• 中国消费价格连续三最快速度腾飞五月的数据较去年同期同比增长5.5%。

    Consumer prices in China rose at the quickest pace in three years, by 5.5% in May from a year earlier.


  • 欧洲得益于联合政策跨国公司技术专长中国印度利用经济腾飞在太空竞争中也占据一席之地。

    Europe benefits from its joint policy and the expertise of multinational companies, while China and India are using their economic clout to become bigger players.


  • 电子工业转移中国时早已腾飞

    In the electronics industry, relocations to China have soared.


  • 西方不一样,中国的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞的寓意团结凝聚的精神,不是魔怪

    Unlike dragon in the West, the Chinese believes that it signifies innovation and cohesion, rather than a monster.


  • 中国姿态腾飞飞越日月同辉,恒星一样永存,像星星一样闪亮

    China, positive attitude to take off the dragon, may you fly higher and higher, and the sun and the moon together as eternal as the stars that shine like stars.


  • 中国经济腾飞促使了空中旅游需求的增加,购买辆A380喷气式飞机中国适应空中旅游需求激增所做努力一部分

    The purchase of an A380 jet is part of China's efforts to accommodate surging air travel demands unleashed by the country's economic boom.


  • 随着中国经济腾飞中国已经成为全球最大翡翠消费市场

    As the economy in China is developing, China has been the biggest market of jadeite jade in the world.


  • 作品同样充斥着经济腾飞中国消费文化渗透出一切时髦元素

    Likewise, he Jia's works are also full of the elements of China's rapid growth and facets of her consumer culture.


  • 十年来伴随着经济腾飞高速城市化剧场雨后春笋般在中国遍地开花。

    Over the past decade, theaters have sprung up everywhere along with China 'economic growth and rapid urbanization.


  • 智慧汗水时间画卷上记录赤子情,在历史的苍穹书写中国腾飞

    With wisdom as a pen to sweat for ink, on time picture scroll records ChiZiQing deep, under the sky of history writing Chinese take-off.


  • 21世纪中国经济腾飞世纪。加入WTO,这给中国企业带来了走向国际市场好机会同时带来了巨大的压力

    China's economy is booming in the 21st century, the entry of WTO brings Chinese enterprises opportunities to enter international market, and also makes these enterprises under great pressure.


  • 经过十年潜心经营,使“科威力”品牌插上腾飞的翅膀,迈入中国制冷行业优秀品牌的行列

    After a decade of concentrated business, "brand has stuck to take off, entered the excellent brand ranks of China refrigeration industry."


  • 人民浙江这个地方人民最大的贡献就是提供一块不毛之地断绝了外界帮助,而正是这种自力更生给最终带来了中国经济腾飞

    It is commonly said that Zhejiang's greatest contribution to its citizens-and ultimately to China's economic resurgence-was to provide them with nothing and to cut them off from outside help.


  • 很多中国其他地区一样,重庆飞速发展。经济腾飞相随的,犯罪(特别是敲诈勒索诈骗)在上升

    Like much of the rest of China, Chongqing is booming, but, along with the economy, crime has risen, especially extortion and racketeering.


  • 一个庞大的过程如果没有中国经济奇迹般腾飞,根本可能实现为“变革管理提出诸多课题

    This is huge progress, without which China's economic miracle would not have been possible, but it also poses many challenges relating to change management.


  • 中国姿态腾飞,愿越飞越日月同辉,恒星一样永存,像星星一样闪亮

    China, is to take off with the attitude of the dragon, higher and higher to you, with the sun, like a star forever, like the stars shine.


  • 中国60话语多得组成星河最想、说得最多一句就是——腾飞可爱的中国

    New China 60 years, my words may be composed of a multi-galaxy, but most would like to say, to put it the largest one, that is - take-off bar, lovely China!


  • 随着中国经济腾飞中国石油进口大幅增加

    With the speed development of China economy, China has increased the petroleum importation in a big scale.


  • 随着中国经济腾飞建筑类材料施工工艺应用要求不断提高

    With the quick development of Chinese economy, the demand for the building materials and the construction craft application increase continually.


  • 中国腾飞金字塔型建筑很多东西向世界展示

    The China Pavilion, a soaring inverted pyramid, has much to show the world.


  • 汉语影响力基本局限中国东南亚一带,但随着中国经济腾飞,越来越外国人已经开始学习门古老语言

    The influence of Chinese is mainly confined to ChinaSoutheast Asian countries, along with the economic takeoff of China, an increasing number of foreigners have been learning this ancient language.


  • 这里山川,雄奇秀丽这里人民,自强不息。这就是腾飞中的历史文化名城——中国保定

    This is Baoding, a famous city of brilliant history and culture, where the mountains are great, rivers beautiful, and the people persistent.


  • 2008年223日,上海浦东国际博览中心我们共同见证中国丝绸交易会托起中国丝绸业新的腾飞

    Februsry 23, 2008, Shanghai New International Expo Center. Let's witness China Silk trade Fair create a further raise.


  • 准备更高吗?准备亲笔书写自己成功计划吗?准备把互联网的奇迹撒播中国每个角落吗?你的职业生涯雅虎中国一起腾飞吧!

    Ready to soar to new heights? Ready to write your own flight plan for success? Ready to spread the wonders of the Internet to all corners of China? Then put your career in high gear with Yahoo China!


  • 现今中国经济腾飞过去30年以来我们比较明智利用了国内充裕的人力资本是分不开的。

    China has rocketed up, thanks to the wise action that we fully made use of the rich human capital in the past 30 years.


  • 现今中国经济腾飞过去30年以来我们比较明智利用了国内充裕的人力资本是分不开的。

    China has rocketed up, thanks to the wise action that we fully made use of the rich human capital in the past 30 years.


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