• 应用强度聚焦超声肿瘤治疗系统治疗肝癌患者78例,术后随访了解生存情况。

    The tumour treating system with high intensity focused ultrasound had been applied to 78 cases.


  • 治疗药物突变基因靶点基因突变后能让肿瘤细胞持续增多一种药物能激活病患免疫系统对抗疾病

    One drug specifically targets a mutated gene that tells a cancer cell to grow, the other boosts a patient's immune system in the fight against the disease.


  • 这种细胞级的诊断系统可以应用药物筛选或者可能被用于疾病治疗在杀死肿瘤细胞同时保留健康细胞

    The cell-level diagnostic system could be used for drug screening or perhaps for disease treatment, killing tumors while leaving healthy cells alone.


  • 其中三分之一患者血液系统恶性肿瘤癌症强度化疗移植治疗而存在免疫系统严重低下的问题。

    Around one third of these cases occurred in patients whose immune systems were severely suppressed by haematological malignancy, aggressive chemotherapy for cancer, or post-transplant treatment.


  • 骨髓移植一种针对患有威胁生命血细胞肿瘤细胞紊乱某些遗传性免疫系统紊乱病人治疗措施。

    Bone marrow transplantation is a treatment option for patients with life-threatening diseases such as blood-related cancers, plasma cell disorders, and certain inherited immune system disorders.


  • 由此表明,TPOFF作为一种具有很小侵袭性的系统被用于识别肿瘤标记物监测药物治疗

    These results suggest TPOFF can be used as a minimally invasive system for identifying tumor markers and monitoring drug therapy.


  • 目的观察平消胶囊合并化疗治疗消化系统恶性肿瘤疗效。

    Objective To observe Pingxiao Capsule combined chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumors of digestive system cancer.


  • 肿瘤辅助诊断系统运用专家系统设计原理方法模拟医学专家诊断、治疗肿瘤的思维过程而编写的计算机程序

    Bone tumor assisted diagnosis system is such a computer programme that applies the design theory and method of expert system, simulates medical expert diagnosis and treatment in bone tumor.


  • 方法:回顾分析我院1990 ~ 2004年收治41手术治疗病理学确诊生殖系统肿瘤卵巢转移患者临床资料

    METHODS: The clinical data of 41 cases of non reproductive system cancer with ovarian metastasis confirmed by surgery and pathology were analyzed retrospectively from 1990 to 2004.


  • 英国肿瘤研究表示引起了人们NICE评价系统是否适用所有种类药物疑问特别是缺少替代治疗方法时。

    Cancer Research UK said it raised questions about whether NICE's system of appraisal was appropriate for all types of drugs, especially when there were few alternative treatments.


  • 基于PTEN功能,目前时兴依赖免疫系统肿瘤治疗方法可能效果效果较差

    Emerging therapies that rely on the immune system to fight cancer could potentially be more or less effective based on PTEN function.


  • 本文就纳米给系统肿瘤靶向治疗中的研究进展作一综述。

    The current paper reviews the recent proceedings of targeted cancer therapy by nano drug delivery systems.


  • 获悉种籽植入肿瘤及其周边组织吸收剂量分布。本文编制“种籽源治疗计划系统ITPSS 1.0。

    For obtaining the distribution of absorbed dose in tumor and surrounding tissues after implant of seeds, the software, Interstitial Treatment Planning System of seeds (ITPSS 1.0) was programmed.


  • 虽然这些病人得到包括化疗在内的系统治疗肝癌通常被认为是化疗抵抗性肿瘤

    Although these patients receive systemic treatment including chemotherapy, HCC is generally recognized as a chemo-resistant tumor.


  • 目的探讨颈椎带锁钢板系统颈椎肿瘤手术治疗中的应用价值

    Objective: To explore the application value of anterior locking cervical plate system in the treatment for cervical spinal tumors.


  • 目的观察中药结合全身恶性肿瘤治疗效果以及ET - SPACETM - I全身热系统安全性

    Objective: To observe the effect of whole body Hyperthermia (WBH) with Chinese herb in the treatment of lung malignant tumor, as well as the safety of ET-SPACETM-I WBH system.


  • 对于癌症治疗来说,这些抗体对于特殊肿瘤类型直接免疫系统反应就是一个导致它们不断得到应用因素

    For cancer treatment, the ability of antibodies to direct immune system responses to specific tumor types is one of the factors that have led to their increased use.


  • 基因治疗治疗多种人类重大疾病遗传病肿瘤方面显示出良好的应用前景面临巨大挑战,主要如何选择安全、高效、靶向的载体系统

    Gene therapy has shown great potentials in the treatment of a number of human key diseases, such as genetic diseases, cancer and so on, yet there are still some big challenges to face.


  • 中枢神经系统二次肿瘤后果特别严重儿童白血病脑瘤治疗有关

    Secondary tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) can have particularly devastating consequences and have been linked to prior treatment for childhood leukemia and brain tumors.


  • 目的评价介入栓塞治疗泌尿系统肿瘤疗效提高介入栓塞治疗泌尿系统肿瘤水平

    Objective: to evaluate the effect and to improve the treatment level of transcatheter arterial embolization therapy in patients with urinary tumor.


  • 根据美国科学家利用免疫系统力量治疗癌症可能肿瘤携带不正确包装DNA患者不太奏效

    Cancer treatments that harness the power of the immune system might be less effective in patients whose tumours carry incorrectly packaged DNA, according to US scientists.


  • 研制了一基于-60远距离治疗实现肿瘤精确适形放射治疗计划系统

    In this paper, a three-dimensional precise conformal radiotherapy treatment planning system based on a cobalt-60 teletherapy unit is introduced.


  • 目的探讨共刺激分子B7 1 (CD80)血液系统恶性肿瘤发病学及免疫基因治疗中的重要作用

    Objective to explore the significance of costimulatory molecule B7-1 (CD80) and MHC molecules in the pathogenesis of hematologic malignant tumors and in the immuno-genetic therapy.


  • 放射治疗治疗肿瘤主要方法之一计算机三维放射治疗计划系统当今放射治疗的灵魂。

    Radiotherapy is one of the most important methods for tumor treatment and engages computer radiotherapy treatment planning system as its key tool.


  • 目的提高血管造影对消化系统恶性肿瘤诊断价值认识及其介入治疗指导意义。

    Objective to improve the value of angiography in the diagnosis of the malignancy of digestive system, and to direct its interventional therapy.


  • 内皮系统有丝分裂、凋亡侵袭血管生成以及重构作用显示肿瘤治疗中的作用。

    The role of ET axis in mitogenesis, apoptosis inhibition, invasiveness, angiogenesis and bone remodeling provides evidences of the importance of ET axis in cancer.


  • 如今医生经历了30错误开始,终于成功发现第四治疗肿瘤方法:其利用身体天然防御系统免疫系统

    Now, doctors have overcome 30 years of false starts and found success with a fourth way to fight cancer: using the body's natural defender, the immune system.


  • 目的了解肿瘤患者治疗呼吸系统感染致病菌药情况

    Objective to determine the pathogen of respiratory system infection and drug resistance in patients with cancer.


  • 目的了解肿瘤患者治疗呼吸系统感染致病菌药情况

    Objective to determine the pathogen of respiratory system infection and drug resistance in patients with cancer.


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