杀手外包偷走的工作自动化多得多

    To be sure, robotics are not the only job killers out there, with outsourcing stealing far more gigs than automation.


  • 这是可能的,因为会更多雇主有更多的机会接触平均水平得多廉价外国劳动力机器软件自动化技术人才

    It can't when so many more employers have so much more access to so much more above average cheap foreign labor, cheap robotics, cheap software, cheap automation and cheap genius.


  • 我们独特的视角看待机器什么不能做什么以及它们可能自动化威胁到什么工作的问题。

    This gives us a unique perspective on what machines can do, what they can't do and what jobs they might automate or threaten.


  • 荷兰瓦赫宁根大学机器人学研究员 Eldert Henten 表示,还有其他原因可以解释为什么自动化可能未来发展方向

    There is another reason to explain why automation may be the way forward according to Eldert Henten, a robotics researcher at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.


  • 即使是机器人已完成一小部分挤奶工作奶牛场实现自动化也有长的

    Even dairy farms, where robots do a small share of milking, have a long way to go before they're automated.


  • 许多发达国家工厂老板担心缺少熟练人类劳动者,自动化机器视为解决方案

    Factory bosses in many developed countries are worried about a lack of skilled human workers—and see automation and robots as a solution.


  • 本地呢机改造自动化机器增加效果

    Remodeling native decator as an automatization machine increased the effects of decating.


  • 农场工厂呼叫中心实验室人们也许可以为机器取代机器只能那些适合被自动化活儿。

    People may be replaced by robots on farms, in factories, call centres and laboratories but machines can only do work that lends itself to automation.


  • 甚至有些IBM机器 IBM 129)创建特殊程序执行自动化编号方法不需要人工干预

    There were even IBM machines (like the IBM 129) that had a way to create special programs to perform automatic numbering without human intervention.


  • 每样东西都会自动化那个东西无非指的就是机器

    Everything is becoming automatic, and that meas everything is a robot.


  • 编排人工机器运维任务的“流程自动化代理”。

    A process automation agent to orchestrate operational tasks involving both machines and people.


  • 阿伦森介绍说,让自动化单元工作起来,经验丰富的折弯工人接受机器人替代人工的过程,因为自动化必然造成工作机会削减,这会招致工人们的集体排斥。

    Making an automated bending cell work is a matter of having an experienced press brake operator willing to make the automation work, according to Aronson.


  • 机器原材料处理系统构成传统自动化心脏

    Machines and material handling systems make up the traditional heart of automation.


  • 思考一个方向由于构建验证测试全都自动化了,每晚运行所有自动化测试的伤害是什么,——只是机器时间吗?

    One line of thinking is that, since the build verification tests are all automated, what's the harm in running all of them every nightit's just machine time, right?


  • 因此与其期望知道任意一个给定事务调用所有物理机器手工添加它们,不如进行自动化的操作。

    Therefore, rather than expecting you to know all of the physical machines that would be involved in any given transaction and to manually attach to each one, this process is automated.


  • 样东西都会自动化那个东西无非指的就是机器。但人们拥有更好界面

    Everything is becoming automatic, and that meas everything is a robot. People want to have a better interface.


  • 对于通常使用可能自动化测试执行机器或者任何贡献一个特定测试人员机器组。

    A common use for this might be automated test execution machines or any group of machines that are dedicated to a particular group of testers.


  • 一部分工作自动化使用机器那些男人女人再忍受减弱的、乏味的、劳累的工作变得经济

    It becomes economical to automate some aspects of the work, employing machines to do the deadening humdrum toil that men and women are no longer willing to put up with.


  • 如果使用这个自动化方法那么所有机器更新最新将会非常简单的事,只需使用最新版本的构建目录来更新应用程序选择文件即可,这太棒了!

    Best of all, if you use the automatic method, bringing all your machines up to date is simply a case of updating the application selection file with the later versions of the build directories.


  • 而今天工厂工人机器软件所替代广义地来讲,许多承担的工作正在被自动化

    Today, workers in factories are being replaced by robots and software, more broadly, is automating many jobs that people used to do.


  • 完全自动化机器深入到人类活动领域可能无限的,而且潜在利益也是不可限量的。

    The areas of human existence in which fully autonomous machines might be useful - and the potential benefits - are almost limitless.


  • 目标研制一个自动化机器,以帮助人们从事有困难的水下作业——例如关闭泄漏石油阀门

    The aim is to produce an automaton that could help people do difficult jobs underwater-shutting off leaking oil valves, for example.


  • 我们使用机器自动化设备时,我们需要是熟练技师不是初级装配线工人

    And when we use robotics and automation we need skilled technicians rather than basic assembly line workers.


  • 篇文章首先他们的自动化系统进行机器翻译然后一位人类编辑会修改其中的语法问题

    A Posting is first translated by their automated system and then a human editor corrects any grammatical issues.


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