• 乌云散去和平明净回归

    The dark clouds will dissolve and peace and clarity will return.


  • 而和平安宁的布基纳法索如今已比布隆迪富裕2.5

    Placid Burkina Faso is now two-and-a-half times richer.


  • 我们携手努力,建设繁荣和平俄罗斯以及整个世界。

    We will work together to build a prosperous and peaceful future for Russia and for the world as a whole.


  • 这场结束之后我们获得胜利和平科技大地上流淌

    When the battle is finished, We will be victorious and the technology of peace will flow across the land.


  • 我们许多原始能量违反和平方式呈现而和平必然包括所有这些甚至超越这些

    Peace necessarily includes, even as it transcends, all of our primal energy, much of which has been expressed in ways that contradict peace.


  • 使情况阿拉伯国家伊朗威胁的顾虑,使他们和平进程冷眼相待而和平进程本来是可以通过他们合作得以推进的。

    Further weighing down the effort is the Arab states' preoccupation with the Iranian threat, which leaves them largely indifferent to a peace process that could be facilitated by their cooperation.


  • 除非以色列开始令人信服的行动,至少停止建立新的定居点巴勒斯坦狂热分子蓬勃发展和平缔造者将会重新陷入沉默。

    Unless it starts doing that convincingly, at a minimum by freezing new settlement, it is Palestine's zealots who will flourish and its peacemakers who will fall back into silence.


  • 在有节制、有组织、有技艺体力较量产生,使全世界青年学会相互尊重学习,使不同民族特质成为高尚和平竞争的动力。

    Through you the young of all the world learn to respect one another, and thus the diversity of national traits becomes a source of generous and peaceful emulation.


  • 那些开幕辞听起来宣战书不是和平倡议。

    The opening speeches sounded more like declarations of war than offerings of peace.


  • 英勇士兵为了恢复和平牺牲了他们生命

    The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again.


  • 其他叛军领袖政府代表参加的和平谈判上周未能达成协议破裂不久之后恢复

    Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly.


  • 和平时期我们可以减少国防开支并不引起风险增加。

    We could afford to reduce defence spending in peacetime without excessive risk.


  • 一个神圣和平之地可能粗糙的,人类明显需求不是动物明显的避难所需求。

    A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.


  • 了维持和平或安全说谎可以产生积极的结果。

    Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have positive results.


  • 接受以色列电视台关于这位泰国工人致死报道,并且计划继续致力于和平工作。

    She was interviewed about the death of the Thai worker on Israeli TV and she plans to continue to work for peace.


  • 但是这些不论是苏联人还是美国,都为了和平工作一起他们甚至合力建造了这座展览馆

    But these men, Soviet and American, work together well for peace, even as they have worked together in building this Exhibition.


  • 例如我们特定的内容(比如世界和平减少贫困)进行代码缓存时,我们需要使用清单8中的代码。

    For example, when we cache the code for a cause such as world peace or poverty alleviation, we use the code in Listing 8.


  • 勒·格姆说:“认为我们可以一起来和平努力,尤其是在有关尔富尔问题。”

    "I think we can do, together, something for peace, especially regarding the issue of Darfur," said Abdel-Rahman Shalgam.


  • 但是2005年阿巴斯因提出以色列达成协商和平以来这个组织很大程度上没有开展什么活动

    But the group has been largely inactive since 2005, when Mr. Abbas was elected on a platform of reaching a negotiated peace with Israel.


  • 红色蓝色当然代表美国的其它颜色蓝色显示稳定和平红色显示热情精力

    The red and blue are of course the other USA colors, but the blue shows stability and peace, while the red shows passion and energy.


  • 经过深思熟虑进行崇高个人工作和平选择共同目标

    We are thoughtful and noble individuals working together in peace and by choice for a common goal.


  • 这些云层知道海滩没有什么如果它们机会,也许它们世界和平努力工作

    These clouds know nothing of beaches but would work for world peace if given the chance.


  • 呼吁所有美国人共同缅怀我们能够自由生活献身男女志士,我们这个世界上实现公正永久和平努力奋斗。

    I call on all Americans to come together to honor the men and women who gave their lives so that we may live free, and to strive for a just and lasting peace in our world.


  • 德黑兰方面坚称浓缩活动是以和平目的的,西方国家指控德黑兰方面正在探索核武器。

    Tehran maintains that its uranium enrichment programme is for peaceful civilian purposes, while Western nations have accused Tehran of seeking to develop an atomic weapon.


  • 美国决心在全中东地区为实现全面和平努力

    The United States is fully committed to working toward comprehensive peace throughout the Middle East.


  • 印度宣布和平目的进行的核爆实验之前供应已经禁止了三十年。

    Uranium supplies were banned three decades ago, after India test-detonated nuclear bombs "for peaceful purposes."


  • 印度宣布和平目的进行的核爆实验之前供应已经禁止了三十年。

    Uranium supplies were banned three decades ago, after India test-detonated nuclear bombs "for peaceful purposes."


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