• 奥巴马可能令人鼓舞克林顿现在就已经受到鼓舞

    Obama may be inspirational, but Clinton is now inspired.


  • 克林顿则靠着这些年来的全球巡回演讲,自己基金会捞取了大量资本。

    Mr Clinton has made millions for both himself and his foundation from the global lecture-and-advice circuit.


  • 克林顿夫人这一区域访问暗示美国关心他们在波斯尼亚的利益。

    Yet Mrs Clinton's visit to the region suggests that the US does consider itself to have a stake in Bosnia.


  • 希拉里告诉克林顿至少也是生活的一部分,而克林顿自己记得了

    At least, that's what his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, told him. The former President himself doesn't remember.


  • 克林顿因为加利福尼亚德克萨斯人口众多的大获胜,她赢得了更多选民的投票。

    New York Senator Hillary Clinton has won more votes overall - with primary victories in such populous states as California and Texas.


  • Obama先生在线通过众多捐款人得巨款克林顿女士也通过她标志性竞选方略得到了广泛宣传

    Mr Obama’s success at raising more money online, from a larger number of donors, than Mrs Clinton has been widely touted as a sign of his campaign’s greater verve.


  • 克林顿雕像甚至镀上了金,好似教堂里天使或者很久之前阿尔巴尼亚首府地拉那的恩维尔·霍查镀金雕像。

    In Clinton's case, the statue is even gilded, as an angel in a church or Enver Hoxha, who also had a gilded statue in Tirana, a long time ago.


  • 奥巴马选民应该更加信任不是克林顿能够结束这场战争,因为一开始就反对战争而克林顿则在最初支持战争。

    Obama said voters should trust him more than Clinton to bring the war to a close since he opposed it from the beginning, while Clinton initially supported it.


  • 希拉里·克林顿开始作为美国国务卿第一次国外访问,目的地是日本印度尼西亚中国韩国

    Hillary Clinton embarked on her first tour abroad as America's secretary of state, visiting Japan, Indonesia, China and South Korea.


  • 另一方面克林顿希望自己针对巴马的攻势,批评奥巴马缺乏经验,挫败奥巴马的锐气自己重新领先。

    Clinton, on the other hand, hopes her attacks on what she describes as Obama's inexperience will blunt his drive and give her a chance to regain momentum.


  • 克林顿夫妇正在件不可能事,即使2008年的选举成为他们全民公投,不是对共和党人的。

    The Clintons are in the process of doing the impossible: making the 2008 election a referendum on them, rather than on the Republicans.


  • 相比从前瘦的比尔·克林顿因为谈论自己这个引起轰动,切尔西所有朋友这个,至少,他们婚礼上是这么了。

    A slimmer Bill Clinton made news for talking about doing it, and all Chelsea's friends do it — at least they did on her wedding day.


  • 告诉知道,实际上两地相距大段因为克林顿镇在克拉荷马西边费德瑞克在西南150英里

    I didn't know, I told him. It was quite a ways, since Clinton is west of Oklahoma City and Frederick is about 150 miles southwest.


  • 女性认为巴马得到了媒体公平对待认为希拉里·克林顿受到了媒体公平对待仅有48莎拉·佩琳仅有29。

    While women thought that Barack Obama and Joe Biden received fair media treatment, only 48% thought Hillary Clinton did and only 29% believed Sarah Palin was treated fairly.


  • 罗纳德·里根比尔·克林顿分别处理“伊朗门”和莫尼卡·莱温斯基所带来的后果

    Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton had to deal with the fallout from Iran-Contra and Monica Lewinsky respectively.


  • 1994年,希拉里•克林顿曾因大幅修改美国医疗规则惨遭失败派人士对段历史仍记忆犹新,心存余悸。

    Both sides are cowed by the memory of Hillary Clinton's disastrous failure to rewrite the rules of American medicine in 1994.


  • 同时,白宫也因克林顿国外偶尔言行不当所表现反常的缺乏原则困惑不已。

    And the White House is perplexed by the uncharacteristic lack of discipline indicated by Clinton's occasional overseas gaffes.


  • 某个良辰吉日,克林顿女士致电欧洲此时接听电话正是什顿女士。

    On a good day, when Mrs Clinton calls Europe, she will then find Lady Ashton at the other end of the line.


  • 克林顿夫人试图解决俄亥俄宾夕法尼亚州巨额的开销导致的财政斥资问题,但目前收效甚微。

    The races in which he tried to overcome a deficit with Mrs Clinton through big spending (Ohio, Pennsylvania) he failed to turn around.


  • 但是克林顿妻子变成阿肯色州人,奥巴马则将自己根植他妻子的地盘上,这是他们不同之处之一。

    But unlike Bill Clinton, who turned his wife into an unlikely Arkansan, Obama planted himself on his wife's turf.


  • 竞选结束后克林顿夫妇又时间经常见面了。

    But when the campaign ended, the Clintons finally had time to meet up every once in a while.


  • 但是克林顿一直一端什么并不清楚,奥巴马对“地基的建筑是什么也不清楚

    But Clinton was always vague about what the land on the other side of that bridge was going to look like, and Obama is vague about what edifice is going to go on top of that foundation.


  • 即便赢得提名,民调显示将以10多个百分点之差败给希拉里·克林顿掉这场竞选。

    Were he somehow to win it, polls show him losing to Hillary Clinton by more than ten points.


  • 密西西比州对投票后选民的调查显示非洲美国人中90%以上的人巴马的票。白人选民中70%支持克林顿

    Exit polls in Mississippi indicate that more than nine-in-10 African Americans voted for Senator Obama, while seven-in-10 white voters backed Senator Clinton.


  • 切尔西克林顿即将步入婚姻,各种猜测都聚焦于她纽约Rhinebeck的财产,在聚光灯下她过着怎么样的生活,切尔西似乎非常冷静沉着。

    As for Chelsea Clinton, her wedding is imminent. Speculation focuses on an estate in Rhinebeck, New York.


  • 希拉里·克林顿曾经因丈夫行政期间工作严重批评,然后来自己则成为一名睿智的当选政客,其中的一些可能经过授权的。

    Hillary Clinton was heavily criticised for her work in her husband's administration, and while she has turned out to be a brilliant elected politician, some of that was probably warranted.


  • 可能毁掉克林顿俄亥俄州卷土重来希望该州目前正深受房地产危机工业衰退的影响。

    That could jeopardise her hopes of making a comeback in Ohio, which has been badly hit by the housing crisis and industrial decline.


  • 但是克林顿夫人认为双方对话过多集中经济没有更多讨论战略问题,这样提议会给中国决策者带来焦虑与不安

    But Mrs Clinton's suggestion that dialogue has been too centred on the economic at the expense of the strategic gives Chinese policymakers the jitters.


  • 但是克林顿夫人认为双方对话过多集中经济没有更多讨论战略问题,这样提议会给中国决策者带来焦虑与不安

    But Mrs Clinton's suggestion that dialogue has been too centred on the economic at the expense of the strategic gives Chinese policymakers the jitters.


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