• 特别是欧洲议会组织“鳄鱼集团”,推动欧洲议会制定在1984年通过《欧洲联盟条约草案》,设计了一个联邦式欧洲联盟的框架。

    His and his crocodile clubs efforts and activities in this regard played a key part in the making of the Draft Treaty establishing the European Union, which the European Parliament adopted in 1984.


  • 人们认为经济健康标准附近而且符合通常被忽略为了管理欧洲债务签署的《欧洲联盟条约》(即《马斯特里赫特条约》)制定比例

    This is around the level considered healthy and is also the ratio set by the widely ignored Maastricht agreement, which is meant to govern debt in the European Union.


  • 1991年欧洲峰会荷兰马斯特里赫特举行同时实现经济货币联盟计划写入新的欧盟条约,但是稍后有待于成员国批准

    Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.


  • 根据欧元条约”,各国可以进行经济财政政策尝试以更好应对货币联盟中的困难,例如增加工资灵活性

    Under a "pact for the euro" there will be economic and fiscal workouts that will allow countries to cope better with the rigours of monetary union-including, for example, greater wage flexibility.


  • 默克尔萨科齐称(如果太过麻烦的话他们可以不触及里斯本条约,在欧元区17之间达成(财政联盟协议

    Merkel and Sarkozy said they could bypass that problem by leaving the Lisbon treaty intact and cutting a separate deal among the 17 eurozone countries.


  • 1992年《马斯特里赫特条约签署欧洲共同体转变为欧洲联盟,同时发行欧元铺平道路。

    The Maastricht treaty is signed turning the European Community into the European Union and paving the way for the euro.


  • 英国通过条约建立了联盟(今天北约概念没有什么不同)以保证英国插手所有欧洲主要争端

    Britain built coalitions (not dissimilar in concept to today's NATO) guaranteeing British participation in all major European conflicts.


  • 倘若该条约未获批准,那么我们伊朗施加压力而建立联盟以及阿富汗驻军路经俄国捷运路线置于危险境地

    Without ratification, we put at risk the coalition that we have built to put pressure on Iran, and the transit route through Russia that we use to equip our troops in Afghanistan.


  • 他说:“批准这份条约我们就是我们建立起来联盟置于危险境地。 有联盟,我们加强了伊朗压力我们还可以在俄罗斯过境,为驻阿富汗美军运送装备。

    Without ratification, we put at risk the coalition that we have built to put pressure on Iran, and the transit routes through Russia that we use to equip our troops in Afghanistan.


  • 幅绘1919年的漫画中,一战过后山姆大叔忙于国际联盟事务和平条约麻烦重新燃起的时候,不得不中断

    In this 1919 cartoon, Uncle Sam, busy working on the League of Nations and peace treaties after WWI, has to break off as trouble flares again.


  • 如同其它任何条约一样,《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》规定了缔约方,也正式加入该公约各国(以及欧洲联盟)的法律义务

    As with any other treaty, the WHO FCTC confers legal obligations on its Parties - that is, on the countries (and the European Union) that have formally acceded to it.


  • 一些对于全球化来说至关重要环节仍然严重阻塞飞机旅行受制于双边条约海上运输业也被一些卡特尔式的企业联盟所垄断。

    Some of the most vital arteries of globalisation are badly clogged: air travel is restricted by bilateral treaties and ocean shipping is dominated by cartels.


  • 马斯特里赫特条约批准让1999年资格国内实行欧洲货币联盟的到来势不可挡地进入了倒计时

    The ratification of the Maastricht Treaty also started an irrevocable countdown toward implementation of EMU among qualifying countries by 1999.


  • 同时条约欧盟这个全球最大经济联合体提出了许多重大问题,如:欧洲成为国家联盟”是否已不可避免?

    It also poses serious questions about the world's biggest economy. Is Europe evolving inexorably into a federation of states?


  • 19世纪英帝国一些国家之间签订条约成立关税联盟

    In the 19th century, Germany, Austria, Britain signed a treaty between the countries, the establishment of a customs union.


  • 这样看来参议院赞成批准条约参加国际联盟议员,相当大地超过必需三分之二

    Thus considerably more than the necessary two thirds in the Senate favored ratification of the Treaty and membership in the League.


  • 国际劳工组织凡尔赛作为一个联盟的联合代理机构条约下面建立

    The International Labour Organization was also created under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the League.


  • 你们看一看这些数据,便会发觉中国实际上符合实施欧洲货币联盟马城条约》的所有规定

    Indeed, if you look at these figures, China also meets all the Maastricht criteria which have been laid down for introduction of European monetary union.


  • 你们看一看这些数据,便会发觉中国实际上符合实施欧洲货币联盟马城条约》的所有规定。

    Indeed, if you look at these figures, China also meets all the Maastricht criteria which have been laid down for the introduction of European monetary union.


  • 1488年,英国西班牙首次协商讨论两国婚姻联盟。1489年签订《麦地尔德凯姆条约两国的进一步谈判打下基础

    In 1488, the project for an Anglo-Spanish matrimonial alliance was first mooted, and the Treaty of Medina del Campo in 1489 set up a basis for further negotiations with Spain.


  • 根据欧元条约”,各国可以进行经济财政政策尝试以更好应对货币联盟中的困难,例如增加工资灵活性

    Under a "pact for the euro" there will be economic and fiscal workouts that will allow countries to cope better with the rigours of monetary union—including, for example, greater wage flexibility.


  • 不过相关条约要求理由必须基于规定联盟向成员国发出指令

    However, the related treaties requires regulations and directives to state the reasons on which they are based.


  • 美国职业橄榄球联盟明星迈克尔·威克已联邦法庭递交了诉讼条约

    NFL (National Football League) star Michael Vick has filed his plea agreement with a federal court.


  • 与其苦可能从不会实现国际条约联盟方式一个达成必要资源转移的好方法。

    But a coalition approach would be an excellent way to move forward on the necessary transfer of resources without waiting for an international agreement that may never come.


  • 美国任命了一位特殊使节出使东南亚国家联盟雅加达签署了东南亚国家联盟和睦协作条约并且已经参与东南亚国家联盟地区论坛,关于的安全讨论

    The United States appointed a special envoy to ASEAN, based in Jakarta, signed the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Co-operation, and has taken part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, a security talking-shop.


  • 美国任命了一位特殊使节出使东南亚国家联盟雅加达签署了东南亚国家联盟和睦协作条约并且已经参与东南亚国家联盟地区论坛,关于的安全讨论

    The United States appointed a special envoy to ASEAN, based in Jakarta, signed the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Co-operation, and has taken part in the ASEAN Regional Forum, a security talking-shop.


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