• 所有歌迷他们美貌而尖叫不已。

    All of their fans were screaming of their charming appearances.


  • 厉害而尖叫-以为我会的。

    I was screaming so much from the pain - I thought I was going to die.


  • 当然有。当时正在上班办公室一些同事觉得头昏尖叫

    Sure. I was at work. Some of the women in the office felt dizzy and screamed.


  • 冷却塔外部画上雪山壁画同时在里面过山车公园旅客们因兴奋尖叫

    The outside of the cooling tower was painted with a cheery mountain mural while inside, a swing ride keeps park visitors happily screaming.


  • 情况一点点快乐,但却充满了悲惨一个人们不会而尖叫的情况。

    This case is every bit seraphic and every bit is tragic, it's a case that people not to be screaming about that.


  • 孩子他们也可能你一同看到宝宝夭折看到仓鼠因为宝宝难产尖叫

    Even if the kiddies are present, they may get a chance to see the birth of a stillborn or watch the female scream and writhe in pain attempting to deliver a baby which is too large.


  • 尖叫愤怒痛苦扭曲了

    She screamed, her face distorted with fury and pain.


  • 一个实验里,他们房间一只兔子黑猩猩不停地拍杠杆兔子得上跳下窜,大声尖叫

    In another experiment, they put a rabbit in the other room and the chimpanzee would slap the lever repeatedly to make the rabbit scream in pain and jump.


  • 他们世界上慷慨福利制度下养育,要求放弃一些玩具时,他们就像被宠坏孩子一样尖叫

    Nannied by the world's most generous welfare systems, they squeal like spoiled children when asked to give up a few of their toys.


  • 朋友一起出门为了看看另外一地区的,遇到这个我们惊喜地尖叫的场景。

    I was out with my friend to go see another area that was flooded when we came across this and both of us screamed with delight.


  • 生活病院会使这种裂口更大迟早内在声音察觉紧闭的心灵尖叫”;某人知道何为绝望孤独害怕

    Living in an institution only made this gap grow greater and, in time, an internal voice would "scream" for recognition and closeness; someone to understand the despair, the aloneness, the fear.


  • 海蒂呢尖叫了。

    And Hattie, she screamed too.


  • 这种难以琢磨生物极少被人见过但是经常邪恶的令人生畏尖叫闻名。

    This elusive creature is rarely seen, but is often heard in the form of its infamous, blood-curdling screams.


  • 朋友布鲁克林大桥求婚女友因为过兴奋高声尖叫,引来了很多游客,都以为这个女孩儿被一个流氓骚扰

    A friend of mine proposed on the Brooklyn Bridge and his girlfriend shrieked with joy and some tourist geek approached, thinking she was being mugged.


  • 我们起积木不是尖叫或者地上打滚的时候并不反抗

    'he doesn't overreact if we ask him to pick up Legos, rather than screaming and throwing himself on the floor.


  • Genovese个住皇后大街的年轻姑娘,她在公寓前被刺没有一个人出来看看尖叫的原因。

    Genovese was a young woman in Queens who was stabbed to death outside an apartment house none of whose residents came downstairs to see what the screaming was about.


  • 来拴在树上大象每当有人走近它就会向前猛冲发出尖叫,甚至一连几于都由于愤怒恐惧拒绝进食

    The captive elephant, still roped to a tree, plunges and screams every time a man approaches, and for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear.


  • 如果丛林中与熊遭遇尽量不要惊慌失措失声尖叫,更不要转身

    IF you meet a bear in the woods, try not to panic or scream; on no account should you turn your back and run.


  • 男孩足球受到非常痛苦的伤害时,也许会地上尖叫但是怒目教练会大吼,“起来

    When a boy is playing football and suffers a really painful injury he might fall to the ground screaming, but a wild-eyed coach shouts, 'Get up!


  • 按了。”茱莉尖叫了一声,好像有人抓住了烧坏毛衣茱莉亚立刻下了毛衣,教学楼打开办公室

    "I did!" Julia shrieked as someone grabbed her sweater, which was already burnt and toasted so she quickly slid it off and ran through the school, unlocking the office doors.


  • Genovese个住皇后大街的年轻姑娘,她在间公寓前被刺没有一个出来看看尖叫的原因。

    Genovese was a young woman in Queens who was stabbed to death outside an apartment house, none of whose residents came downstairs to see what the screaming was about.


  • 总之,我就是不可控制地尖叫起来,就像是青春期少女和全校受欢迎帅哥约会前,突然发现脸上了颗痘痘发出的长时间、充满恐惧声嘶力竭尖叫

    "But, it began: that long, and fearful, abandoned teenage girl who had a 27 pimple come up right before her date with the most popular boy in school type of SCREAM!"


  • 邻居们表示,这户住2家庭有时会凌晨两点开始祈祷,发出尖叫歌唱声,居住在15住户听到他们的声音。

    Neighbors told Bild the screams and singing that are part of the family prayers in the second storey sometimes begin at 2:30 a.m. and can be heard all the way up to the fifth floor.


  • 研究显示,四分之三父母会因家中幼童青少年错误或惹他们生气吼叫尖叫大喊平均每月次。

    Three out of four parents yell, scream or shout at their children or teens about once a month, on average, for misbehaving or making them angry, research shows.


  • 歇斯底里尖叫……女儿被几步母亲吓坏了,开始哭起来

    I, 28 hysterical... and the daughter, in fear of her 'mother "several feet away, began crying too."


  • 风化木板的重压下粉碎片,伊西拉发出一声尖叫

    The weathered planks splintered beneath the impact, and Ysilla let out a shriek.


  • 像是一位大声尖叫孩子仅仅因为被忽视叫唤声更大。

    It is like a screaming child that just keeps getting louder when ignored.


  • 像是一位大声尖叫孩子仅仅因为被忽视叫唤声更大。

    It is like a screaming child that just keeps getting louder when ignored.


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