• 根据客户要求而定。

    Lead spacing determined by customer requirements.


  • 晚风中,潮水声中脚长享用海鲜大餐

    Having a seafood dinner on deck along beach, enjoying a windy and peaceful night at Balai.


  • 或许是因为会让她们觉得自己男人没什么差别,英国男性平均脚长9

    This could be because it puts them on a par with men -the average British male is a size nine.


  • 跑步膝同时会因为平整的路上引发比如可能会让膝盖施加压力

    Running on a road that is banked at the sides, for example, effectively gives you one short leg, causing it to pronate and put pressure on the knee.


  • 后来可能是因为时间了,身体慢慢地就蜷缩起来,由于毛也,像只大猴子

    After a long time sitting there, his body rolled up gradually. Because of his long arm and leg and plenty of fur, he looked like a big monkey.


  • 赫卡泰奥埃及最大雕像仅仅超过七个(腕尺是古代的一个度单位),或者说它的脚长达到了英尺

    It was, said Hecataeus, the largest statue in Egypt; its foot alone was "more than seven cubits", or ten and a half feet long.


  • 胡子又,黑得沥青一样下巴一直

    His beard was as black as pitch, and so long that it reached from his chin down to his feet.


  • 准备有标记绳子或者100英尺卷尺,用来给场地划定界限。准备一个同宽,4英尺的木板用以压倒麦秆

    You will need a marked rope or a 100ft measuring tape to mark out the site, and a foot-wide wooden board about 4ft long to do the flattening.


  • 本周二,这位有八只预言大仙睡梦平静逝去保罗生前有着极其完美足球比赛预测记录,包括今年世界杯冠军的预测。

    Paul the octopus, who shot to fame during this year's soccer World Cup for his flawless record in predicting game results, has died peacefully in his sleep, his German aquarium said Tuesday.


  • 待一会儿就得跪地板了,分钟必须躺下了,胳膊撑在地上,一只胳膊抱着头、可是还,这时只得一只手臂伸出窗子,一只伸进烟囱,然后自语说:“还的话怎么办呢?

    Still she went on growing, and, as a last resource, she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney, and said to herself ‘Now I can do no more, whatever happens.


  • 那些趾甲而苦恼的人们应该经常走路

    Those who tend to suffer from ingrown toenails quite frequently should go for barefoot walking more often.


  • 假如还有别的选择,绝不会再当煤矿工人的。”身着一件牛仔裤穿一双白球鞋,外套一件棕色人造革夹克,留有脏兮兮的指甲小王如是说。

    "Given a choice, I would never work in a mine," says Wang dressed in a pair of old jeans, white tennis shoes and a brown artificial leather jacket, dirt clogging his long fingernails.


  • 可能已经时候最终接受始祖鸟只是又一侏罗纪时期飞来飞去的羽毛的像鸟类亚目食肉恐龙了。

    Perhaps the time has come to finally accept that archaeopteryx was just another small, feathered, bird-like theropod fluttering around in the Jurassic.


  • 过了一会,忽然一阵刺耳的杂音打破正午沉寂痛苦地哞哞直叫,沮丧地声狂吠人们则跳高声尖叫

    Then a sudden cacophony shatters the midmorning silence: cows moo tormentedly, dogs howl long and despondently, and people scream all over the tole.


  • 裙子上有不少窟窿,露出她膝头

    Her feet were bare. Large holes in her petticoat permitted glimpses of her long legs and her thin knees.


  • 需要一个(或者其他什么可以相机完全平稳的途径),因为使用的快门速度拍摄用手持几乎是不可能的。

    You'll also need a tripod (or some other way to making your camera completely still) as you'll be shooting with long shutter speeds which will make shooting handheld pretty much impossible.


  • 新华通讯社9月25日报道,泰国佛寺近期发现一只7条腿青蛙只青蛙7只都能活动自如

    According to the Xinhua News Agency of September 25, a Buddhist temple in Thailand found a frog with five legs and seven feet. It was reported that the seven feet of the frog could move freely.


  • 螈,(chang)蝾螈由于拥有同样肤色加上管子一样的身躯而得到“人鱼”的称号,所以说它一种奇怪的动物也不为过。

    The olm, a foot-long salamander nicknamed “the human fish” because of its fleshy skin and tubular shape, is certainly a strange-looking animal.


  • 目前来讲,我们不得不颁给这个英尺巨型蜘蛛(这就是人们这么称呼他的-没有编造)世界上已知最大蜘蛛头衔。

    So for now, we'll have to make due with the 5 foot long Crabzilla (that's what it's called--I didn't make it up!), one of the largest known crabs in the planet.


  • 这么妈妈从来没有给妈妈过。

    Long so big, is mother wash feet for me, I have never washed for her mother.


  • 在爱莎1213岁努力拉直为此医院里住相当时间,还在轮椅上呆了一

    Efforts were made to straighten Aisha's feet when she was 12 and 13, putting her in hospital for lengthy periods and in a wheelchair for a year.


  • 取而代之一个幻想脆弱连接只有地上

    In its place is the illusion of an elongated leg and only a most tenuous connection to the ground.


  • 显微镜下观察状突形态砧骨之间关系,观察砧骨豆状突之间的微细结构组织切片

    The relationship between the long limbs of incus and the lenticular process was studied by observing the micro structure and tissue section with microscope.


  • 或者即使是使用镜头,也能获得清晰的影像。

    Otherwise a tripod or monopod can help you to get sharp pictures even with a tele lens.


  • 迎接客人到来,村民在一起了一丰盛晚餐这样的晚餐每年重要节日也会举行

    The people in Changpojiao village gathers to eat an abundant dinner to welcome their guests. And such dinner is carried out in some important festivals every year.


  • 迎接客人到来,村民在一起了一丰盛晚餐这样的晚餐每年重要节日也会举行

    The people in Changpojiao village gathers to eat an abundant dinner to welcome their guests. And such dinner is carried out in some important festivals every year.


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