• 联邦公开市场委员会贴现窗口公开市场活动它们确切含义是什么?

    The FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee), the discount window, open market operations – what exactly do they mean?


  • 美国我们十二个联邦储备银行但是我们有一个联邦公开市场委员会

    In the United States we have twelve Federal Reserve Banks but we have a Federal Open Market Committee.


  • 何时收回流动性提高利率决策来自联邦公开市场委员会FOMC)。

    The decision on when to soak up the money and to raise interest rates comes from the Federal Open Market Committee, which meets this Tuesday and Wednesday.


  • 联邦公开市场委员会第二种选择通过沟通缓解其金融状况例如通过调整会后声明

    A second policy option for the FOMC would be to ease financial conditions through its communication, for example, by modifying its post-meeting statement.


  • 伯南克人为地将利率保持低位一做法已经使联邦公开市场委员会内部产生多年以来最大分歧

    Bernanke's decision to keep interest rates artificially low has resulted in the most divided Federal Open Market Committee in years.


  • 联邦公开市场委员会暗示公开利率有可能会很快随之下调,他们如果需要则准备行动

    The Federal Open Market Committee hinted that policy rates might be on their way down soon as well, saying that it was "prepared to act as needed."


  • 讨论评估联邦公开市场委员会一些政策选择后,我会得出应该采取进一步行动成为必要的结论。

    I will conclude by discussing and evaluating some policy options that the FOMC has at its disposal, should further action become necessary.


  • 这项政策联邦公开市场委员会长期债券持有量保持可观水平有助于保持融通金融状况

    This policy, by keeping the Committee's holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.


  • 联邦公开市场委员会成员信令一个需要进一步刺激额外宽松政策进一步购买资产形式潜力

    FOMC members have been signaling that there is a need for further stimulus and there is the potential for additional easing in the form of further asset purchases.


  • 值得注意的是,自从2008年12月联邦公开市场委员会一直联邦准备金目标利率保持00.25%之间。

    Notably, since December 2008, the FOMC has held its target for the federal funds rate in a range of 0 to 25 basis points.


  • 美联储政策专家组联邦公开市场委员会FOMC宣布联邦基金利率最低0-0.25%水平。

    The Fed's policy panel, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), announced that it had cut its target for the federal funds rate to between zero and 0.25%, the lowest on record;


  • 因为决定本身通常万众瞩目联邦公开市场委员会声明措辞通常是重要的,如果超过实际利率中央银行作出举动重要。

    Because the decision itself is usually highly anticipated, the wording of the FOMC statement is usually as important if not more important than the actual interest rate move made by the central bank.


  • 联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)周三些时候结束一个为期两天的会议

    The Federal Open Market Committee concludes a two-day meeting later Wednesday.


  • 言论隔夜还得到圣路易斯联邦储备银行总裁布拉德的支持,布拉德建议联邦公开市场委员会甚至可能会缩短第二轮量化宽松政策的期限。

    His comments were backed up overnight by the st Louis Fed President Bullard who suggested that the FOMC might even cut the current program of QE2 short.


  • 目前联邦公开市场委员会会议详细记录公布一次,所以,缩短公布时间又有什么如此重大影响呢?他们有什么希望让美国人民知道的事情呢?

    The detailed transcripts of the FOMC meetings are released every 5 years, so why would this be so different and what is it that they don't want the American people to know?


  • 今天晚些时候可能会出现个转折,因为上个月FOMC(联邦公开市场委员会)的会议内容纪要发布,这个发布可能这一个安静交易中的一个亮点

    Later today could see such a landmark as the minutes from last month's FOMC meeting are released which is one of the highlights of what is likely to be a quiet session ahead.


  • 虽然两者都占据着显著地位,但我们认为其对区间震荡美元影响仍具有有限性因为市场正在等待晚些时候释放联邦公开市场委员会会议纪要。

    Although both are significant in stature, we feel there will be limited scope for either release to significantly affect USD ranges as the markets await the FOMC Minutes release later in the evening.


  • 这项决策联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)10名成员一致投票通过最近几个月美联储首次达成一致的行动

    The decision was taken by a unanimous vote of the 10 members of the Federal Open Market Committee, the first time in recent months the Fed has acted by consensus.


  • 决定3月18联邦公开市场操作委员会(FOMC)一次会议上一致通过的。

    The unanimous decision came at a meeting of the Fed’s Open Market Committee on March 18th.


  • 自从08年十月二十九日,联邦公开市场操作委员会降息0.5%后,联邦资金利率目标现在也只剩1%,但是这些资金实际上还要换(在银行间相互借贷市场中流动)-有效利率大约只剩下0.25%。

    Since Oct.29th, the target for the federal funds rate has been a 1%, but the rate at which funds actually change hands, known as the “effective rate”, has averaged around 0.25%(see chart).


  • 很显然联邦公开市场操作委员会认为经济前景不容乐观。预期相比,经济增速减缓,通货膨胀降低

    The members of the Federal Open Market Committee clearly saw a darkening of the economic picture, likely to produce slower growth and lower inflation than they'd previously expected.


  • 大多数联储观察员认为通货膨胀失业率经济增长缓慢使联邦公开市场政策委员会推迟缩减每月850亿美元债券购买计划,即量化宽松计划。

    Most Fed watchers think the mix of low inflation, high unemployment and slow growth will lead the FOMC to delay scaling back its 85-billion-dollar monthly bond-buying or quantitative easing.


  • 大多数联储观察员认为通货膨胀失业率经济增长缓慢使联邦公开市场政策委员会推迟缩减每月850亿美元债券购买计划,即量化宽松计划。

    Most Fed watchers think the mix of low inflation, high unemployment and slow growth will lead the FOMC to delay scaling back its 85-billion-dollar monthly bond-buying or quantitative easing.


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