• 国际足联技术指导奥希耶克作为和红宝石队教练赢得了2007年联赛冠军

    Former FIFA technical director Osieck won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.


  • 我们赢得足总杯,我们也想获得联赛冠军之奋斗

    We want to win the Cup. We want to win the Premier League title and we are working hard for this.


  • 曼联球星鲁尼认为,和曼联同城的曼城努力争夺联赛冠军

    United star believes neighbours will be battling it out for league title.


  • 支队伍二十失败赢得了第一个联赛冠军

    That year, the team won its first league championship pennant after more than twenty years of failure.


  • 如果那么天,希望人们认出结束了联赛冠军无尽等待名球员。

    When that happens I hope people will recognise me as a player who played in the team which ended the club's long wait to win the Premier League.


  • 里尼奥他特有讲话方式声称,这场比赛不会决定西甲联赛冠军

    Mourinho had claimed in the buildup to the game that this contest would not decide the la Liga title.


  • 故事讲述4个童年最终一起夺得全国高中联赛冠军经历。

    The film explores how his life has been shaped by basketball by telling the growing-up story of him and 4 of his childhood buddies, who eventually took the trophy in US high school basketall league.


  • 河床阿根廷最成功足球俱乐部,曾赢得卅三次甲组联赛冠军,波卡队廿九次。

    River is Argentina’s most successful club, with 33 league titles to Boca’s 29.


  • 帮助球队夺得西甲联赛冠军马德里俱乐部前锋鲁德•范•尼斯特尔·鲁伊位居第六

    After helping Real Madrid win the Spanish league title, striker Ruud van Nistelrooy was sixth.


  • 也许明年也可以他们一起获得联赛冠军甚至赛季冠军联赛冠军

    Maybe next year, with me, they're going to win the league. Maybe with me, we even win the Champions league next season.


  • 刚刚结束赛季中曼联9的优势将联赛冠军切尔西的手中了回来。

    The Red Devils reclaimed the trophy from Chelsea last month following an impressive campaign that ultimately saw them finish nine points clear of their nearest rivals.


  • 周六曼联创纪录的获得了第19联赛冠军同时同城死敌曼城结束35年冠军

    Manchester United clinched a record 19th English league title on Saturday, while local rivals City ended a 35-year wait to win a football trophy.


  • 埃弗拉表示曼联必须在下赛季提高客场比赛的成绩,这样才能更加轻松卫冕联赛冠军

    Patrice Evra has called on Manchester United to improve their results away from Old Trafford next season to make it easier to defend the Premier League title.


  • 最终可能落后曼联11赛季曼城会更具威胁,甚至可能染指联赛冠军奖杯

    They may be 11 points behind United but will certainly be a massive threat next season, added to a potential piece of silverware with the FA Cup final looming.


  • 优势赢得西班牙意大利联赛冠军而且确保韦恩·鲁尼继续呆特拉福德

    For: Won titles in Spain and Italy and would ensure Wayne Rooney stays at Old Trafford.


  • 再度成为拜仁复兴关键又获得四次联赛冠军联盟杯冠军两次德国冠军

    He again became key to a Bayern revival, winning four more league titles, another UEFA Cup and two German Cups.


  • 他们拿了两次联赛冠军,在穆帅手下还很年轻看起来阿布的卢布可以维持长久的霸权

    Twice they were champions and, given their manager’s relative youth, it seemed that Roman Abramovich had bought a long-lasting supremacy.


  • 任教期间哈佛四次获得常春藤联盟垒球冠军以及次美国大学生体育联赛冠军

    Under her tenure, Harvard has won four Ivy League softball titles and three NCAA championships.


  • 西甲冠军毫无疑问货真价实曼联赢得国内联赛冠军多亏面对更弱对手时一系列顽强表现

    The Spanish champions are unquestionably the real deal, while United won their domestic league thanks to a series of gritty performances against lesser clubs.


  • 去年俱乐部赢得了近五个赛季以来第四个英超联赛冠军并且欧洲冠军联赛中取得了第二名。

    The club has been successful on the field, winning the Premier League title last year for the fourth time in five seasons and finishing second in the Champions League.


  • 没想到外国球员这么感情丰富——莫斯科火车头队队长他的球队获得第一个俄罗斯甲级联赛冠军后说。

    I didn't know foreign players could be so sentimental? Dmitri Loskov, FC Lokomotiv Moskva captain, after they won their first Russian Premier-Liga title.


  • 虽然哈格里夫斯曼联的日子伤病不断在加盟英超第一还是拿到联赛冠军冠军的双冠。

    Though his time at Old Trafford was blighted by further injuries,he won both the Premier League title and the Champions League during his first season in England.


  • 曼联队稍稍落后,只了6球,但是明显他们是有能力斯坦福俱乐部争夺联赛冠军头衔的。

    United lag slightly, having scored only half a dozen of them, but it is clear that they can compete vigorously for the title with the Stamford Bridge club.


  • 这本书发行之际,一个年轻格拉斯哥作为当时苏格兰甲级联赛冠军米伦教练也在享受同样的初次成功

    Around the time of the book's release a young Glaswegian was enjoying similar early success, as manager of the then Scottish First Division champions, st Mirren.


  • 奥沃诺又去了格鲁吉亚那儿第比利斯迪纳摩俱乐部赢得联赛冠军现在,他法甲球队勒号门将。

    He moved on to Georgia where he won a league title with Dinamo Tbilisi, and is now a regular for le Mans in France's top division.


  • 华沙莱吉亚队堪称波兰成功足球俱乐部之一,曾夺得9个国内联赛冠军创纪录13个波兰杯桂冠

    Legia is one of the most successful Polish football clubs in history, winning a total of 9 league championships and a record 13 Polish Cups.


  • 2008年六月率领波尔图连续第二次夺得联赛冠军俱乐部史上第三连续获得冠军的记录仍继续。

    In June 2008, he won his second consecutive league title with Porto, the club's third in a row.


  • 阿森纳拿到两次联赛冠军也打冠比赛,树死,人挪活,换了哪一个顶级球员都会这样选择。

    He won the league twice at Arsenal and got to play in the Champions league. Top players move on so they can do these sorts of things.


  • 认为你们所说结果就反应支队伍的差距联赛冠军的争夺并不今天结束,我们还有很多工作

    I don't think you can say the result reflects the difference between the two teams and the championship isn't over today and there is still a lot for us to play for in this league.


  • 罗马体育报》报道联赛冠军国际米兰考虑夏季转会窗口向想要离开曼城的锋线杀手---“野兽”特维斯发起攻势。

    According to a report in Corriere dello Sport, Champions League holders Inter are considering making a move for wantaway Manchester City attacker Carlos Tevez in the summer transfer window.


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